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Everything I Know: 42 Hours of Buckminster Fuller’s Visionary Lectures Free Online (1975)

Everything I Know: 42 Hours of Buckminster Fuller’s Visionary Lectures Free Online (1975)
Think of the name Buckminster Fuller, and you may think of a few oddities of mid-twentieth-century design for living: the Dymaxion House, the Dymaxion Car, the geodesic dome. But these artifacts represent only a small fragment of Fuller's life and work as a self-styled "comprehensive anticipatory design scientist." In his decades-long project of developing and furthering his worldview — an elaborate humanitarian framework involving resource conservation, applied geometry, and neologisms like "tensegrity," "ephemeralization," and "omni-interaccommodative" — the man wrote over 30 books, registered 28 United States patents, and kept a diary documenting his every fifteen minutes. In January 1975, Fuller sat down to deliver the twelve lectures that make up Everything I Know, all captured on video and enhanced with the most exciting bluescreen technology of the day. Parts 1-12 on the Internet Archive: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Parts 1-6 on YouTube: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Related Content: Related:  Domos 3

In New York City, a Vibrant Green Space Emerges...Underground Many New Yorkers will tell you they can’t imagine life without the city’s most coveted green space, The High Line. Built in the 1930s, as part of a massive public-private infrastructure project called the West Side Improvement, the track (now a pathway) was designed to lift freight traffic 30 feet in the air, removing dangerous trains from the streets of Manhattan’s largest industrial district. Now used as an elevated public park, the city anxiously awaits the birth of an underground sibling, the Lowline. The Lowline site was entirely unaffected by the storm (Sandy), and has proven to be incredibly resilient over the last six decades of neglect. Lowline cofounders James Ramsey and Daniel Barasch asked themselves where they could build a new green space for an overcrowded New York City. The terminal was in service until 1948, when streetcar service was discontinued, and has not been used ever since. Daniel Barasch: We believe the Lowline is hitting a cultural nerve for a few reasons.

A Map Of Your Favorite Fictional Places, From Oz To Loompaland We nerds all know that Tatooine was in a galaxy far, far away. But if you wanted to visit its filmed location on planet Earth, where would you go? What if you wanted to see where the Oompa Loompas supposedly toiled before Willy Wonka entered their lives, or plan a scuba diving trip to find Spongebob Squarepants? Here to aid in your travels to fantasy lands from your favorite movies are Will Samari, Ray Yamartino, and Rafaan Anvari of Wondernode. Some of these locations are actually highly visitable, such as Star Wars’ Forest Moon of Endor, home to many an Ewok, filmed in the Redwood National Park of Crescent City, California. [Image: Willy Wonka and Oompa Loopas]

Мир куполов ( • Просмотр темы - Гостевой дом-баня в Вологодской области Немного об отоплении. Глубокой зимой, когда еще не все слои «стенового пирога» были на месте, весь объем обогревался вот этими двумя малышками-вентиляторами. Вложение: New_2015-01-13-340.jpg [ 47.27 Кб | Просмотров: 8878 ] Даже от них наверху было так тепло, что можно ходить в футболке. IMG_2258.jpg [ 56.49 Кб | Просмотров: 8878 ] IMG_2263.jpg [ 88.44 Кб | Просмотров: 8878 ] Пара слов по поводу торцовки Метабо KGS 315 Plus. 2015-06-22-1775.jpg [ 175.59 Кб | Просмотров: 8878 ] Периодически чистили диск от налипшей смолы, после чистки рез становился снова идеально ровным, запасной диск за полгода работы покупать не пришлось.

What’s Annoying the North Koreans? Relations between the United States and North Korea have reached a nadir, and in most Western media reports it is the seemingly irrational harsh rhetoric emanating from North Korea that is to blame. Inexplicably, we are told, North Korea has chosen to raise tensions. What is missing from this image of hostile North Korean behavior and blameless American victimhood is context. One does not have to look very far back in time to discern what is troubling the North Koreans. The first step on the path to worsened relations came in October 2012, when the United States granted South Korea an exemption under the Missile Control Technology Regime, permitting it to extend the range of its ballistic missiles so that they could cover the entire territory of the DPRK. i As a result, there was one set of terms that applied to every nation which had joined the treaty, and a different set applying only to South Korea, clearly for the purpose of targeting its neighbor to the north.

