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So What Exactly Is a Math Circle? - Time and Learning. I had never heard the term, "math circle," until a few weeks ago when I stumbled across an article in The Atlantic about the growing number of American kids excelling in the highest levels of math.

So What Exactly Is a Math Circle? - Time and Learning

It mentioned the growing popularity of math circles as a driver of that trend, and I was intrigued: In New York City last fall, it was easier to get a ticket to the hit musical "Hamilton" than to enroll your child in certain math circles. Some circles in the 350-student New York Math Circle program run out of New York University filled up in about five hours. Math circles are meetings between mathematicians and K-12 students or teachers where they work on problem solving.

These gatherings typically take place outside the regular school day. 25 Google Drive Tips You’ve Probably Never Heard Before. Recently I moved over from Dropbox to Google Drive and found a few unexpected benefits.

25 Google Drive Tips You’ve Probably Never Heard Before

At first I had a little trouble managing the space since the 1TB on my Google Drive was bigger than my HDD, but after I got that sorted I started to learn some of the deeper features of Google Drive, some of which are pretty cool. Below is a list of the top tips and tricks I have learned from playing with Google Drive over the last few months. 10 Unusual Ways to Explore Math. I confess.

10 Unusual Ways to Explore Math

I never really liked math. I played the school game well so I received pretty good grades, but after I passed the test (even after receiving an A in most cases), those rules, theorems and facts didn’t stick around for very long. The problem was everything was drilled into me, or as I like to think now, drilled out of me. I sat and did problem after problem before I really had a great grasp of with math could mean, how it related to my life and how I could approach it in a way that made sense to me.

Everyone is different, but I needed more hands-on things, more time to invent my own problems. 30 second arithmetic challenge. The fantastic new ways to teach math that most schools aren’t even using. This is an exciting time to be a mathematics teacher-educator.

The fantastic new ways to teach math that most schools aren’t even using

In the past two decades, we have developed a much better understanding not only of how children learn math, but also of how to teach math – and how to prepare teachers to teach math. A short (though incomplete) list of teaching practices that we know work to support student learning includes posing challenging tasks that connect to children’s prior understandings and out-of-school experiences, providing opportunities for children to make sense of and talk about mathematics, and promoting the use of mental mathematics based on patterns in our number system. Yet it is also a challenging time to be a mathematics teacher educator because these teaching practices are not being used in most classrooms and schools.

Further, there are many constraints limiting the use of these practices — ranging from high-stakes testing to crumbling schools. How To Use Plickers in your Classroom - Cassie Dahl: Teaching & Technology. How boring are your assessments?

How To Use Plickers in your Classroom - Cassie Dahl: Teaching & Technology

Guess what... they don't have to be anymore. ClassroomScreen. 65 Free Interactive Whiteboard Resources. Interactive whiteboard resources are a great way for teachers to engage classrooms in learning.

65 Free Interactive Whiteboard Resources

While many teachers are spending hours a day creating their own activities for their interactive whiteboards, there are tons of free sources to help teachers learn about and use IWBs with students to further their use of technology in the classroom. Here is a list of some great interactive whiteboard resources and activities guaranteed to stimulate learning: General Interactive Whiteboard Resources for Teachers.

The Flipped Classroom. The 10 best classroom tools for gathering feedback. Getting feedback from your students can serve multiple purposes: it can help you understand your students’ comprehension of the material, it can give you insight into what teaching methods work or don’t work, and it can help engage students in their learning process by knowing they have a voice that is heard.

The 10 best classroom tools for gathering feedback

Not only can feedback offer insight for both teachers and students, it can be an integral part of group work and classroom time, given the plethora of connected devices in the hands of our students these days. That said, there are a lot of classroom tools available for gathering feedback. The Flipped Learning Process Visually Explained. April 2, 2015 After yesterday’s post on “Flipped Learning Resources” one of our readers emailed us this beautiful visual outlining the six main steps involved in the creation of a flipped classroom.

