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Research: YouTube beats Facebook with consumers. Are you producing enough video?

Research: YouTube beats Facebook with consumers

If you want to get your product or service in front of consumers these days, you may want to think about doing more. When it comes to online sites and services consumers use most, YouTube was the top choice, according to highlights coming from Technorati Media’s 2013 Digital Influence Report (full report due Feb.1, 2013).

Nearly 80 percent of participants reported that they use YouTube, ahead of all other social sites like Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. YouTube was also named the most trusted source of information by 29 percent of consumers – the fourth highest selection. “YouTube, and video in general, allows its users to see the action, to see someone using a product they might be thinking about buying,” Technorati Media CEO Shani Higgins said. The new data could indicate that consumers are more willing to watch videos about potential purchases now more than ever before.

A full version of the report will be released Feb. 1. [Infographie] Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google +… Les derniers chiffres clefs des médias sociaux. 901M d’utilisateurs pour Facebook, 555M pour Twitter, 170M pour Google + et 11,7M pour Pinterest...

[Infographie] Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google +… Les derniers chiffres clefs des médias sociaux

Le site a récemment publié une infographie qui recense les derniers chiffres clefs des principaux médias sociaux. Sans apporter d’informations majeures, cette réalisation permet toutefois de comparer rapidement chaque plateforme sociale. Au menu : nombre de membres, visiteurs mensuels, taux d’engagement et éléments démographiques. Parmi les principaux chiffres mis en avant : Jolicloud Me qui indexe votre vie numérique dans votre nuage disponible sur iOS. Mardi 1 mai Mobiles et PDA - 1 mai 2012 :: 10:33 :: Par Camille Le service de nuage personnel Jolicloud Me, lancé il y a quelques semaines en bêta privée, vient d’annoncer la sortie de son application iOS.

Jolicloud Me qui indexe votre vie numérique dans votre nuage disponible sur iOS

Le service de nuage personnel Jolicloud Me, lancé il y a quelques semaines en bêta privée, vient d’annoncer la sortie de son application iOS. Concrètement, ce service permet d’indexer et trier toute la vie numérique d’une personne dans le nuage. Tous les contenus que vous publiez sur les réseaux sociaux se retrouveront sur Jolicloud Me sous forme de fichiers et pourront être triés par catégories (images, vidéos, musiques…).

Pour ceux qui ne sont pas déjà inscrits, il est possible de s’inscrire au service en utilisant son compte Facebook. With $3M In Hand, Gopogo Launches To Let You Create, Share & Discover Location-Based Stories. With the rise of social networks, people are now sharing more information about themselves online than ever before.

With $3M In Hand, Gopogo Launches To Let You Create, Share & Discover Location-Based Stories

Sharing is happening at an unprecedented volume, with some calling it … “The Sharepocalypse”. Social feeds now disseminate content in realtime, but the problem of course is that a lot of this sharing gets lost in the noise — and with content piling up so quickly, stuff quickly gets lost. Want to find a tweet you wrote a year ago? Good luck. A New York-based startup called Gopogo is launching in beta today to address this problem, with a geo-location platform for recording, sharing and discovering connected experiences. The startup is today launching its online platform, with an iOS app in the approval process, that lets users capture and record the activities and experiences of their day, linking them together in “Strings” to tell the story of their day, for example. For more, check out Gopogo at home here. Is Building A Rapportive For The Web.

Prepare for the concept of the address book to be flipped. Is Building A Rapportive For The Web

Today, a startup called is launching a new way for you to discover “who you know” by providing that information to you in the context of what you’re viewing. The product, which they’re calling a “social compass” of sorts, automatically extracts information from the web page you’re viewing, and then displays relevant information from Twitter about the people and tweets related to the page. To be clear, it’s not just about finding out who tweeted about that page, but about the people related to that page. For example, a TechCrunch article would point you to the author’s profile, as well as Twitter profiles related to that writer.


[Infographie] Facebook, Google +, Twitter… Quelles marques sont les plus populaires ? Niche Social Networks Deliver Big Results. This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business.

Niche Social Networks Deliver Big Results

When small businesses contemplate a social media strategy, Facebook and Twitter get lots of attention. However, niche social networks and online communities offer additional opportunities for brands to connect with consumers in an environment that’s highly targeted and often less congested. Let’s look at how a different brands are using Instagram, Pinterest and Foodspotting to reach out to potential customers in novel ways.


A Quick Cheat Sheet to Learning the Chinese Social Networks [Infographic] - Tumblr. LinkedIn. Google social media. Facebook. Twitter. Other social networks.