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National Coalition Against Censorship -- NCAC The destructive culture of pretty pink princesses | MNN - Mother Nature Network - StumbleUpon Girls the world over often go through a "princess phase," enthralled with anything pink and pretty — most especially the Disney princesses. When it happened to Peggy Orenstein's daughter Daisy, the contributing writer for the New York Times Magazine stepped back to examine the phenomenon. She found that the girlie-girl culture being marketed to little girls was less innocent than it might seem, and can have negative consequences for girls' psychological, social and physical development. Orenstein's exploration took her to Walt Disney World, the American Girl flagship store in New York City and a child beauty pageant. LiveScience: How did you get inspired to write the book? Orenstein: I'm a mother, and I think that when you're an adult, you don't really notice what's going on so much in the world of kids' culture. And so I started to go, 'What is this?' A lot of people were looking at issues of eating disorders or depression, or sexuality or culture, and issues in teenagers.

Devenir lanceur d'alerte pour SOS-planète. Actualités environnementales. Vous disposez chaque jour d'une trentaine de minutes de bénévolat durable pour surveiller 5 à 10 mots clefs, choisis dans une liste que nous vous enverrons, parmi ceux qui vous interpellent le plus. Enregistrer les mots clefs choisis sur Google alertes Il faut juste avoir du bon sens, savoir surfer sur Internet, être familiarisé avec le clavier et surtout vouloir faire quelque chose pour le salut de la Vie sur Terre. Pourquoi ne pas devenir colibri-lanceur d'alerte (c'est possible même en free-lance intégral) ou rédacteur durable en ralliant notre équipe opérative? Un peu rebutant au départ, ça devient vite une passion! Qu'est-ce qu'un lanceur d'alerte ? Le nom est évocateur mais la définition reste floue pour beaucoup d'entre nous. C'est une personne ou un groupe ayant découvert des éléments susceptibles de révéler une menace pour la société ou l'environnement, et qui décide de le dévoiler au public, a des associations ou des médias entre autres. Faire la part du colibri Source Help!

anonymous Infographic of the Day: How the Global Food Market Starves the Poor | Fast... - StumbleUpon To understand the complexities of the international food market--and how traders in Chicago can cause Africans to starve--you could get a ph.D. in economics, or read a 400-page report from the World Bank. Or you watch this superb nine minute video, directed by Denis van Waerebeke. Though ostensibly created for a science show in Paris for 12 year olds, it's actually probably waaaay over a kid's head. The video begins with a basic question: How is it that the first world has an oversupply of food, while 1 in 7 in the world go malnourished? That can have disastrous effects. The solutions will involve everyone, the world over. Still hungry for more infographics videos? [Via Infosthetics]

6 Real People With Mind-Blowing Mutant Superpowers If the insane, explosive popularity if superhero movies is any indication, we are fascinated by people who are insanely better than us at any given thing. Probably because, in real life, we're all such a bunch of incompetent boobs that we've been enslaved by blue paint, flashing lights and crying French babies. But it turns out, superpowers are real. We've all dreamed of having superpowers at some point (today), but the majority of us have to accept the sobering reality that preternatural abilities simply aren't possible. For instance ... #6. Ma Xiangang is a man capable of something not many others are or would have a practical reason to be -- he can touch live wires filled with scrotum-popcorning electricity and feel no pain whatsoever. As with most superpower discoveries, Xiangang found his by acting like a braying jackass. CRI"I figured I'd either die or get superpowers. So What's Going on Here? #5. UltramarathonmanDean Karnazes, shutting Time magazine the hell up. #4.

Infographic of the Day: How the Global Food Market Starves the Poor | Fast... - StumbleUpon To understand the complexities of the international food market--and how traders in Chicago can cause Africans to starve--you could get a ph.D. in economics, or read a 400-page report from the World Bank. Or you watch this superb nine minute video, directed by Denis van Waerebeke. Though ostensibly created for a science show in Paris for 12 year olds, it's actually probably waaaay over a kid's head. The video begins with a basic question: How is it that the first world has an oversupply of food, while 1 in 7 in the world go malnourished? That can have disastrous effects. The solutions will involve everyone, the world over. Still hungry for more infographics videos? [Via Infosthetics]

Lanceurs d'alerte : Corinne Lepage doute de la motivation du ministre de l'Environnement Jean-Louis Borloo Lors du colloque organisé jeudi dernier au Sénat par la fondation Sciences Citoyennes, Corinne Lepage s'est inquiétée des silences de Jean-Louis Borloo à qui elle a remis un rapport sur les lanceurs d'alerte. Une loi est-elle encore d'actualité ? Au terme d'une journée de débats, ponctuée de témoignages parfois émouvants, Corinne Lepage a clôturé jeudi dernier le colloque de la fondation Sciences Citoyennes, intitulé Lanceurs d'alerte et système d'expertise : vers une législation exemplaire en 2008 ?, sur une note assez pessimiste. Aux nombreux participants venus débattre jeudi, la Présidente de Cap21 a exprimé son inquiétude : Je devais remettre le rapport début janvier. Qui sont les lanceurs d'alertes ? La matinée leur fut consacrée. Le rapport Lepage Aux Etats-Unis et en Grande Bretagne, des lois spécifiques relatives au statut juridique des lanceurs d'alerte existent depuis plusieurs années.

10 Places to Move Abroad and Extend Your Life - StumbleUpon Throughout history, people have been intrigued by legends of societies where residents thrived well past 100 years old. Today, there is skepticism whether any such place exists, but health scientists do scour the globe in search of medicinal remedies and other lifespan enhancements. In fact, many “pockets” around the world have been identified as “Blue Zones,” where locals enjoy high quality of life and health in old age. While failing to offer one “secret,” these regions share community factors such as diet, social integration, activity level, and outlook on life. 1. Japanese rank high in lifespan studies, but Okinawans boast exceptional health. Okinawan cuisine, Photo: pelican The Okinawa diet has been studied intensely. 2. Situated between Spain and France, this small principality of 84,000 people has one of the longest life expectancies in world. 3. Today people living on Ikaria, a mountainous Greek isle in the Aegean, reach the age of 90 at 4 times the rate of the average American.

7 Theories on Time That Would Make Doc Brown's Head Explode There are a few things in this world that we can always rely on as constants: The sun will always rise each morning, the seasons will always change and time will inevitably march forward at its predictable clip. Except the sun doesn't actually rise, seasons are disappearing and time ... well, see, time is tricky, too. For example ... #7. What if we told you that what you think of as "the present" is actually slightly in the past? The delay isn't much -- what's 80 milliseconds between you and your brain?"Being a brain is kind of boring, but we've got lots of time for pranks." But that's not the freaky part."You really don't want to see the copies." Not convinced? The bizarre real-world implication is that the taller you are, the further back you live in the past, since it takes longer for the information to travel through your body -- and if you're a little person, you live closer to the present. But we're only talking about our perception of time here. #6. #5. #4.
