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Feedmyapp - Your Daily Web 2.0 Sites Dose

Feedmyapp - Your Daily Web 2.0 Sites Dose
All the dirt on growing your own veggies and herbs Review posted Mon 30 Dec '13 · 7 comments We are constantly bombarded with facts suggesting that organic and home-grown vegetables are tastier and are better for us than their shop bought equivalents. Certainly, if you've ever grown your own tomatoes and plucked one off the vine to eat for breakfast you will believe it, for sure. If you have spare land and live outside the city it may be possible to create a vegetable garden to supply you with the food that you need but it's not quite so easy if you live in a high rise or have a small block in the city. Sprout it is ...

Talking photographs « tefltecher Talking Photos : Fotobabble and Wallwisher This task involves students adding a recorded commentary to a photo using a web service called Fotobabble. Fotobabble is not the only application which allows you to add sound to a photo, but it’s probably the quickest and most user-friendly that I have seen so far. Of course, if what you’re thinking about is more elaborate project work, then Voicethread is probably a better bet. However, if you’re looking for a short visual-based speaking task which you can set up and explain in a couple of minutes, this might be just the answer. For this activity, I’ve decided to make the sharing part really easy too by suggesting the use of Wallwisher, click on the link below to see how this might look.

What Is Web 2.0 by Tim O'Reilly 09/30/2005 Oct. 2009: Tim O'Reilly and John Battelle answer the question of "What's next for Web 2.0?" in Web Squared: Web 2.0 Five Years On. The bursting of the dot-com bubble in the fall of 2001 marked a turning point for the web. Many people concluded that the web was overhyped, when in fact bubbles and consequent shakeouts appear to be a common feature of all technological revolutions. Shakeouts typically mark the point at which an ascendant technology is ready to take its place at center stage.

20 Great Project Management Tools Project Management is often defined as the science of organizing, planning and managing the available resources of a particular organization to successfully complete a project, which aims to meet the organization’s goals and objectives. This type of system will be useful in ensuring the timely and effective output of a project. Furthermore, the implementation of such a system will give you greater productivity in every project. classroom2dot0 » Social Bookmarking Link to Classroom 2.0 Social Network Discussions Overview Social bookmarking is the habit or practice of saving bookmarks to a web site and “tagging” them with keywords. Social bookmarking sites are a popular way to store, classify, share and search links. Uses of Social Bookmarking in Education Network with other educators around the globe who share your interests.Create social bookmark accounts for your school's academic departments.

Web 2 Map: The Data Layer – Visualizing the Big Players in the Internet Economy As I wrote last month, I’m working with a team of folks to redesign the Web 2 Points of Control map along the lines of this year’s theme: “The Data Frame.” In the past few weeks I’ve been talking to scores of interesting people, including CEOs of data-driven start ups (TrialPay and Corda, for example), academics in the public dataspace, policy folks, and VCs. Along the way I’ve solidified my thinking about how best to visualize the “data layer” we’ll be adding to the map, and I wanted to bounce it off all of you. So here, in my best narrative voice, is what I’m thinking. First, of course, some data. On the left hand side are eight major players in the Internet Economy, along with two categories of players who are critical, but who I’ve lumped together – payment players such as Visa, Amex, and Mastercard, and carriers or ISP players such as Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon.

Content Curation Vs Content Aggregation: The Basics You might be wondering what content curation and content aggregation actually are. In today’s post, we’re going to explain how you can use these two powerful marketing tactics to improve your social media campaign. Best of all, once you know how to do them, they’ll add lots of great content to your pages. Courtesy of Content curators scour the internet for valuable content, which they then share with their social communities.

Rapid turnover in the Web 2.0 space – the best get acquired A review of what had happened to the Web 2.0 poster-children prompted me to review what had happened to the companies featured in my Web 2.0 Landscape dating from May 2007. This was one of the elements of our Web 2.0 Framework which has now been downloaded over 150,000 times. In the diagram below the green circles indicate the companies have been acquired, while a red cross shows the company has joined the dead-pool. (This was a quick review so I may have missed things – let me know if so.)

15 Outstanding Tools to Collect, Organize and Share Your Web Experience If you’re a blogger, journalist, or simply have a desire for more knowledge, you’ve most definitely faced information organization problems. Sometimes being able to access and find information quickly is crucial. Nowadays the web is enormous and it’s a big advantage to have a place where you can store all your bookmarks, pictures and links, access them anytime, anywhere and be able share them quickly.