A map of Bay Area memespace The main reason we picked the Bay Area as a home for the Center for Applied Rationality was simply because that's where our initial fiscal sponsor, MIRI, was located. Yet as I’ve gotten to know this region better in the year and a half since then, I’ve been struck by how good the fit has turned out to be. The Bay Area is unusually dense with idea-driven subcultures that mix and cross-pollinate in fascinating ways, many of which are already enriching rationalist culture. This map is my attempt at illustrating that landscape of subcultures, and at situating the rationalist community within it. (Click to enlarge) Note that although many of these memes are widely influential, I only drew an arrow connecting a meme to a group if the meme was one of the defining features of the group. Below, I expand on the map with a quick tour through the landscape of Bay Area memes and subcultures. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Bay Area society puts a high value on helping the world. 9.

March 2011 Here is a motorized drinking bear automaton believed to be produced around 1932 by the Decamps firm. The bear measures about 14 inches tall, and is somewhat atypical in that it has white fur rather than brown or black. The bear sure looks like it is drinking, but in reality, there is hole in the the bottom of the cup. From the eBay description of this drinking bear: The Decamps electric Dinking Bear is a fun automaton and one of a very few that uses water. Here is the full ebay listing with many photographs and a lengthy description of this vintage motorized drinking bear automaton Labels: animals, drinking, France, motion, Roullet et Decamps, vintage, water

You Are What You Like: What Your Facebook Activity Says About You : Science Sushi Facebook gleefully reported earlier this week that their privacy practices are “A-Ok”, in response to the growing federal concerns that the company leaks too much personal information. While it’s all well and good that they are legally in bounds, users still worry about just how much is shared via the popular social networking site. After all, just what does your Facebook activity say about who you are? A lot, actually. Michael Kosinski and his colleagues from UC Berkley recently investigated just how much Facebook activity reveals about a person. They wanted to know if a user’s age, gender, sexual orientation, or political beliefs could be inferred from their “likes”, even if such personal details were not provided. Prediction accuracy of simple traits, according to Kosinski et al. 2012 The algorithm they created could predict race and gender with over 90% accuracy. From the pages you like, the computer could predict whether you drink, smoke, or use drugs with more than 60% accuracy.

50 Awesome Quotes on Possibility 4. "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd." - Miguel de Cervantes 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Idea Champions Greenhouse anyone? solar green house I hope I don't come off as Mister Knowitall , but I think all green houses are solar.I think what you are after is a way to keep the heat after the sun warms everything up. What you want to look at are things like aquaponic (fish-tanks) as thermal storage, very few well thought out and precisely placed windows, if you are in the southwest USA like us, you'll not need a transparent roof, too much heat loss through the roof, insulate the crap out of the roof and get the windows where they will get gentle morning sun, not so much of the long wave radiation from afternoon sunOn the other hand you can do like I did and use the home for the night-time heat source I employed recycled glass, yes that is a shower door Many people say forget wood, even painted it'll rot too quickly. BTW these sliding-glass doors I used for windows are often free and readily available, but remember something I forgot, they are big, awkward and heavy, no doubt the culprits which caused my sciatica

EndCiv Windows, Mac, Linux, Web, Mobile, iPad, AndroidTab game by Eyello on Apr 1st, 2014 There has been a lot of progress behind the scenes for the last few weeks. The Art pipeline is set and consists of two concept artists and one 3D artist. You can view their work here:Michail - ConceptArtLorena - ConceptArtOzren - 3D Artist Follow us at the Crowblog.Recent Updates:People management enhancedExtending energy systemImplementing Citizens A terrain system has been created with which it is possible to modify the environment by data such as humidity. Also the terrain supports variable sea levels automatically. And here is an image of an environment test with canyon like rocks.
