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Mobile Website Speed Testing Tool - Google

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DESIGN THINKING | Design Thinking PL Co to jest Design Thinking? Design Thinking to metoda tworzenia innowacyjnych produktów i usług w oparciu o głębokie zrozumienie problemów i potrzeb użytkowników. Założenia Design Thinking: Koncentracja na użytkowniku – zrozumienie jego uświadomionych i nieuświadomionych potrzebInterdyscyplinarny zespół – spojrzenie na problem z wielu perspektywEksperymentowanie i częste testowanie hipotez – budowanie prototypów i zbieranie feedbacku od użytkowników W efekcie powstają rozwiązania, które są: Pożądane przez użytkownikówTechnologicznie wykonalneEkonomicznie uzasadnione Jak działa Design Thinking? Design Thinking to usystematyzowane podejście do procesu innowacji. Następnie powołany zespół realizuje, krok po kroku, kolejne etapy metody (opisane poniżej) posługując się zestawem narzędzi i technik, aby w rezultacie wypracować możliwe do wdrożenia rozwiązanie. Celem zespołu jest wygenerowanie oryginalnego rozwiązania oraz sprawdzenie jego działania na etapie prototypowania. Dla Kogo? Co jest efektem?

The Cost Of JavaScript In 2018 – Addy Osmani Building interactive sites can involve sending JavaScript to your users. Often, too much of it. Have you been on a mobile page that looked like it had loaded only to tap on a link or tried to scroll and nothing happens? Byte-for-byte, JavaScript is still the most expensive resource we send to mobile phones, because it can delay interactivity in large ways. Today we’ll cover some strategies you can use to deliver JavaScript efficiently while still giving users a valuable experience. tl;dr: To stay fast, only load JavaScript needed for the current page. The web is bloated by user “experience” When users access your site you’re probably sending down a lot of files, many of which are scripts. As much as I love JavaScript, it’s always the most expensive part of your site. The median webpage today currently ships about 350 KB of minified and compressed JavaScript. Note: Unsure if your JavaScript bundles are delaying how quickly users interact with your site? Let’s look at mobile networks.

DMA - Data & Marketing Association Things I have learned from the course The PRPL Pattern  |  Web Fundamentals  |  Google Developers The mobile web is too slow. Over the years the web has evolved from a document-centric platform to a first-class application platform. Thanks to advancements in the platform itself (such as Service Workers) and in the tools and techniques we use to build apps, users can do virtually anything on the web they can do in a native app. At the same time, the bulk of our computing has moved from powerful desktop machines with fast, reliable network connections to relatively underpowered mobile devices with connections that are often slow, flaky or both. This is especially true in parts of the world where the next billion users are coming online. Unfortunately, the patterns we devised for building and deploying powerful, feature-rich web apps in the desktop era generally yield apps that take far too long to load on mobile devices – so long that many users simply give up. The PRPL pattern Beyond targeting the fundamental goals and standards of PWAs, PRPL strives to optimize for: App structure

MarketersLatam Oferty pracy dla naukowców z obszaru zarządzania, logistyki, transportu, zarządzania lotnictwem Opis stanowiska/zakres obowiązków Zatrudniona osoba będzie zobowiązana do stałego rozwoju naukowego (zmierzającego do uzyskania stopni awansowych i tytułów), pozyskiwała i uczestniczyła w realizacji grantów naukowych i komercyjnych, aktywnie uczestniczyła w procesie dydaktycznym Obowiązkowe wymagania wobec kandydata (Uwaga: rozpatrywane będą tylko te podania, które spełnią obowiązkowe wymagania) Oferujemy: Oferty tj CV, LM, listę publikacji naukowych oraz podpisaną zgodę na przetwarzanie danych osobowych prosimy kierować na adres: Biuro Doradztwa Personalnego Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania w Rzeszowie ul. lub z obszaru psychologii Opis stanowiska/zakres obowiązków: Zatrudniona osoba będzie rozwijała się naukowo, pozyskiwała i uczestniczyła w realizacji grantów naukowych i komercyjnych, aktywnie uczestniczyła w pracach Katedry, a także prowadziła zajęcia dydaktyczne. z dopiskiem ,,Profesor - psychologia”

Lighthouse  |  Tools for Web Developers  |  Google Developers Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages. You can run it against any web page, public or requiring authentication. It has audits for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO and more. You can run Lighthouse in Chrome DevTools, from the command line, or as a Node module. You give Lighthouse a URL to audit, it runs a series of audits against the page, and then it generates a report on how well the page did. From there, use the failing audits as indicators on how to improve the page. You can also use Lighthouse CI to prevent regressions on your sites. Run Lighthouse In Chrome DevTools bug_report File an issue Check out the video below from Google I/O 2019 to learn more about how to use and contribute to Lighthouse. Get started Choose the Lighthouse workflow that suits you best: In Chrome DevTools. Run Lighthouse in Chrome DevTools Lighthouse powers the Audits panel of Chrome DevTools. Install and run the Node command line tool Add ?

What's New In DevTools (Chrome 59)  |  Web  |  Google Developers Welcome to another installment of the DevTools release notes. Watch the video below or read on to see what's new in Chrome DevTools in Chrome 59! CSS and JS code coverage. Find unused CSS and JS with the new Coverage tab.Full-page screenshots. Take a screenshot of the entire page, from the top of the viewport to the bottom.Block requests. Manually disable individual requests in the Network panel.Step over async await. Find unused CSS and JS code with the new Coverage tab. Clicking on a URL reveals that file in the Sources panel with a breakdown of which lines of code executed. Each line of code is color-coded: Solid green means that line of code executed.Solid red means it did not execute.A line of code that is both red and green, such as line 3 in Figure 2, means that only some code on that line executed. To open the Coverage tab: Check out the video below to learn how to take a screenshot from the top of the page, all the way to the bottom. P.S. want to level up your debugging skills?

Dropping Support For IE11 Is Progressive Enhancement · The Ethically-Trained Programmer TL;DR if you have to choose, you should prioritize users with no JavaScript over users with old JavaScript. If you’re a web developer working today, it’s probably long passed time for you to stop transpiling your modern JavaScript into ES5 for Internet Explorer. Any time or effort spent getting your JavaScript working in IE11 is wasted time that could be better spent making a better experience for users without JavaScript. First, some notes about who this advice is for: I am assuming you’re working for a small team with no Quality Assurance testing department making a content focused site. Why drop support for IE11 JavaScript? To begin with, Internet Explorer represents less than 1% of my work traffic according to Google Analytics. Let’s contrast this with other users we could optimize for. Users without JavaScript are another important consideration. Essentially, there are three target web platforms you might want to support: What should you do instead of optimizing IE11? import "..