The Flipped Learning Process Visually Explained

These steps include: planning, recording, sharing, changing, grouping, and regrouping. Read the graphic for more details on each of these steps. As a refresher for those who are not yet familiar with the concept of a flipped classroom. Flipped learning or Flipped classroom or is a methodology, an approach to learning in which technology is employed to reverse the traditional role of classroom time. The Flipped Classroom Model: A Full Picture. Due to Khan Academy’s popularity, the idea of the flipped classroom has gained press and credibility within education circles. Briefly, the Flipped Classroom as described by Jonathan Martin is: Flip your instruction so that students watch and listen to your lectures… for homework, and then use your precious class-time for what previously, often, was done in homework: tackling difficult problems, working in groups, researching, collaborating, crafting and creating.

Classrooms become laboratories or studios, and yet content delivery is preserved. Flip your instruction so that students watch and listen to your lectures… for homework, and then use your precious class-time for what previously, often, was done in homework: tackling difficult problems, working in groups, researching, collaborating, crafting and creating. Apps and Tools for Flipped Classroom Videos and Tutorials - Mrs E. Flipped Classrooom. 30 Tools to Flip Your Classroom From edshelf.

Seven Blunders of the World. The Seven Social Sins, sometimes called the Seven Blunders of the World, is a list that Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi published in his weekly newspaper Young India on October 22, 1925.[1] Later, he gave this same list to his grandson Arun Gandhi, written on a piece of paper, on their final day together, shortly before his assassination.[2] The seven sins or blunders are: History and influence[edit] Mahatma Gandhi, who published the list in 1925 as a list of "Seven Social Sins" (1940s photo) The list was first published by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in his weekly newspaper Young India on October 22, 1925.[1]

Seven Blunders of the World

A Maths Dictionary for Kids 2012 by Jenny Eather. Math for nine-year-olds: fold, punch and cut for symmetry! Today I had the pleasure to visit my daughter’s fourth-grade classroom for some fun mathematical activities.

Math for nine-year-olds: fold, punch and cut for symmetry!

The topic was Symmetry! I planned some paper-folding activities, involving hole-punching and cutting, aiming to display the dynamism that is present in the concept of symmetry. Symmetry occurs when a figure can leap up, transforming itself through space, and land again exactly upon itself in different ways. I sought to have the students experience this dynamic action not only in their minds, as they imagined various symmetries for the figures we considered, but also physically, as they folded a paper along a line of symmetry, checking that this fold brought the figure exactly to itself.

Common Core Math Sheets- FREE! I have been trying to get ready to take on the new Common Core standards. The math series we use now doesn't align to the new standards, even though they pretend they do. 7000+ Free Powerpoint Templates PPT and Free PowerPoint Backgrounds. Online Stopwatch. Free PowerPoint Templates for Teachers and Students. We've all seen plenty of poorly designed slides that have harsh color schemes, fonts that are too small, or otherwise just don't look quite right.

Fortunately, there is help for those of us who struggle with visual design. Sites like SlideModel, SlideHunter, and FPPT offer slide design templates that we can use in PowerPoint, OpenOffice Impress, and Google Slides. SlideHunter is a free website containing a collection of free slide decks. These slides can be downloaded then imported into PowerPoint, OpenOffice Impress, or Google Slides. 5000+ Free PowerPoint Templates, Free PowerPoint Backgrounds. Storytelling Prompts for Kids - Tell Me A Story.

Time for the Virtual Chapter Book Club for Kids. The theme for November is Fairy Tales, Fables and Fractured Fairy Tales. My daughters have actually been reading quite a few fairy tale chapter books lately. There is something about fairy tales and fables that is always appealing to children. My youngest daughter came across the book “Clemency Pogue, Fairy Killer” by JT Petty and illustrated by Will Davis. Storytelling plays an important part in the book, Clemency’s family likes to sit around telling stories. Art History and Writing Integration - Whimsy Workshop Teaching. As a primary teacher with a degree in visual art and art history, it’s so sad for me to hear that art programs across the country are being eliminated, art budgets being cut, and that teachers just don’t have time for art lessons because of increased pressure to get through other curriculum.

