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Every day the same dream - molleindustria

Every day the same dream - molleindustria
Every day the same dream Molleindustria - December 2009 Music by Jesse Stiles Made in 6 days for the Experimental Gameplay Project - theme "art game" The game, except for the music, is licensed under a Creative Commons License PC executable Mac executable

GTD NINJA: 50+ Websites For the Kickass Control Freak We admit it: we're control freaks. We wanna control every single aspect of our lives...and with the latest Web 2.0 tools, we already can. Here are my picks for the 50 or so best new tools to Get Things Done: also check out James Mowery's recent guide to personal productivity. Backpack - Make to-do lists, notes, files, calendars and reminders that can be sent to your email or phone at scheduled times. GENERATION PRECAIRE, mouvement pour la réforme des stages Showing image 1 of 15 Lancement de la 1ère "tweet mob" pour les droits des stagiaires Lancement de la 1ère "tweet mob" pour les droits des stagiaires Mercredi 12 Février 13H Mercredi 12 Février, à l’occasion de la présentation de la proposition de loi Khirouni sur les stages en Commission des affaires sociales, le collectif de défense des stagiaires lance une action virale afin de faire du bruit sur les réseaux sociaux. Puisque les droits des stagiaires sont virtuels, puisqu’ils n’ont pas le droit de se mobiliser sur leur lieu de stage, les réseaux sociaux sont un moyen pour faire (...) Flash Mob “vrais postes, droits réels ?” Flash Mob “vrais postes, droits réels ?”

Games for people who don't play games - The Space Games can be scary – they can feel impenetrable, and like they’re all about shooting things and using controllers that look incomprehensible. It’s OK to feel that, but also, there are people making games that don’t feel like that. There’s a difference between CATS and a small piece of contemporary theatre, or independent film and Hollywood, and in the same way there’s a part of the medium ‘games’ that are producing beautiful, artistic experiences. This is a list of ten games for people in the arts who wouldn’t put their hand up when asked "do you play games?" All of them are under £18, many are free or pay by donation; they feature work from various different genres and movements in games (Twine, point and click, table-top, walking simulators, political, queer); and are made by women as well as men, LGBT*Q folk, people of colour. It is art, and it’s shifting the aesthetics of our world.

Gunpoint After three years of working in my weekends, Gunpoint is out! Try it first, then if it works OK and you like it, buy it below! What are these fancy editions? They’re fancy! You can get all three from Steam or from here, and you can upgrade to any of them later. Here are the details! The 101 Most Useful Websites on the Internet Here are the most useful websites on the Internet that will make you smarter, increase productivity and help you learn new skills. These incredibly useful websites solve at least one problem really well. And they all have cool URLs that are easy to memorize thus saving you a trip to Google. Also see: The Best Android Apps Also see: The Best Mac Apps and Utilities [INFO OBS] Christine Boutin peu généreuse avec ses stagiaires - Politique Christine Boutin est à la recherche d'un stagiaire pour l'aider à boucler son désormais fameux "rapport sur les conséquences sociales de la mondialisation", a appris lundi 9 août. Le stagiaire ne devra cependant pas compter sur une rémunération de 9.500 euros nets mensuels : l'ancienne ministre du Logement lui propose 400 euros par mois, loin de la somme à laquelle Christine Boutin a dû renoncer pour elle-même. Déposée le 27 juillet dernier sur Sciences Po Avenir, le site des offres de stage en direction des étudiants de Sciences Po Paris, l'annonce nous apprend que le stagiaire "sera intégré à l’équipe constituée autour de Christine Boutin, en charge d'une mission confiée par la Présidence de la République", et ce "dans la perspective de la présidence française du G20". Qu’en pense le ministère du Travail, pour lequel Christine Boutin réalise son rapport ? "C’est une somme très modeste, effectivement", explique-t-on au ministère.

The Best Way to Make Arcade Games - Construct 3 Create Your Games Arcade games are the bread and butter of online gaming. It's never been easier to create your own arcade games with Construct. Brimming with features designed to make it a breeze, and brimming with technology to make your games run as smooth as butter. Try Construct 3 or buy Construct 3 now! There Is No Game

Lightborne Lore - Cracked Cracked is a puzzle adventure game in development for touch screen devices, including iPad, iPhone, and Android. Cracked was funded by a Kickstarter project (thanks, backers!) Look for it late 2012. For most people, high school hallways evoke coming of age, first forays into relationships, and the nebulous early stages of choosing what you want to do for the rest of your life. Cargo-Bot – iPad The first game programmed entirely on iPad® Be Logical. Play Cargo-Bot
