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- Top 100 Sites of 2011

- Top 100 Sites of 2011
0 Comments November 23, 2011 By: David Kapuler Nov 23 Written by: 11/23/2011 3:54 AM ShareThis The time is finally here for my annual list of favorite sites of the year. Conduit Mobile - Without a doubt the coolest, most innovative site I came across this year. David Kapuler is an educational consultant with more than 10 years of experience working in the K-12 environment. Alert to All Users of the Disqus commenting system: Because of a recent global security issue, the Disqus website recommends that all users change their Disqus passwords.

Fact checking on the internet - 180 Free Technology Tip #39 Technology Tip Number 39 I can't believe it... "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." ~ Winston Churchill With the internet it’s probably possible for a lie to get all the way around the world several times before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. 12 Video Sites That Are Better Than YouTube - StumbleUpon There’s little doubt that YouTube is the go-to video site for many people. In fact, it’s one of the most popular websites in the world. But what if YouTube happens to be inaccessible? Or you simply want more options for viewing videos online? What alternatives are there? Is the Certificate the New College Degree? - Education Going to college is still one of the best ways to set yourself up for success in the workforce, but not every job in the 21st century economy requires a four-year degree. Sometimes a certificate is all you need to get on your desired career path. Indeed, according to a new report from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, certificates are the fastest growing form of postsecondary credential around. In 1980 only 6 percent of Americans earned a certificate, but that’s skyrocketed up to 22 percent, with more than one million of us earning a certificate every year. What’s the appeal? They're less time consuming—54 percent take under a year to earn—and are therefore less expensive than either a bachelor’s or associate’s degree.

9 YouTube Tips and Tricks for Teachers Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates and/or follow me on Twitter. Info on how to contact me is on the About page. Thanks for visiting! YouTube is still the best place to find videos to use in the classroom, despite being blocked in many schools. If your school does allow you to use YouTube there are a few cool tips and tricks to improve your use of YouTube in the classroom. Adding #Pinterest Pins to a Blog Post: A Tutorial & Moana Saves I love Pinterest! I’m the kind of girl who would like to be more creative than I actually am so Pinterest really feeds my inner artist through the various pins people share. It is a social media tool that allows people to add aesthetic value and the gorgeous images of food, crafts, places, spaces and people keep me coming back for more.

8 Ways Anyone Can Learn To Code Their Own Software There’s a lot of talk about hardware, devices, and tools for the classroom. But if we learned anything from yesterday’s WWDC Apple keynote, it’s that software is king. It’s what makes or breaks a new product or device.

The 35 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You 100 Web 2.0 Tools Every Teacher Should Know About 44.24K Views 0 Likes We're always trying to figure out the best tools for teachers, trends in the education technology industry, and generally doing our darnedest to bring you new and exciting ways to enhance the classroom. 12 Unique Email Services You Should Know About & Ijaar - StumbleUpon We all have our regular email accounts on Gmail, Hotmail or any other service of our choice. However, there are times when you don’t want to use your regular email address for one reason or another. For such times, when you need a special type of email, following services can come in very handy to serve your purpose: For all those times when you don’t really want to give out your email address to somebody but you really have to, these disposable email accounts can be very useful. For example, if you want to register for a software but do not want to give your actual email address, you can create a temporary/disposable email account that will expire after sometime. 1.

Spell with flickr Please send me comments, suggestions or questions, I love getting emails about Spell with Flickr - and all my programming projects. It was just a few hours ago that I posted my Goals for 2008 and I'm releasing my first project of the year. HTML5 Website Showcase: 48 Potential Flash-Killing Demos So you’ve heard all rumors about HTML5 would take over Adobe Flash. While most web community argues that it’s possible or not, you must be wandering what makes HTML5 so powerful that even giant company Apple wants to use it to replace Flash. That’s why this post exists, we’re not going to talk about what HTML5 can do, but show live demos of magical things that HTML5 can achieve with other language like JavaScript, so get ready to be inspired. Note: As HTML5 is not fully supported by certain web browser like Internet Explorer, you’re strongly recommended to use Firefox browser to view all HTML5 demos below. Animation

Capture Screenshots at Defined Time Intervals Automatically Screenshots are part of our daily routine as tech support professionals. There is no better way to explain to someone how to do something from a distance than through a mixture of both words and visuals, and since we cannot always make a video, screenshots are the next best thing. However, there are times when individually capturing and saving multiple screenshots grows tedious. During those times when you need to capture and save many screenshots in a row, it is helpful to have an application that automates the process. AutoScreenCap is a small, portable application that can take screenshots and automatically save them as JPEGs.

Maps TileMill is an application for making beautiful maps. Whether you’re a journalist, web designer, researcher, or seasoned cartographer, TileMill is the design studio you need to create compelling, interactive maps. TileMill is built on a suite of modern open source libraries including Mapnik, node.js, backbone.js, express and CodeMirror. Every map you make in TileMill is mobile ready. By leveraging the portable, fast MBTiles format, each TileMill map looks and works great on the web and offline. You can enrich your maps with hover tooltips and clickable pop ups.
