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6 Handy Tools for Adding Text to Pictures June 25, 2015 In today’s selection we curated for you some useful apps and web tools to use to add text to pictures and create classroom posters. Students can use these tools for different educational purposes including visually explaining a given topic, creating greeting cards, designing inspirational quote posters and many more. 1- Picfont 10 moteurs de recherche de photos en temps réel Les moteurs de recherche en temps réel de photos se caractérisent par la capacité à agréger des clichés en provenance de publications sur des réseaux sociaux avec le plus souvent des analyses de tendances. Ces modules de recherche permettent aussi de comprendre que le Web est fait d’actualités, d’immédiateté, d’une instantanéité qui fait trace sur Internet. La recherche d’informations sur Internet est de plus en plus synonyme d’infobésité (surcharge informationnelle) et d’une pléthore d’images et de photos que ces services en ligne mettent en avant. Voici donc 10 moteurs de recherche de photos en temps réel :

Tout ce qu’on peut faire avec les adresses IP Localisation des visiteurs français de Chaque ordinateur, pour se connecter au web, doit posséder une adresse IP. Cette adresse IP - combinaison de 2 ou 3 chiffres séparés par des points - possède, à la manière d’un numéro de téléphone, une structure logique qui permet de connaître depuis quel endroit (pays, ville) on se connecte et quel fournisseur d’accès à Internet (France Telecom, Free, Neuf,…) on utilise.

Tools for Creating Animations in Your Browser or On Your Tablet Monday's post about Parapara Animation was quite popular and prompted questions from readers looking for similar tools that either work on tablets or offer more features than Parapara Animation. Here are some other sites and apps for creating animations. ABCya Animate is a web-based tool from ABCya that allows students to create animated GIFs containing up to 100 frames. On ABCya Animate students build their animation creations by drawing, typing, and inserting images. Students can change the background of each frame, include new pictures in each frame, and change the text in each frame of their animations. The feature that I like best about ABCya Animate is that students can see the previous frames of their animations while working on a current frame. Image #1 Feather shadow Drop an image into this field Add Your Voice to Diagrams By Creating TinyTap Sound Boards Parts of this post originally appeared on my other blog, iPadApps4School.comTinyTap is a great iPad app for developing your own educational games. I've been a big supporter of the app since it launched a couple of years ago. TinyTap has always been targeted toward the K-3 crowd, but it can certainly be used with older students too. To reflect that TinyTap has uses in older grades, the developers gave the app a bit of a facelift and added some new features. TinyTap still works the way that it always has, but some of the decorations and animations that were included to appeal to young students are optional rather than default settings.

6 Great iPad Apps for Turning Pictures into Comics January 16, 2016 Below is a collection of some useful iPad apps to use to turn your photons into comics and create carbonized pictures. Students can use to create beautiful cartoons to use in their multimedia projects or in activities that involve comic strips, digital storytelling, presentations and many more. All of these apps are easy to use and do not require any advanced technical skill. Some of the things students can do with these apps include: take pictures and turn them into cartoons, capture cartoon videos, draw cartoon sketches, customize and add different effects to pictures, convert photos into cartoon avatars, and many more.

Home Experiential Learning Games Experiential programs where we learn a huge amount about critical issues in a short period of time while having fun. Our programs are interactive simulations delivered by our staff at your school. We do assemblies and other on-site programs for colleges, high schools and organizations around the world. Typically, these cost around $1,000 to $1,500 plus expenses. —> More>> 5 Tools to Combine With ThingLink for Creating Multimedia Collages As I have written many times in the past, ThingLink is one of my favorite tools for playing with media. Last week I published a video about using ThingLink in conjunction with PicMonkey to create interactive multimedia collages. PicMonkey isn't the only tool that pairs well with ThingLink. Here are five other tools that can be used in conjunction with ThingLink to create multimedia interactive collages.Picadilo is a free image editing and collage creation service that offers a lot of useful tools.

4 Good Places to Find CC Licensed Images to Use in Class October 1, 2015 Below are some good places where you can find CC licensed pictures to use with your students in class. These copyright-friendly photos are offered under different Creative Commons licences most of which are ideal for educational purposes. Also, some of these websites (e.g Photos for Class) provides accurate image citations so students can properly credit their image sources. 1- Pics4Learning ‘Pics4Learning is a safe, free image library for education. Create Avatar Buy One Get Multiple Extra Designs Free: When you order any caricature(s), we will use the same caricature face drawing(s) to add extra template caricature designs as our gift for you! You may go to your account to claim your extra free designs, after your purchased design(s) is completed. The free extra designs include: Expressional Animations, Funny Portraits, Beach Vacation, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year and even more... Yes, these are totally Free!
