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Various. How to debug your brain. 47.9k shares Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Our brains are the most bug ridden pieces of junk since Internet Explorer.

How to debug your brain

To replicate one common bug, try telling your brain to “go to the gym”. Most brains will respond by updating their Facebook status, and watching cat videos. How to find your passion. 7.6k shares Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Too many of us believe in a magical being called ‘passion’.

How to find your passion

“If only I could find my passion”, we cry. “Finding my passion would make me happy”. Well, passion is real, and very powerful. But almost everything people believe about finding it is wrong. Rule 1: Passion comes from success All of our emotions exist for good reason. 15 Ways to Be Irresistibly Attractive. Be true to your values.

15 Ways to Be Irresistibly Attractive

Be honest. Listen to This Anytime You Need Workout Motivation: Welcome to the Grind [motivational video] For what is each day but a series of conflicts between the right way and the easy way?

Listen to This Anytime You Need Workout Motivation: Welcome to the Grind [motivational video]

Sometimes getting out of bed is harder than bench pressing 200 hundred pounds or running 5 miles. For those days when all you want to do after work is skip your workout and crash on the couch or put off your run because it’s sprinkling out, let this be a reminder and motivator. Red Productions originally created this video for the TCU Baseball program, but its inspirational message is strong enough to raise the hairs on the back of your neck. Rise and shine. 40 Questions Everyone is Afraid to Ask.

Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.

40 Questions Everyone is Afraid to Ask

-Voltaire …because asking the right questions is the answer. Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below. Also, check out our sister site, Thought Questions, for more photo-illustrated questions like these; and check out The Book of Questions if you’re interested in reading even more thought-provoking questions.Title photo by: Colin Kinner For all other photo credits please refer to Best Procrastination Tip Ever. Post written by Leo Babauta.

Best Procrastination Tip Ever

Nice Guy vs. Gentleman: What’s the Difference? You may not realize it, but there’s a definite difference between a nice guy and a gentleman.

Nice Guy vs. Gentleman: What’s the Difference?

Unfortunately, when it comes to dealing with women, this difference is going to be the key as to whether you have a successful relationship or not. It’s going to be the key as to whether a woman decides to walk all over you or not. It’s so important to learn the distinction between these two words, because you also need to learn how to act in the correct way if you’re ever going to make a relationship work. With that said, let’s dive into the details now and determine the difference between a nice guy and a gentleman… Gentlemanly behavior #1:

Life hacks

Doesn't matter how many times I see this, it always blows my mind. 18 most powerful quotes - One Minute List. Jaimie Alexander. Every Man Should Have a Personal Code of Conduct: Here are 2 Great Examples. What do you stand for?

Every Man Should Have a Personal Code of Conduct: Here are 2 Great Examples

Not long ago, a post on Reddit struck a nerve. It was a post about the Code of the United States Fighting Force, and personal interpretations from a few Redditors. No One Can Make You Feel Shitty Except You. The Assassin’s Creed – Nothing is true; everything is permitted. Where other men blindly follow the truth,Remember, nothing is trueWhere other men are limited by morality or law,Remember, everything is permitted.We work in the dark to serve the light.We are assassins.

The Assassin’s Creed – Nothing is true; everything is permitted

I like criticism. Now there is a lost art. The role of the critic is to examine a piece of creation or a social phenomenon, or even a political phenomenon, and put it into a philosophical context that both the consumer/s and the creator/s may have missed. Seduction University Forums ~ View topic - Why 95% of guys in the community will never become PUAs.

The Art of Manliness

20 cosas que tienes que hacer a los 20 (Equis, somos chavos. 17 de junio de 2013 La vida a los 20 es como el sexo con tu ex: Tiene sus pros, sus contras, sus mareos, sus arrepentimientos, lágrimas, fluidos y mucho alcohol de por medio, pero es una experiencia por la que todos pasamos.

20 cosas que tienes que hacer a los 20 (Equis, somos chavos

Por eso enlistamos 20 cosas que DEBES hacer a los 20. Tomen nota y aplíquenlos, que no les de miedo. Equis, somos chavos. Maneja un carro de lujo No importa si es tuyo, de un cuate, de prueba o rentado (mientras no sea robado). Lao Tzu Quotes. Thought Catalog. Seduction University Forums ~ View topic - What you believe you can achieve. Limiting Beliefs The number 1 limiting factor in our abilities is our belief that we can or cannot accomplish them. If you believe that you cannot accomplish something you are right, and if you believe you can you are right. Having the open belief that anything is possible, makes it possible. About Ego. The ego is the mind identified self. One of the fundamental aspects of inner and natural game, is separating yourself from the ego. Most seduction material is based out of usage with the ego. Things like social value, and the overall mentality of wanting to take something from someone else, or memorizing lines.

Personal Development for Smart People - Steve Pavlina. Dumb Little Man - Tips for Life.
