Medicine and Technology [part of HCPLive]: Donate your medical textbooks to Operation Medical Libraries Developing countries have a need for more medical textbooks. Can you imagine going through medical school without a single book? How about going through medical school without any lectures, slides, or a computer? The reality is that many health care providers are learning to become doctors and nurses without having access to vital educational resources. That's exactly why the UCLA Medical Alumni Association started Operation Medical Libraries (OML) in 2007. OML exists to shrink the educational gap in all areas of the health sciences in developing countries, which globally face the same problem: doctors and nurses go without the latest professional information they need to provide proper health care to their patients. You can learn about Operation Medical Libraries by clicking here. Here's their mission statement: I personally think the answer to the large education gap in developing countries will get bridged via the use of digital media.
"Kultur Er Noget Man Er" Feltarbejde, DKK. indledning Jeg har valgt at prøve kræfter med at igangsætte en æstetisk aktivitet hos en borger der bruger alternativ supplerende kommunikation. Sammenhæng: Borgeren som jeg har fået mulighed at arbejde med er diagnosticeret med infantil autisme. Da borgerens mentale tilstand er på ca. 2 år, har jeg valgt at inddrage Vygotsky, i forhold til hans teori om sprogtilegnelse via nærmeste udviklingszone. Borgeren er diagnosticeret indenfor autisme spektrummet, og han har en forholdsvis høj grad af mental retardering som tidligere nævnt, hvilket for øvrig er kendetegnet ved 70 % af mennesker diagnosticeret inden for autisme. Han er altså udfordret indenfor alle tre punkter i Lorna Wing`s triade : kommunikation, sociale kompetencer og helhedsopfattelse. Tiltag: Jeg vil med øje for Vygotskys teori, nærmeste udviklingszone, prøve at udarbejde en aktivitet som omhandler et væsentligt punkt. Boardmakeren har samme størrelse som de eksisterende i hans system. Tegn på læring: Evaluering:
Caregiver’s Guide to Autism Symptoms For caregivers, understanding autism symptoms is key to coping with them. Why do I need to register or sign in for WebMD to save? We will provide you with a dropdown of all your saved articles when you are registered and signed in. One of the most difficult aspects of being a caregiver for someone with autism – whether a child or an adult – is the inability to understand what it’s really like for him. “I like to think of autism as a different way of being,” says Stephen Shore, PhD, who was diagnosed with autism at age 2. Recommended Related to Brain & Nervous System Spina Bifida Important It is possible that the main title of the report Spina Bifida is not the name you expected. Read the Spina Bifida article > > Every person with autism is different, and there is no single autistic perspective. 2 Keys to Understanding Autism Symptoms According to experts, the first key to understanding autism is to recognize that it profoundly alters how a person perceives the world. Continue reading below...
julie's Goals.url Autism Information | Use Visual Strategies for Autism Autism is an umbrella term for a wide spectrum of disorders referred to as Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD) or Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). They are a group of neurobiological disorders that affect an individual’s ability to interact, communicate, relate, play, imagine, and learn. The term SPECTRUM is an important part of understanding autism because of the wide range of intensity, symptoms, behaviors and types of problems. There can be significant variations from one individual to another. There is a range of skills and challenges in individuals on the autism spectrum. On the other end of the spectrum are individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome, sometimes referred to as a high-functioning form of autism. Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders typically demonstrate challenges in developing effective communication, appropriate behavior and successful social skills. Students with other learning challenges What works for individuals with autism and related learning difficulties?
Teaching Students with Aspergers Syndrome: Tips for Teachers and Parents Students with asperger's syndrome may experience difficulties with focusing as well as lack of focus. Focus involves attention. Sometimes asperger's students focus all their attention on a particular object or subject; therefore, they fail to focus on what information the instructor is presenting. All their energy is directed toward a particular subject or object. To overcome this problem, the teacher can try to establish some connection between the object or subject of interest and the area of study. The possibilities for instruction are endless, but it will take some time and creative planning on the part of the teacher. Sensory issues affect learning for the student with asperger's syndrome. Often aperger's students are distracted by something in the environment that they simply cannot control. This sensory overload the asperger student experiences may overwhelm them, so focusing can be difficult and frustration occurs. Obviously, a teacher does not want disruptions in the classroom.
bloomsapps Using Blooms Taxonomy in education is a highly effective way to scaffold learning for the students. With the recent popularity and pervasive nature of iOS devices in school districts it is essential for educators to understand how to implement Blooms in the classroom using the apps that are available. While this list is by no means fully comprehensive, it will assist educators in getting started when implementing iOS devices in the classroom. This site will change almost daily as it will be updated with new and exciting apps! If you find any that you have worked with in your classroom please email or tweet @bloomsapps or @dmileham75 with your suggestions. Two Links to some iTunesU courses relating to iOS Integration: 1 iPad by Erie 1 Boards of Cooperative Educational Services ( Movie Making\Digital Storytelling Camera to PDF Free - cool little app that turns your device into a scanner. LiveBinders: I would be remiss if I didn't post this.
Sociale medier i undervisningen | DCUM De sociale medier og brugen af IT i undervisningen har endnu ikke vundet stor udbredelse i uddannelsessystemet. Det rummer imidlertid nogle potentialer, der både kan fremme læring, samarbejde, motivation og et godt undervisningsmiljø. De unge bruger i høj grad de sociale medier i deres privatsfære, men det er sjældent at se de nye sociale medier anvendt i en formel læringskontekst i danske uddannelsesinstitutioner. De unge bruger de sociale medier og mobiltelefonen til social kommunikation med hinanden og til at finde ressourcer på nettet. De unge er ’heavy-users’ Mange unge kan også betegnes som ’heavy-users’ af nettet og mobiltelefon. 99% har mobiltelefoner 92% bruger nettet hver eller næsten hver dag 87% af 16-19 årige bruger sociale netværkssites 83% bruger internettet med det formål at lære nyt 65% uploader selvskabt indhold med henblik på at dele det med andre Fra Hvad er sociale medier? Et fremtids-eksempel? Du kan også … Søg inspiration!