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Metodología y Recursos CLIL/AICLE EMILE

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Useful Links AA Foundation for Road Safety Research Arrive Alive Association of Industrial Road Safety officers (AIRSO) Bicycle Helmet Initiative Trust Uso de las TIC en la Enseñanza de Lengua y Contenidos Parte 2: Recursos y Materiales - REA o no Didácticos de distintas áreas no lingüísticas(CLIL o no) Procedentes de los portales y currículos auténticos de lengua -- -- inglesa. (1) (2) (3) (4) + recursos Bloc de l'Aula d'Anglès de l'Escola del Parc, El Prat de Llobregat THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 3r The respiratory system is a group of organs that work together to help us breathe. + We breathe in air through our nose and mouth. + The air goes down into our lungs. + Oxygen is passed to the circulatory system, where it moves around the body. + We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.

Science math language school project classroom dialog cyberpal Think together our feelings, emotions and thoughts about Peace: peace in the world, interior peace, Peace development.. The idea of the project is sending Peace messages to students of different countries. What's Peace for you? What does Peace mean for you? Do you help keep Peace? How? Kidspace Kids -- Reference 84 resources Cancellations.Com Wondering if you get to stay home from school tomorrow for a snow day? Check here! Guide to the OER (Open Educational Resources) for CLIL in primary schools - Clil To use the hyperlinks of this report, you have to unzip the file using the “extract here” command: you have to mantein the same directory structure contained in the zipfile. The Guide to OERs for CLIL in Primary Schools – ZipFile 22 MB If you have not an unzip software installed in your computer, you can download the open source 7-zip software here. The Guide to OERs for CLIL in Primary Schools is a kit of contents resulted from the combined effort of four C4C partners to collect and census 90 Open Educational Resources (OERs) to teach English through CLIL in primary schools (ages 5 to 12 or grades 1 to 6) in a series of European countries, namely: Czech Republic, Italy, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Romania, and Spain. C4C partners surveyed CLIL OERs of good quality in the areas of Science, Mathematics and Geography in order to establish a sound baseline from which to develop the following products targeted at primary school teachers:

Towards Quality CLIL -Oliver Meyer´s article of Succesful Planning and Teaching Strategies In his article of quality CLIL -planning, Oliver Meyer(2010,1) highlights the meaning of planning -not only from the content´s point of view, but from the holistic perspective of the planning process. According to Meyer as well as CLIL researchers around the world (Genesee 1994, Lyster 2010, Swain2002 etc.) there is still, after 50 years of CLIL and Immersion education existence, a lack of appropriate teaching materials and a comprehensive CLIL methodology. Oliver Meyer is working in the field of CLIL education and has created a practical planning tool with deep connections to CLIL theory that enables teachers to develop teaching and learning materials based on Coyles (1999, 2006) 4Cs principles. The 4Cs Framework (Coyle 1999), as Coyle defines in his article (1999) integrates content and cognition and communication and cultures. Meyer has created a CLIL -Pyramid which is based on the 4Cs-Framework.

E-CLIL Games Welcome to the UWS E-CLIL Games Engine. The UWS e-CLIL Games Engine has been developed to provide teachers of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) with an easy-to-use tool that will allow them to create simple educational games in one or more languages that their students can play online. Games created by teachers are freely available for other teachers to use and adapt to suit their own teaching purposes. Teachers can select the games that they want their students to play from the growing list of games that the platform will support. Curricular Resources in Life Sciences Curricular Resources in Life Science Below are the CLN "Theme Pages" which focus on specific topics within Life Science. CLN's theme pages are collections of useful Internet educational resources within a narrow curricular topic and contain links to two types of information. Students and teachers will find curricular resources (information, content...) to help them learn about this topic.
