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Free video lectures,Free Animations, Free Lecture Notes, Free Online Tests, Free Lecture Presentations Khan Academy Homemade Science Lab « The Kitchen Pantry Scientist Homemade science kits are fantastic, inexpensive holiday or birthday gifts. In addition, they’re great places to store loose science items you might already have around the house, like magnets or magnifying glasses. I’ll list how much some of the ingredients/stuff cost me at Target. In a single shopping trip, it’s easy to fill a plastic bin with enough supplies to do a number of science experiments (with a few last-minute additions from around the kitchen, like dish soap and milk.) The other morning, I talked about making your own science kit on Kare11 Sunrise. Pair your kit up with KidScience app for iPhones and iPods, and watch your kid turn your kitchen table into a science lab! I’ll list some “ingredients” for science kits and link directly to the experiments in blue (just click on the experiment name.) Safety goggles, petri dishes,magnets, plastic test tubes, eyedroppers, magnifying glasses, plastic beakers and graduated cylinders are great additions to any kit!

Free Curriculum - PreK - 8 The Easy Peasy All in One Homeschool – I’m working on a complete, online, free curriculum. It is for Pre K through high school. It is everything: reading, language arts, writing, art, music, science, history, math, computer, health/PE, Bible and logic. It has everything laid out. You can do it by course–like just use it for science–or, you can use it for everything. Here is curriculum I have written based on what’s available for free and linked to this site. These are for elementary age through high school, K-12. If you find problems with the links don’t just assume the site doesn’t exist anymore. Language Arts Curriculum updated April 2011 Early American History Curriculum updated April 2011 Earth Science Curriculum April 2011 Geography and Cultures Curriculum June 13, 2011 Though I really want to write out a new curriculum for you guys, I don’t think I’m going to take the time to do it. I like having the focus on America and the world every other year so we’re not too self focused.

Personal Finance Free Course Materials Looking for some resources to teach your teens about personal finance? Check out these sites that provide complete courses and lesson plans. They're all free. Building Your Future Here you can download, in PDF format, a financial literacy curriculum that includes three teacher guides and three accompanying student books covering banking, financing and investing. Personal Finance Resource Book Developed by a business education and math teacher, these lessons are provided through Curriki, an open education resource site. Practical Money Skills A collection of teachers guides, student activities and presentations. National Financial Capability Challenge An educator toolkit consisting of lessons on earning, spending, saving, borrowing, and protecting against risk. Money Management Some basic lessons. For additional resources, click here.

Astronomer's guide to the solar system Dr Marek Kukula, Public Astronomer at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, takes readers on a hitch-hiker's guide to our solar system using this collection of photographs showing the best "tourist" attractions of our solar system. The collection of pictures has been put together as the Royal Observatory launches its 2011 Astronomy Photographer of the Year contest, for pictures captured by humans. For more information on the competition, visit A full-disk extreme ultraviolet image of the Sun taken by the Solar Dynamics Observatory's Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) instrument, showing the temperatures of gases on the solar surface and in the solar atmosphere on March 30, 2010. Red gases are cooler (around 60,000 degrees Celsius), blue and green are warmer (more than 1 million degrees). A solar flare is seen at upper left. Picture: SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / NASA / BARCROFT MEDIA

Plan Your Free Online Education at Lifehacker U: Summer Semester 2013 Monterey Institute for Technology and Education
