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Scene di culto. Cinematic Kabbalism on Pinterest. Teoria cinematografica. Critica. History of film. RESSOURCES. Colonne sonore. Trailers. Vintage. Film & Media related. Cinéma.

Cinema. Cinoche. Cinéma. Film. L'art du Flim. A propos du cinema et de ses films. Cinéma. Cinéma. MOVIES. Film. Films & Vidéos. Movies, Docs. Movies, Docs #2. Cinema Movies. Unexpected Tales. AllMovie - Movies and Films Database - Movie Search, Guide, Recommendations, and Reviews. Ciné-ressources : le catalogue collectif des bibliothèques et archives de cinéma. A Good Movie to Watch - Little-Known, Highly-Rated Suggestions & Recommendations - Good Movies. Flickseeker - Discover Movies by Feeling. Your Guide to Life Changing Media. Film Quarterly.

SensCritique. - Il cinema dalla parte del pubblico.


Stills From Beautiful Films. 2001: A Space Odyssey 25th Hour A.I.

Stills From Beautiful Films

Artificial Intelligence. La mort du mot Fin au cinéma - The end of "The End" Title in mov. Here's Why Movie Dialogue Has Gotten More Difficult To Understand (And Three Ways To Fix It) Now that we know the key issues that are contributing to this lack of intelligibility, what can be done to make things more intelligible?

Here's Why Movie Dialogue Has Gotten More Difficult To Understand (And Three Ways To Fix It)

From the sound of it, this problem is going to require a multi-pronged approach. One prong involves educating people about the importance of sound, from studio execs to the filmmakers themselves. "There's a lot of people who don't prioritize sound," says Thomas Curley. "They know that they need to have it, but they don't necessarily think about it in a very creative way and don't really like to bother with it much. " "Sound is still a mystery to a lot of people," Karen Baker Landers asserts. Lieux de Tournage Cinématographique. Flim, an Intelligent Movie Screenshot Search Engine. Flim is a movie search engine currently in beta that returns screenshots from movies based on keywords like “clock” or “tree”.

Flim, an Intelligent Movie Screenshot Search Engine

Like so: You can filter results by things like genre, year, and film ratio. You can search by color and within movies, e.g. “tuxedo” in Titanic: I would love for the screenshot detail pages to include timecodes — it would make this an amazing tool for creating supercuts, film analysis videos, and other sorts of media. Erreurs de Films - gaffes de tournage. Art of the Title. TV Floorplans. Location - il Davinotti. Bas nylon et musique retro. Movie Firearms Database. Silver Screen Goddesses. News and resources on experimental films. Film Noir. "You need cops, venetian blinds, lots of smoking, hats, sweat, dead-end streets, guys who know all the angles except for the one that ends up sticking out of their backs.

Film Noir

Sirens of the automotive and female kind. " For added effect, play this , this , or this. 50 Free Noir Films: A Introduction to a Great Cinematic Tradition. The 100 Best Film Noirs of All Time. Since its coining in 1946 by French critic Nino Frank, who observed from afar something dark, quite literally, going on at the American cinema, the term “film noir” has been debated and debated and debated some more.

The 100 Best Film Noirs of All Time

Is it a genre? A subgenre? Film Noir Studies. Film Noir Femmes Fatales. Greatest Femmes Fatales in Classic Film Noir: Classic film noir developed during and after World War II, taking advantage of the post-war ambience of anxiety, pessimism, and suspicion, and possibly reflecting male fears of female liberation and independence during the war years.

Film Noir Femmes Fatales

Film noirs first evolved in the 1940s, became prominent in the post-war era, and lasted in a classic "Golden Age" period until about 1960. A film noir story was often developed around a cynical, hard-hearted, disillusioned male character [e.g., Robert Mitchum, Fred MacMurray, or Humphrey Bogart] who encountered a beautiful but promiscuous, amoral, double-dealing and seductive femme fatale [e.g., Mary Astor, Veronica Lake, Jane Greer, Barbara Stanwyck, Joan Bennett or Lana Turner were the most prominent].

Femme fatale literally means "killer (or deadly) woman. " The character type of femme fatale was derived from the anti-heroine vamps of early cinema, such as Theda Bara in A Fool There Was (1915). Discussion of the Femme Fatale. 35 Free Film Noir Movies. During the 1940s and 50s, Hollywood entered a “noir” period, producing riveting films based on hard-boiled fiction.

35 Free Film Noir Movies

These films were set in dark locations and shot in a black & white aesthetic that fit like a glove. Hardened men wore fedoras and forever smoked cigarettes. Images - Ten Shades of Noir. Voyages dans le temps. Kubrick Creator: Alchemy in Stanley Kubrick’s Films – Senses of Cinema. How one should turn to stone. – Slowly slowly become hard like a precious stone – and finally lie there still and silent, to the joy of all eternity.

