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AgriCultures Network

AgriCultures Network
Related:  Community

IED Innovations Environnement Développement Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice - Australian Human Rights Commission The position of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner was created by the federal parliament in December 1992 – a response to the findings of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody and the National Inquiry into Racist Violence. It was also a response to the extreme social and economic disadvantage faced by Indigenous Australians. Social justice is about making sure that every Australian – Indigenous and non-Indigenous – has choices about how they live and the means to make those choices. The Commission's role includes reviewing the impact of laws and policies on Indigenous peoples, reporting on Indigenous social justice and native title issues and promoting an Indigenous perspective on issues. This work is led by Mick Gooda, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner.

CPI Médiaterre - Desertification Portail Désertification, 18/04/14 à 22h54 GMT | Publications Le 15 avril 2014, l'Initiative ELD (Economics of Land Degradation) a rendu public le rapport d'un Atelier sur l'économie de la dégradation des terres organisé pour le secteur privé. L'Atelier visait plus précisément le développement d'une "boîte à outils" pour le secteur privé. L'Initiative ELD vise à accroître la sensibilisation politique et publique quant aux coûts (...) Les 29 et 30 mai 2014 à l'Académie des Sciences, Washington DC, Etats-Unis, l'Institut Veolia Environnement, conjointement avec ses partenaires l'Agence Française de Développement (AFD), l'Union Internationale pour la Conservation de la Nature (UICN) et le Water Sciences and Technology Board (WSTB) du Conseil pour la Recherche américain, organisera sa prochaine Conférence internatio (...) Portail Désertification, 13/04/14 à 19h08 GMT | Partenariats La dégradation des sols est un problème de développement durable.

RUCHI - Rural Centre for Human Interests Red Ecofeminista Moringa asbl Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems Ecosofía | Ética, Ecología, Medioambiente, Derechos Animales Just Change India - Welcome to JC Just Change ......... A grassroots response to the global economy that has left the vast majority of people powerless, with little or no control over the factors that influence their lives. With growth and financial gain having become the driving force behind all economic activity, this faceless market economy has slowly eroded our sense of community. This radical trade initiative that links the local and global, goes beyond earlier initiatives like the Fair Trade movement and producer cooperatives, that have tried to address the problem of unfair markets. Just Change was born in India among the adivasi people of the Nilgiri Mountains as a response to the crash in tea prices.

PPI - Community Manuals People and Plants International (PPI) is deeply committed to facilitating the communication and exchange of socially useful knowledge to and among local users. Manuals have a critical role to play in this regard, enabling the dissemination of traditional knowledge within and among local peoples, as well as the democratization of useful but otherwise inaccessible technical and scientific information. Some of the manuals produced by PPI seek to render accessible scientific information to groups who normally do not have access to the specialized journals or to the language used by scientists to communicate the results of their findings. Other manuals have been used by communities to disseminate, and in some cases validate or control, the use of their knowledge. A number of hands-on technical manuals have also been developed to help local groups better manage resources, or negotiate with commercial or government representatives interested in local resources and lands. 2012. 2011, P. 2006.

The Rigoberta Menchu Tum Foundation
