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Video and Podcasts: Events by Category

Video and Podcasts: Events by Category
Kevin E. Healy The Graduate Group Introductory Seminar - An introduction to research in bioengineering including specific case studies and organization of this rapidly expanding and diverse field. Gary L. General Biology Lecture - General introduction to cell structure and function, molecular and organismal genetics, animal development, form and function. Michael Meighan General Biology Laboratory - Laboratory that accompanies 1A lecture course. Alan Shabel, George Roderick, Lewis J Feldman General introduction to plant development, form, and function; population genetics, ecology, and evolution. Daniel Garcia The Beauty and Joy of Computing - An introduction to the beauty and joy of computing. John Kubiatowicz Operating Systems and System Programming - Basic concepts of operating systems and system programming. Armando Fox Software Engineering - Ideas and techniques for designing, developing, and modifying large software systems. Prasad Raghavendra, Christos H Papadimitriou Joseph Hellerstein

Free video lectures,Free Animations, Free Lecture Notes, Free Online Tests, Free Lecture Presentations Tufts Open Courses Producing Films for Social Change This is an intensive, hands-on editorial and production course in which students pitch their ideas and then research, report, produce, shoot, write, and edit their own short documentary films on social issues affecting the local community, the U.S., or the world. Readings and discussions focus on current news, media ethics, media literacy, the declining credibility of the press, journalists' responsibilities to the public, social justice issues, First Amendment principles, corporate media ownership, media images of women and people of color, and the powerful role of media (TV news, documentaries, new media, digital storytelling) as tools for civic engagement and positive social change.

10+ New Stanford's Open Classes for Spring 2012 This has to be one of the biggest breakthroughs in academia. After a pretty much successful semster of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Introduction to Databases, Stanford seems to take this idea of open classes to the next level. This time its not only the computer science courses, but they have added 2 Entrepreneurship courses. Computer Science 101 by Nick Pa Software Engineering for Software as a Service (SAAS) by Armando Fox and David Patterson Game Theory by Matthew O. Natural Language processing by Dan Jurafsky and Christopher M Probabilistic Graphical Models by Daphne Human-Computer interfaces by Scott K Machine Learning by Andrew Technology Entrepreneurship by Chuck The Lean Launchpad by Steve Update [23th November 2011] Information Theory Anatomy Class

Cursos en línea UNAM ¿Para participar en los cursos marcados como gratuitos, deberé realizar completo el proceso de inscripción? Sí, salvo que no será necesario enviar ningún comprobante de pago, sólo debe realizar el proceso de inscripción completo. ¿Las constancias obtenidas en cursos en línea tiene el mismo valor que las obtenidas en los cursos presenciales que ofrece la Dirección General de Cómputo y de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación? Sí, en ambos casos los conocimientos que se ofrecen son equivalentes no importando que la modalidad sea en línea o presencial. ¿Cómo son las constancias que emiten, físicas o electrónicas? Es una constancia física (impresa) que se hace llegar por diferentes medios, de acuerdo al lugar en donde se ubique y le resulte accesible recibirla. ¿Qué debo hacer si requiero factura por concepto del pago del curso? ¿Por qué se envía la factura hasta el término del curso? Porque se acompaña de la constancia de aprobación del curso, en caso que se obtenga calificación aprobatoria.

free university lectures History of Photography Podcasts Khan Academy Observatorio de la Capacitación El Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2007-2012 sitúa a la capacitación dentro de las estrategias que permitirán arribar a una economía competitiva y generadora de empleos. Porque la capacitación de las personas es un recurso que contribuye al crecimiento de la sociedad y a generar condiciones de bienestar para todos, en este espacio, presentamos un inventario de cursos gratuitos cuyo diseño, respaldado por instituciones de prestigio en el área de la capacitación interactiva, aspira a generar y mejorar las aptitudes, habilidades, conocimientos y actitudes de las personas que buscan empleo o desean mejorar su desempeño productivo. Forman parte de esa oferta de cursos los de otras instituciones públicas y privadas que, en una alianza con el Sistema Nacional e-México de la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes y con el INEA/CONEVyT, han accedido a publicar sus contenidos de la plataforma de cursos virtuales.

100 Free Online Ivy League Courses You Should Take Just for Fun | AdvantageEDU By Alisa Miller Even those without top notch grades can now go to Ivy League schools. With the the availability of open courseware classes coming out of some of the finest schools in America, the range of subjects is astounding. If you have ever wondered about the beginnings of Hip Hop, wanted to learn a new language, would like to create a film for social change, or are interested in learning about robotics while playing with Legos, then these courses are right up your alley. Health and Nutrition From an aging population to autism to creating chemistry in the kitchen, these < ahref=" courses provide interesting perspectives on health and nutrition issues. Health Across the Lifespan: Frameworks, Contexts, and Measurements. Fine Arts From the art of color to theater to music, these courses will expand your knowledge while learning something fun. Composing Your Life: Exploration of Self Through Visual Arts and Writing. Child Development and Psychology
