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Médias sociaux > 3 approches différentes des social media analyt

Médias sociaux > 3 approches différentes des social media analyt

Apple iPhone 4G and Apple OS 4.0 Details Apple is expected to release their new version of the iPhone and their new Operating System (Apple OS 4.0) this Summer/Fall as well. Lots of commotion has been stirring about the yet to be released iPhone 4G (at least we guess thats what it will be called). Apple has release some sneak peak information about their new OS and two prototype iPhones have been discovered revealing some interesting information about what is expected to come. With strong competition from Google’s Android phones, Apple is under the gun. Also questions arise on how long will AT&T retain their exclusive agreement with Apple.

30 SEO Problems & the Tools to Solve Them (Part 2 of 2) Last November, I authored a popular post on SEOmoz detailing 15 SEO Problems and the Tools to Solve Them. It focused on a number of free tools and SEOmoz PRO tools. Today, I'm finishing up that project with a stab at another set of thorny issues that continually confound SEOs and how some new (and old) tools can come to the rescue. Some of these are obvious and well known; others are obscure and brand new. All of them solve problems - and that's why tools should exist in the first place.

Products: Google Browser Use this free Java application to explore the connections between related websites. Try it now! Enter keywords or a URL, and click 'Graph it!' See Getting Started below for more details. Getting Started Make sure you have the latest version of java, at least Java 1.5 Type in your search keywords or a URL, and press "Graph It!" 35 social media KPIs to help measure engagement Social media measurement is something that I think should be undertaken with a sense of perspective, by standing back and looking at the big picture. A widescreen approach to social media measurement ultimately looks at the things that really matter: sales, profits, customer satisfaction and loyalty. Besides, honing in on the detail might not be the best use of your time, given the obvious difficulties that arise, particularly with attribution. But standing back and looking at the bigger picture is not going to be enough for your data-mad boss, is it?

HOW TO: Track Social Media Analytics Social media is a relatively new phenomenon, but Delicious, Digg, StumbleUpon and other social media websites have become an increasingly important source of website traffic. This also creates a massive demand for data related to social media. Where are users coming from? What topics excite them? These are questions that, when answered, can be the difference between a successful website and a failed social media campaign. But social media analytics is young, and not many people know where to start.

Decentralize the web with Diaspora We're fully funded! Check out some of the other great projects on Kickstarter Diaspora - the privacy aware, personally controlled, do-it-all distributed open source social network We are four talented young programmers from NYU’s Courant Institute trying to raise money so we can spend the summer building Diaspora; an open source personal web server that will put individuals in control of their data.

10 Twitter Tools To Help You Track And Perform Better I’m guessing if you are reading this is because you use or want to use Twitter for more than just pure fun. Maybe you even have an objective in mind. Maybe you are trying to convert followers into prospects for your product or service or you are trying to increase traffic to your website or blog. Whatever those objectives are, having the right tools handy is always important. ThinkUp Reaches 1.0: Own Your Social Network Data ThinkUp, the social media management tool that matters most, hits version 1.0 today. It lets you store all your social activity from networks like Twitter, Facebook and Google+ in a database you control and search, sort and analyze it. If you have a Web server that can run a PHP application, you can take control of your social network data.

Windows 3.1 on aDosBox I recently discovered the vast possibilities with DosBox for Android . I installed it on my Droid today and experimented with simple stuff such as running Doom, Heretic and such. It didnt play well, But hey, It ran. Then I realized, Hey, Windows can be installed VIA Dos. So I went on google & youtube and looked up “Windows on Android” and what do you know, No results. However, I saw a lot of videos about Windows 95, NT, 3.1, etc on a Nokia.

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