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Web 2.0 Applications

Web 2.0 Applications
There are currently a number of email apps for iPhone users to choose form. Some are specific to a certain platform while others will work with multiple email accounts. Some are free and some will cost you. Here is a review for three of the top email apps for iPhone getting some cool buzz lately. Mailbox Mailbox is a free email app that is currently only available to Gmail users but the developers claim that the app will be available for other platforms soon. The focus of the app is to make email quicker and easier to manage.

The Best Online Virtual “Corkboards” (or “Bulletin Boards”) NOTE: First, Wallwisher, the popular virtual “corkboard” or “bulletin board” Web tool changed their name — they’re now known as Padlet (though all their old links using the Wallwisher name work fine). Now, Corkboard.Me, a similar tool, just announced they’re changing their name, too — they are now known as NoteApp. Wallwisher was the first online application that let you easily place virtual post-it notes on a virtual corkboard or bulletin board, and allow you to post text, images, and/or videos on them. This kinds of apps have many uses.

What Is Web 2.0 by Tim O'Reilly 09/30/2005 Oct. 2009: Tim O'Reilly and John Battelle answer the question of "What's next for Web 2.0?" in Web Squared: Web 2.0 Five Years On. The bursting of the dot-com bubble in the fall of 2001 marked a turning point for the web. Many people concluded that the web was overhyped, when in fact bubbles and consequent shakeouts appear to be a common feature of all technological revolutions.

The Best Sites That Show Statistics By Reducing The World & The U.S. To 100 People Reducing statistics to “if _________ were 100 people, then __________” can make them very accessible, engaging, and thought-provoking. For example, there’s the well-known “If Twitter Was 100 People” infographic. There are also several sites that use “gimmick” to illustrate much more important data about the world around us. I thought they might make a useful “The Best…” list for English Language Learners and others. Here are my choices for The Best Sites That Show Statistics By Reducing The World & The U.S.

classroom2dot0 » Social Bookmarking Link to Classroom 2.0 Social Network Discussions Overview Social bookmarking is the habit or practice of saving bookmarks to a web site and “tagging” them with keywords. Social bookmarking sites are a popular way to store, classify, share and search links. Uses of Social Bookmarking in Education Web 2 Map: The Data Layer – Visualizing the Big Players in the Internet Economy As I wrote last month, I’m working with a team of folks to redesign the Web 2 Points of Control map along the lines of this year’s theme: “The Data Frame.” In the past few weeks I’ve been talking to scores of interesting people, including CEOs of data-driven start ups (TrialPay and Corda, for example), academics in the public dataspace, policy folks, and VCs. Along the way I’ve solidified my thinking about how best to visualize the “data layer” we’ll be adding to the map, and I wanted to bounce it off all of you. So here, in my best narrative voice, is what I’m thinking. First, of course, some data.

Best of the web: 19 sites you shouldn't be without Groundbreaking websites are all around us, and if you believed every company that positioned itself as the latest, greatest thing, you'd have an awful lot of bookmarks in your browser. Sites come and sites go, but it's rare that one makes enough of an impact on your life to revolutionise how you use the internet. But occasionally sites come along that offer a genuinely new way of finding, storing or curating stuff on the web. We've put together a list of 20 websites we think could let you use the internet in a way you haven't done before, save you time, make you money and let you enjoy yourself in the process.

Content Curation Vs Content Aggregation: The Basics You might be wondering what content curation and content aggregation actually are. In today’s post, we’re going to explain how you can use these two powerful marketing tactics to improve your social media campaign. Best of all, once you know how to do them, they’ll add lots of great content to your pages. Courtesy of

Rapid turnover in the Web 2.0 space – the best get acquired A review of what had happened to the Web 2.0 poster-children prompted me to review what had happened to the companies featured in my Web 2.0 Landscape dating from May 2007. This was one of the elements of our Web 2.0 Framework which has now been downloaded over 150,000 times. In the diagram below the green circles indicate the companies have been acquired, while a red cross shows the company has joined the dead-pool.

The Best Teacher Resources For “Foldables” “Foldables” are basically 3 D graphic organizers. Graphic organizers are great tools to help English Language Learners (and all students) categorize content in a way to make it more accessible to them (you might also want to check-out Not “The Best,” But “A List” Of Mindmapping, Flow Chart Tools, & Graphic Organizers). I’ve found them particularly helpful in Social Studies classes, but they’re useful in all subjects. ”One-dimensional” graphic organizers are equally useful. Foldables, though, generally provide space for more content and are also good for a change-of-pace.

15 Outstanding Tools to Collect, Organize and Share Your Web Experience If you’re a blogger, journalist, or simply have a desire for more knowledge, you’ve most definitely faced information organization problems. Sometimes being able to access and find information quickly is crucial. Nowadays the web is enormous and it’s a big advantage to have a place where you can store all your bookmarks, pictures and links, access them anytime, anywhere and be able share them quickly. If you’re as lazy as I am you’ve probably got something like a ‘Do it later’ folder in your bookmarks. And then you’re just shoving links there until that list is the length of your screen. Sometimes you’ve got a great idea and you write it down on a notepad, for example. Launching the Web 2.0 Framework [UPDATE:] We have taken the Web 2.0 Framework and applied it to the enterprise in our Implementing Enterprise 2.0 report – You can download Chapter 2 on Web 2.0 and the Enterprise here. Alongside our corporate strategy consulting and research work in the media and technology space, Future Exploration Network has created a Web 2.0 Framework to share openly. Click here or on any of the images below to download the Framework as a pdf (713KB). The intention of the Web 2.0 Framework is to provide a clear, concise view of the nature of Web 2.0, particularly for senior executives or other non-technical people who are trying to grasp the scope of Web 2.0, and the implications and opportunities for their organizations.
