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Start Developing iOS Apps Today: Introduction

Start Developing iOS Apps Today: Introduction

Ansca Mobile's cross-platform mobile app development tool BasicBuild your games or apps in record time and start monetizing with in-app purchases or ads.BUY $16/monthProPro adds advanced graphics, all Corona Plugins, analytics and much more.BUY $49/monthEnterpriseCall any native library (C++/Objective-C/Java) from your Corona app and do offline builds.CONTACT US Download Corona and you are automatically a Corona SDK Starter. You can build and publish your apps for free.Upgrade to Basic, Pro or Enterprise when you are ready for more functionality. Do you have existing apps? CoronaCards lets you take Corona’s richness and ease-of-use to any native app. Read on to learn why Corona SDK is the leader for 2D apps and games… 一些iPhone相關開發工具資源整理 @ droger的資訊心得整理 iPhone AppStore平台目前依舊是最大的手機App銷售平台,所以很多人也都開始會想開發自己的App放到上面去賣,或是開發iPhone可以用的App,雖然自己不太會寫程式開發,不過還是找了一些相關的開發工具資源,可以給有興趣進入這平台的人一些參考(當然很多是要付費的就是了)。(目前iPhone OS 4之後,底下許多工具就行不通了,除了用原生Cocoa開發) 1.CocoaChina Wiki CocoaChina是對岸的一個Obj-C的wiki網站,是一個介紹如何使用Cocoa開發的社群,他們將iPhone相關的開發文件翻譯成中文,可以在wiki上看到詳細的入門開發介紹。

Mockups Take a second. Let it sink in. The first impression might be disorienting. There are very few interface elements on the screen. Ten Things To Think About When Designing Your iPad App - Smashing UX Design Advertisement Like most well-designed things, the magic of an iPad app comes from a union of usefulness, usability and meaning. Games aside, the app must be useful by solving a problem that people actually have through the right set of functionality at the right time. It must be easy to use and, just as importantly, easy to get started using, without a lot of pesky setup and learning steps.

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