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5 facettes pour construire un dispositif hybride : du concret !

5 facettes pour construire un dispositif hybride : du concret !

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Going SOLO: An introduction to the taxonomy everyone’s talking about This article originally appeared in Innovate My School's September 2012 digital magazine. The Structure of Observed Learning Outcome (SOLO) taxonomy aims to show pupils how to develop sophisticated responses to questions by getting them to examine their thought-process as their understanding of a topic improves. I began using SOLO in 2011, and it is now integral to my teaching. SOLO defines five stages of understanding for any topic: prestructural, unistructural, multistructural, relational and extended abstract.

Andrew Feenberg's Website - Selected Articles Special Issue of Techne,Volume 17, Issue 1, Winter 2013, "Extending Feenberg: Toward the Instrumentalization of the Critical Theory of Technology," abstracts [web link] Book Symposium on Between Reason and Experience: Essays in Technology and Modernity, June 2011. [web link] [PDF] Reflections on "L’écologie des autres. L’anthropologie et la question de la nature", by Philippe Descola (Editions Quae), Revue du MAUSS permanente, 16 mai 2011. Affordances and Design In the world of design, the term "affordance" has taken on a life far beyond the original meaning. It might help if we return to the original definition. Let me try to clarify the definition of the term and its many uses. The word "affordance" was originally invented by the perceptual psychologist J. J. Gibson (1977, 1979) to refer to the actionable properties between the world and an actor (a person or animal).

Using Biggs' Model of Constructive Alignment in Curriculum Design/Introduction - UCD - CTAG The main theoretical underpinning of the outcomes-based curriculum is provided by Biggs (2003). He calls the model constructive alignment which he defines as: …coherence between assessment, teaching strategies and intended learning outcomes in an educational programme. (McMahon & Thakore 2006) Revue - Une approche sociocritique des usages numériques en éducation Simon COLLIN (CRIFPE, Université du Québec à Montréal), Nicolas GUICHON (ICAR, Université Lumière Lyon 2), Jean Gabin NTÉBUTSÉ (CERTA, Université de Sherbrooke) 1. Introduction « It is contended that more research is required that moves away from a ‘means-end’ way of thinking about how best to harness the presumed inherent educational potential of digital technology and, instead, focuses on the socially contested and socially shaped nature of technology », (p. 66). 2.

Lebrun, M., Docq, F. & Smidts, D. (2009). Claroline, an Internet Teaching and Learning Platform to Foster Teachers’ Professional Development and Improve Teaching Quality : First Approaches. AACE Journal, 17(4), 347-362. Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Create a free accountJoin Calaméo to publish and share documents with the world! Rate and comment your favorite publications, download documents and share your readings with your friends. 16 pagesPublished byMarcel Lebrun AACEJ (2009) 17(4), 347-362 Claroline, an Internet Teaching and Learning Platform to Foster Teachers’ Professional Development and Improve Teaching Quality : First Approaches Marcel lebrun, Françoise Docq anD Denis sMiDts Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium marcel. lebrun@uclouvain. be francoise. docq@uclouvain. be denis. smidts@uclouvain. be this article describes the findings of a survey of Higher education teachers and students using the elearning platform claroline. this survey is enhanced by direct observation of the tools really used by teachers. claroline was initially developed (in 2001-2002) to sustain and foster pedagogic innovation at the université catholique de louvain (ucl) in louvain-la-neuve (belgium). it is now used across the world. Tags Pages: 20

digitaltrends Consumer tech is taking over the classroom. Today, devices like the iPad are heavily marketed toward schoolteachers and optimized for classroom use. As more and more gadgets find their way into the classroom, so too will educational apps. Fortunately, apps and software hold the potential to inspire and educate in a fresh, exciting way. Whether you’re a student, parent, or educator, you can learn a thing or two from the incredible educational apps below. Kahoot Abstract Announcement for IJBIDE 1(1) Receive one-time update if document changes: The contents of the latest issue of:International Journal of Bias, Identity and Diversities in Education (IJBIDE)Volume 1, Issue 1, January - June 2016Published: Semi-Annually in Print and ElectronicallyISSN: 2379-7363; EISSN: 2379-7355; Published by IGI Global Publishing, Hershey, Editor-in-Chief: Fred Dervin (University of Helsinki, Finland), Regis Machart (Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia) and Julie Byrd Clark (Western University, Canada)

Learn About Self-Control, Racism, Gender, Much More: Introducing Self-Paced Open Courseware (SPOC) Move Over MOOC! Here Comes the SPOC! This Self-Paced Open Courseware (SPOC) is free, to anyone, anywhere, anytime! Featuring two of Duke’s leading professors—behavioral economist Dan Ariely and teachnology and education innovator Cathy Davidson--#Duke Surprise is a fully open series of seven “mini-courses” that allow you to learn as little or much as you want about: Each mini-course includes:

Researchers This site is designed with several different kinds of user in mind. This is reflected in the menu items across the top of every page. Complete beginner This is someone who is new to qualitative data analysis in general and especially to the use of software. and the open-source educational software revolution The following is a re-post by Jim Coe, describing Derek Lomas' presentation of at the Gaming + Learning + Society conference. Original (terrific) post is here: 8-bit Learning Games for a $10 Computer Derek Lomas wants you to join his open-source educational software revolution. Lomas, along with two other partners, founded Playpower when they realized educators were lacking a rich, open-source developer community. He has fond memories of games like Lemonade Stand, Oregon Trail, and Math Munchers (and points out that some teachers are still using these game in their classrooms).

Methodologies Action Research What is it? Action research is a methodology that combines 'action' and 'research' together. During a study the researcher is repeating the process of performing an action, reflecting on what has happened and using this information to plan their next action. This process of action research has a refining effect on action and the researcher gains understanding of what is going on (Dick, 1999) Action Research Definitions: systematic enquiry designed to yield practical results capable of improving a specific aspect of practice and made public to enable scrutiny and testing.
