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Sacred knowledge of vibration and the power of human emotions

Sacred knowledge of vibration and the power of human emotions

Trillion dollar lawsuit & Bilderberg Trillion dollar lawsuit exposes secret Bilderberg Gold Treaty & funding of extraterrestrial projects Michael E. Salla, MA., Ph.D. © January 18, 2012 A Refreshing Reminder For All About The Real Meaning Of Life This inspirational kinetic typography video of Bill Hicks is a reminder of what life is really is like when we focus on what really matters. We get so caught up in all the bullshit that’s around us that we forget that at the end of the day we all have a choice; our choice is to be happy or sad. I choose happy, because really, life is just one big roller coaster ride for us all. We can be afraid or we can hang on, get through it and enjoy the ride.

Core - The Power of Vibrations “In the beginning was the word.” The Big Bang Theory. What do they each express? The vibration of sound … the primordial sound … the power of vibrations … the life force … the vital spark that shows that living entities are more than a simple collection of chemicals … all this and more. Russian Roswell The History Channel’s UFO Files continues with its theme of worldwide ‘Roswells’, after bringing us Britain’s Roswell, Mexico’s Roswell and Texas’ Roswell. This latest episode tells us all about the Russian Roswell. Kapustin Yar was the former Soviet Union’s most sensitive air base, even exceeding America’s Area 51 for the levels of secrecy that shrouded it. UFO Files claimed that it was to present never-before-seen footage of the base, reconnaissance photos and even a virtual tour of its hidden depths. Kapustin Yar was created as the site for the development of the Soviet Union’s space program after the end of World War II.

Rethink your life Existentialism is a philosophy we should all live by. Pursue your dreams! Create your own destiny, embrace the wonderful gift of life! Health effects caused by noise : Evidence in the literature from the past 25 years Ising H, Kruppa B - Noise Health Traffic noise is the most important source of environmental annoyance. According to the Environmental Expert Council of Germany, severe annoyance persistent over prolonged periods of time is to be regarded as causing distress. Previously, extraaural noise effects were mostly assessed using a paradigm in which the sound level played the major role. On the basis of this paradigm the relatively low sound level of environmental noise was not considered to be a potential danger to health. In contrast to this numerous empirical results have shown long­term noise-induced health risks. Therefore a radical change of attitude - a change of paradigm - is necessary.

Kapustin Yar Kapustin Yar (Russian: Капустин Яр) is a Russian rocket launch and development site in Astrakhan Oblast, between Volgograd and Astrakhan. Known today as Znamensk (Russian: Знаменск), it was established 13 May 1946 and in the beginning used technology, material and scientific support from defeated Germany. Numerous launches of test rockets for the Russian military were carried out at the site, as well as satellite and sounding rocket launches. Open Street Map of the area. The 4th Missile Test Range "Kapustin Yar" was established by a decree of the Soviet Government "On Questions of Jet Propelled Weapons" on 13 May 1946.

The Real You – Alan Watts The Real You – Alan Watts submitted by Razique Who are you really? An amazing lecture given by Alan Watts a British philosopher, writer, and speaker. Effects of 6-10 Hz ELF on Brain Waves Article by David S. Walonick, originally printed in Borderlands (Vol. XLVI, Nos. 3&4, May – August 1990) There is evidence that ELF magnetic waves can affect brain waves. This set of experiments was designed to study the effects of ELF rotating magnetic fields on the brain. An Imperial Strategy For a New World Order - The Origins of World War III by Andrew Gavin Marshall from GlobalResearch Website Part 1 October 16, 2009 Introduction What is a Warrior? What is a Warrior? submitted by Jordan Lejuwaan by @WarriorPoetUS and brought to life by the talent and vision of @Notthisbody For more by Aubrey Marcus visit the Warrior Poet blog: To connect with Not This Body, visit A collaboration of /Aubrey Marcus and /Notthisbody incorporating work by /SamPriceWaldman /GavinKeech /SethHunter /Karmicfix /JuanIrache /TimBorgmannPlexus /DarekNicoletto /Semiconductor /ThorstenFleisch /GrantKayl /AminSadeghvand /AlexanderCleland /EliotSellers /AndreyMouratov /KimPimmel /shlohmo /CherylColan /AndrewFilippone /PageStephenson /footage from The Sagan Series /footage from The Fayman Series /footage from Carl Sagan Tribute Series Music: Hawk Cliff by Enzo Carlino * A special thanks to Jason Silva for inspiring me to enter this genre.

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