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Game Creation Resources

Game Creation Resources
Graphics, Music, and Other Resources

SLUDGE Adventure Game Engine - Home Developers - Make & Play Online Multiplayer Games - Welcome, Novice Programmer! If you're new to programming, you may be wondering if there's really any chance that you can learn to do it. You'll be happy to know that your chances are pretty good! BYOND has already helped countless people learn the basics of programming, and then helped them to go beyond the basics. (Yes, "BYOND" and "beyond" are pronounced alike.) Your first challenge is simply figuring out where to start. Designer's Guide to Worlds BYOND Alias The Blue Book (HTML) (PDF) Description The dawn of the 21st Century brought with it the dawn of the Blue Book -- in my opinion, the single best resource available to aspiring BYOND programmers. Tips Read the whole thing. Zilal's BYOND Tutorials (ZBT) If you're too impatient to read the whole Blue Book -- or if you've read it and want a second opinion -- you might enjoy the ZBT tutorials. The DM Reference BYOND Forums

Spring RTS Engine JBox2D: A Java Physics Engine Main Page UDK Unreal Developer's Kit | Free Game Engine What is UDK? The Unreal Development Kit is the free edition of Unreal Engine 3 that provides access to the award-winning 3D game engine and professional toolset used in blockbuster video game development, architectural visualization, mobile game development, 3D rendering, digital films and more. Who is it for? Unreal Engine technology is used by game developers, researchers, television studios, machinima directors, artists and students. Note: We recommend folks starting new projects to give Unreal Engine 4 a try!

MonkeyJump – Cocos2d and Box2d tutorial using PhysicsEditor and TexturePacker (part 1) Update 6/26/2013: Updated for Cocos2D 2.X and latest version of Texture Packer and Physics Editor. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to make a game about a monkey having a rough day. He’s just minding his own business, but these crazy objects keep falling from the sky! By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have created a cool physics-enabled game, and learned how using TexturePacker and PhysicsEditor can save you a ton of development time. To go through this tutorial, you should have some basic familiarity with Cocos2d. If you are new to Cocos2d, check out some of the other tutorials on this site first. You will also need a copy of TexturePacker and PhysicsEditor. Before diving into code, it’s best to think about the design of the game first. As you’ve seen, your main character will be a monkey. During the game, items will drop from the top of the screen, and the dropping frequency will increase the longer the game continues. That’s not fair! Getting Started Creating Sprite Sheets Good trace

Box2D tutorials - Joints - overview - iforce2d Last edited: July 14 2013 Chinese version -> 中文 Joints Box2D has a number of 'joints' that can be used to connect two bodies together. These joints can be used to simulate interaction between objects to form hinges, pistons, ropes, wheels, pulleys, vehicles, chains, etc. Learning to use joints effectively helps to create a more engaging and interesting scene. Lets take a quick look at the available joints, then go over their characteristics, then finally we'll make an example using a few of the most commonly used ones. Joints added after v2.1.2: Wheel - the line joint, renamed Rope - a point on each body will be constrained to a maximum distance apart In the source code, the actual joint classes are named like b2RevoluteJoint, b2DistanceJoint, etc. Creating a joint Joints are created in a similar way to bodies and fixtures, in that you setup a 'definition' which is then used to create the joint instance itself. Joint definitions - common settings Joint definitions - specific settings

15 essential mobile game development tools | Game Development Tools & Tech From all-in-one indie dev packages to plug-ins for improving player engagement, we bring you a guide to the best mobile game development tools available [This feature was published in the October 2013 edition of Develop magazine, which is available through your browser and on iPad] You’ve got to be in it to win it. And to win it in today’s market, you’ve got to be on mobile. Global successes such as Candy Crush Saga, Clash of Clans and Puzzle & Dragons have helped push gaming even further into the mainstream. To help you reach these lofty heights, Develop has assembled this all-star guide to app and mobile game development tools. MARMALADEMarmalade SDK is billed as the fastest way to build cross-platform C++ games. In 2013, the firm launched two significant supplements to its flagship SDK, which it feels has helped to serve the needs of Marmalade users better. And a little code goes a long way with Marmalade Quick, an acceleration tool with a fast, flexible and open environment.