Kubrick Creator: Alchemy in Stanley Kubrick’s Films – Senses of Cinema

–Nietzsche. Apart from a few early documentaries, Stanley Kubrick made only a dozen films in his 45-year career. Like Jacques Tati, for whom the term film auteur was pretty much invented, Kubrick controlled all aspects of the production process of his films, including script, direction, production, casting, editing, light, sound, music and even distribution. But unlike Tati, who worked in only one genre, Kubrick’s body of work covers nearly all the major movie genres. His first feature was an adventure film that he later denounced (Fear and Desire, 1953); he continued with film noir (Killer’s Kiss, 1955, The Killing, 1956); a war movie (Paths of Glory, 1957); a history piece (Spartacus, 1960); a road movie (Lolita, 1962); a comedy (Dr.

IL CINEMA THRILLER-HORROR ITALIANO - HorrorMovie. 666 DIY Horror Filmmaking Tutorials. It’s that time of year again, so we thought it was time to update last years killer feature “Horror Filmmaking: From Script to Scream.”

666 DIY Horror Filmmaking Tutorials

That’s right a sequel! This time we are narrowing the focus a bit and concentrating on the DIY (Do It Yourself) elements. Hopefully this will help you slash the budget without murdering your production values. Glass, Shutter Island, Fight Club... Hollywood fasciné par le trouble dissociatif de l'identité. Psychose d'Hitchcock. Movies: Special Feature: The Ten Greatest Imaginary Friends in Film. I was perusing another blog--a defunct blog, it seems--and the guy was doing a top-ten list of some kind every Tuesday.

Movies: Special Feature: The Ten Greatest Imaginary Friends in Film

I like the idea and will now steal it. Except I'm not doing one every Tuesday. Western Movies - Saloon Forum. Spaghetti Westerns were a glorious moment in Wild West movies. While it had its moment in pop culture from the mid '60s to the mid '70s, the spaghetti western recently re-emerged from the dusty, sandy streets that it commonly rested in when Quentin Tarantino released his hyper violent western Django Unchained, a film that proudly owed many a debt to the sub genre. While some of the filmmakers who make these films may take the term as reductive, the simplest way to explain the term "spaghetti western" is to say that it refers to Italian-made westerns made in the aforementioned time period.

Whereas classic American westerns at one point were usually imbued with horse chases, train robberies, good guys fighting bad guys, romance and, if the right parties were involved, a song number or two, the spaghetti westerns seemed to shun the good clean fun conventions. There was less emphasis on romance. The days of your favorite cowpoke whipping out a guitar and singing a happy tune were all but dead. Once Upon A Time In The West. Culture - Why Some Like It Hot is the greatest comedy ever made. In 1958, Tony Curtis was at a Hollywood party when Billy Wilder took him aside. Wilder was planning a film about two musicians who dress up as women to join an all-girl band, and he asked Curtis to play one of the musicians. Curtis was overjoyed, but he wasn’t sure why such an illustrious writer-director would want to use him. “You’re the handsomest kid in this town,” said Wilder. “Who else am I going to use?” Read more about BBC Culture’s 100 greatest comedies of all time:

Star Trek. Les références de Matrix. Reelgood (film & TV reviews) Here’s Netflix’s complete library of movies and TV shows. Click “Sort By Default” to rank this list by popular, IMDB score, release date, or alphabetical. Click “Filter” to restrict the list by movies, TV shows, release year, or genre. Watch Online. Films / Vidéos. FILMs. Movie video search. Film Archives. 700 films rares et gratuits disponibles ici et maintenant. 5000 films tombés dans le domaine public à télécharger gratuitement. Les films. 2.2 Movies. Movie. Liens download. Martinsm. Mediathèque. 1,150 Free Movies Online: Great Classics, Indies, Noir, Westerns. Watch 4,000+ movies free online. Includes classics, indies, film noir, documentaries and other films, created by some of our greatest actors, actresses and directors. The collection is divided into the following categories: Comedy & Drama; Film Noir, Horror & Hitchcock; Westerns (many with John Wayne); Martial Arts Movies; Silent Films; Documentaries, and Animation.

Free Comedy & Dramas. 12 sites to watch films online for free. As much as we all nostalgically long for the days we patronized local video stores and supported independent neighbourhood theaters, one of the really cool thing about the age of the internet has to be watching films online, without having to leave the house or shelling a penny.

Because we, at the NFB, feel confident you would never abandon us for another streaming site (I mean, how could you), we decided to put together and share with you a list of destinations for watching films online. All sites in the following list are free; only one requires you become a member. Watch away friends, and by all means feel free to leave a comment if you see I’ve omitted a landmark. Public Domain Movies - Best Classic Movies. Top 10 Websites To Watch Movies Online For Free Without Downloading. Movies Found Online. 5000 films tombés dans le domaine public à télécharger gratuitement. Trouver des vieux films sur youtube. Classic Movies Online. FREE TARKOVSKY – Watch All 7 of Tarkovsky’s Films For Free Online!

Download & Streaming : Moving Image Archive : Internet Archive. RedList - Réseau social de partage. Movie site and Tv Shows. PSA ReEnc Releases DDL - Free Movie and TV-Show Downloads In x265 HEVC. JustWatch - Die Streaming Suchmaschine für Filme und Serien. Watch Series Online for free, Full episodes - Watch Series.