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6 Android Apps Every Raspberry Pi Owner Should Use Ever found yourself plugging a keyboard into your Raspberry Pi because you could be bothered to boot your PC to SSH, or found yourself desperately trying to remember the tiny computer’s IP address on your network? There are a whole host of Android utilities that can be used by Raspberry Pi owners to make life easier, including a couple that are custom designed. We’ve collected six of them together, all of which are free to install to Android phones and tablets. AndFTP It’s not often necessary to move files to your Raspberry Pi, but if this is something you require, AndFTP is a free app with a paid upgrade supporting FTP, FTPS, SCP, and SFTP. Best of all, AndFTP isn’t limited to file transfer with your Raspberry Pi — you can use it to FTP to any supported device, whether that is your Pi or a web server. Of course, if your Pi is your web server, then AndFTP should definitely be installed on your Android device! RPiREF Fing ConnectBot Hacker’s Keyboard AndroidVNC What Do You Use? Let us know below!