I’ve experienced the same things in my own district, and so I am trying to think of art in a different way to come up with some solutions. Problem 1: Materials are too expensive and hard to find. This is true for some art programs, but actually as classroom teachers we can create amazing art with kids without needing a lot of expensive supplies. Pastels, paint, scissors, glue, chalk, paper and a few other easy-to-find supplies is all we need. Human Anatomy: Learn All About the Human Body at Graffiti Creator.

Fibonacci sequence in music. 65 Free Interactive Whiteboard Resources. Inspirograph. 101 Teaching Tips, Secrets, And Ideas For 2013. 10 Trends for Workplace Learning (from the Top 100 Tools for Learning 2015) Yesterday, 1 October I ran a webinar for the L&S Group. The slideset is below, and the points in the slides are elaborated beneath it. On 21st September I released the Top 100 Tools for Learning 2015. Results of the 8th Annual Survey of Learning Tools. Videos about Numbers and Stuff. Directory of Learning & Performance Tools & Services. Directory of Learning & Performance Tools & Services Here are the Top 100 Tools for Learning 2015 classified in 30 categories under 4 main headings A – Instructional tools B – Content tools C – Social tools D – Personal tools.

Bloom's taxonomy. 10 Innovative Ways to Use ThingLink in the Classroom by Susan Oxnevad. It starts with an image. Hundreds of interactive resources ideal for whiteboards. ShowMe - The Online Learning Community. Mind Map and Concept Map Creating Tools & Tips. 100's of Visuals. Word CLouds.

Make your own posters at home for free! - Block Posters. Interactive maths & numeracy links. MathsStarters. Cmallc. Buzzword: Micro-learning. I was introduced recently to a new buzz word making its way across the learning & development industry: Micro-learning. If you’re like me, you’re probably starting to get a bit tired of people adding their particular spin to learning – all in search of the holy grail that is the “right way” to make learning happen. It doesn’t exist. But having got that out of the way, it is worth looking at these ideas to see if there’s anything we, as learning professionals, can learn from them.

A 17,826 Word Palindrome (or Palindromic Sentence) Weird Converter - Translate Babies to Blue Whales to Polar Bears. Create Games & Learn from Others. Draw On Maps and Make Them Easily. Make a word cloud - WordItOut.

21 GIFs That Explain Mathematical Concepts. How to build a sensory garden at your school. A sensory garden should include items to stimulate all the senses whether it's touch, sound, sight, taste or smell. 12 Puzzle and Quiz Creation Tools for Teachers. 65 Free Interactive Whiteboard Resources. Classroom Timers - Fun Timers. Illustrated Mathematics Dictionary. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Easily Convert Images to PDFs with This Handy Tool. May 21, 2016Image to PDF Converter is a wonderful tool from Smallpdf that you can use to easily convert images to beautiful PDFs. The tool is free and simple to use. It also supports major popular image formats including JPG, Gif, Bmp, PNG and tiff files. Teachers Printables. Free Flipbook Creator - Flippable PDFs - Turn Pages.

Editable old newspaper template. 7 Excellent Tools to Publish Students Work. Download free PowerPoint backgrounds and templates - Brainy Betty. Math Walks - Google Earth Walks. QR codes. QR Code generator. News about QR. Rainforest Interactive Tour. National Geographic. NASA: Earth Observatory. Rainforest Animals. How Teachers Make Cell Phones Work in the Classroom. 12 Principles Of Mobile Learning. Critical Thinking. Quotes. Text. 16 Gorgeous Locations From Pride And Prejudice You Can Actually Visit. Jane Austen Lesson Plans. Drawing a Mind Map from Start to Finish. Character Map. Maths Resources. Free Maths Resources, Worksheets and Games. Story Map.

Free Word Cloud Generator. Verizon Mobile Learning Academy. Student Performance Dashboard. 38 Tools For Beautiful Data Visualisations. Blooms Digital Taxonomy v2.12. Teaching Resources. A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods. iPad Apps and Resources for Teachers.


English. Maths. 65 Free Interactive Whiteboard Resources. 9 Steps to Create A Classroom Poster Using Google Docs. Online. Test your document's readability.