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Elements and Attributes

Elements and Attributes

Go offline with application cache UPDATE 15 June 2011: .appcache is now the recommended file extension for cache manifests. Please ensure you update your filename, manifest attribute on the html element and set the correct mime-type in your server config. HTML5 introduces new methods for enabling a web site or web application to function without a network connection.

Canvas element History[edit] Usage[edit] Canvas consists of a drawable region defined in HTML code with height and width attributes. JavaScript code may access the area through a full set of drawing functions similar to those of other common 2D APIs, thus allowing for dynamically generated graphics. Some anticipated uses of canvas include building graphs, animations, games, and image composition. HTML5 Presentation In March 1936, an unusual confluence of forces occurred in Santa Clara County. A long cold winter delayed the blossoming of the millions of cherry, apricot, peach, and prune plum trees covering hundreds of square miles of the Valley floor. Then, unlike many years, the rains that followed were light and too early to knock the blossoms from their branches.

Applying a Clean & Imageless Design to an Article – Part I For Christmas this year, my beautiful wife gave me a copy of The Web Designer’s Idea Book, Volume 2. Obviously, I have been perusing the book, and I am finding that there are tons of awesome web designs to take in. I’m super happy with the gift and I expect that it will prove to be a highly valuable resource throughout 2011, and beyond. HTML Drag and Drop HTML5 drag and drop in Firefox 3.5 Oh hey, look! It's another blog post—and this one is cross-posted on

40 Beautiful Free HTML5 & CSS3 Templates Dec 01 2011 Over the last few years there has been great collections of quality free HTML & CSS templates published on Noupe such as 50 Free High-Quality and “New” (X)HTML/CSS Templates (2009) and 40+ Elegant Free CSS/(X)HTML Templates (2010). There have been some great free templates released over the last year so we thought it would be appropriate to share some of these great new designs with you all.

The Bright (Near) Future of CSS - Smashing Magazine Advertisement This article is an excerpt from Eric Meyer’s recent book Smashing CSS1, published by Wiley in cooperation with Smashing Magazine. In this article, the focus is on what’s coming: styling techniques you’ll use in the immediate and near-term future. From styling HTML 5 elements to rearranging layout based on display parameters to crazy selection patterns to transforming element layout, these are all techniques that you may use tomorrow, next month, or next year.

Use of Ogg formats in HTML5 Motivation[edit] Users affiliated with the free software movement claimed the following advantages: The potential for universal adoption of Theora and Vorbis, no matter the computer or the user, would ease "codec hell" by eliminating an unnecessary amount of codecs required to view and publish videos to a select few. HTML5 Canvas Demos and Applications To Make You Say WOW Our today’s post is on HTML5 Canvas Applications and Demos. Being the last day of this calender year, we were bit skeptical on topic to choose. After thinking for quite a while we chose HTML5 Canvas Applications over others as we wanted to portray a different subject. In this post, you will be able to check the power of HTML5. The Most astonishing facet of HTML5 is the HTML5 canvas. The canvas element is a drawable region defined in HTML code with height and width attributes.

Guidelines on ALT texts in IMG elements In HTML authoring, there are very good reasons to include an alt attribute into every img element. The purpose is to specify a textual replacement for the image, to be displayed or otherwise used in place of the image. Thus, the prime rule is: Consider what the page looks like or sounds like when images are not shown. Then, write for each image an alt text that best works as a replacement. This document also gives more specific suggestions for simple, common situations, and some uncommon too.

HTML 5: Ogg Theora Vs H.264 In The Battle For A Web Video Standa With YouTube and other video sites serving up over a billion streams a day, it’s beyond contention that web-based video is not only mainstream, but has become fundamental to the web experience. Why, then, is a huge majority of web video in a wrapped in a proprietary Flash candy coating — essentially making Adobe the gatekeeper of video content? It’s worked okay so far, but it’s hardly a fertile ground for innovation, not to mention the fact that Flash is a real dog on OS X and any kind mobile browser (if it’s even supported). The next iteration of HTML standards is poised to introduce a <video> standard, putting moving images in the same natively-viewed category as images and text.

Cross-Browser HTML5 Placeholder Text One of the nice enhancement in HTML5 web form is being able to add placeholder text to input fields. Placeholder attribute allows you to display text in a form input when it is empty and when it is not focused (it clears the field on focus). This is a nifty feature, but it is not supported by all browsers yet. This tutorial will show you how to use Modernizr to detect if placeholder is supported, or else use jQuery to display the fallback placeholder text dynamically. Demo HTML5 Placeholder Download Demo Zip

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