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Site Tour Creator - Simple. Free. Open Source.

Site Tour Creator - Simple. Free. Open Source.

Opciones para crear páginas web sin necesidad de registro Si necesitamos publicar alguna información de forma urgente en la web, os presento varias alternativas que os ayudarán a crear páginas sin necesidad de pasar por los tediosos registros, que incluso a veces se hacen bastante largos. Empezamos la lista con: una herramienta con la que podemos escribir una página web en cuestión de segundos, permitiendo la inclusión de enlaces, vídeos y la mayoría de los recursos de cualquier sistema de gestión de contenidos. Muy profesional, con resultado limpio y simple de usar y actualizar. webklipper Webkippler nos ofrece sencillas y útiles herramientas para compartir contenido. Instantpag En una tercera posicion encontramos a instantpag, una sencilla alternativa para crear nuestro sitio en pocos minutos con una amplia gama de herramientas para personalizar al máximo el diseño y el contenido de del mismo. Disposablewebpage

Javascript Progress / Percentage Bar with CSS by WebAppers Sometimes, when we are building websites and web applications, we need a percentage bar / progress bar to show the progress of a specific task. However, it is very difficult to find a working and easy solution without using Flash. Therefore WebAppers have created a simple Javascript based Percentage Bar / Progress Bar which is inspired by Bare Naked App. Bare Naked App taught us how to display Percentage Bar with 2 images only by using CSS. And then I used a little bit of Javascript to make it more interactive. display(elementId, percentage, colorCode) Display the Percentage Bar int colorCode: 1 = Green int colorCode: 2 = Yellow int colorCode: 3 = Orange int colorCode: 4 = Red plus(elementId, percentage) Increment the Percentage Bar by the specified percentage minus(elementId, percentage) Decrement the Percentage Bar by the specified percentage setProgress(elementId, percentage) Set the Percentage Bar with the specified percentage fillProgress(elementId, percentage)

Best Open Source Resources for Web Developers | WebAppers Xenu – Excelente forma de encontrar enlaces rotos en tu sitio web Hay muchas extensiones y técnicas que nos ayudan a detectar errores en nuestros sitios web, páginas internas enlazadas que, por algún motivo, ya no existen, mostrando error a nuestros lectores. El servicio de Google para Webmasters, por ejemplo, hace un buen trabajo en este sentido, mostrando la lista de enlaces internos con problemas. Lo difícil es encontrar los enlaces a sitios externos que ya no existen, algo que las publicaciones de recomendación de enlaces, como, tienen que tener siempre presente. De entre todas las herramientas que pueden encontrarse relacionadas con este tema, la más completa es Xenu, estando disponible de forma gratuita para sistema operativo Windows y con una nueva versión lanzada en septiembre de 2010. Aunque el sitio web para bajarlo es poco profesional, sin dominio propio y sin un diseño muy elaborado, Xenu es una aplicación muy recomendada en todo el mundo, con página propia en Wikipedia.

jQuery BlockUI Plugin (v2) The jQuery BlockUI Plugin lets you simulate synchronous behavior when using AJAX, without locking the browser[1]. When activated, it will prevent user activity with the page (or part of the page) until it is deactivated. BlockUI adds elements to the DOM to give it both the appearance and behavior of blocking user interaction. Usage is very simple; to block user activity for the page: $.blockUI(); Blocking with a custom message: Blocking with custom style: To unblock the page: $.unblockUI(); If you want to use the default settings and have the UI blocked for all ajax requests, it's as easy as this: $(document).ajaxStart($.blockUI).ajaxStop($.unblockUI); This page demonstrates how to block selected elements on the page rather than the entire page. Test link - click me! lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit sed lorem leo lorem leo consectetuer adipiscing elit sed lorem leo rhoncus sit amet lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit sed lorem leo Test link - click me!

50 Best Free Tools To Create Perfect Color Combinations A good color combination has the tendency to communicate with the users and let them perceive the design in the correct way. That is the basic reason why you need to pick the right color for your design. So, here we are bringing 50 varieties of useful and valuable color tools that would help you choosing the right color palettes for your designs. You are welcome to share more color tools and resources which our readers/viewers may like. Do you want to be the first one to know the latest happenings at just subscribe to our rss feed and you can follow us on twitter and do not forget to become our fan on facebook as well. Color Scheme Designer Color Scheme Designer is a brand new interface, as well as the engine, all rewritten from the scratch. The Color Wizard The Color Wizard is a color matching application for anyone who wants to create designs with great looking colors. Contrast-A: Find Accessible Color Combinations Kuler Colors On The Web Color Wheel Color Calculator Kolur

A re-introduction to JavaScript - MDC Why a re-introduction? Because JavaScript is notorious for being the world's most misunderstood programming language. It is often derided as being a toy, but beneath its layer of deceptive simplicity, powerful language features await. JavaScript is now used by an incredible number of high-profile applications, showing that deeper knowledge of this technology is an important skill for any web or mobile developer. It's useful to start with an overview of the language's history. JavaScript was created in 1995 by Brendan Eich while he was an engineer at Netscape. Several months later, Microsoft released JScript with Internet Explorer 3. Because it is more familiar, we will refer to ECMAScript as "JavaScript" from this point on. Unlike most programming languages, the JavaScript language has no concept of input or output. Overview JavaScript is a multi-paradigm, dynamic language with types and operators, standard built-in objects, and methods. And there are some built-in Error types as well.

Presentástico | Transforma tus presentaciones. Motiva a tu audiencia. JavaScript: A Survey of the Language Douglas Crockford © 2002 Douglas Crockford This document is an introduction to the JavaScript Programming Language for professional programmers. It is a small language, so if you are familiar with other languages, then this won't be too demanding. JavaScript is not Java. JavaScript is a regular language which won't take much time to learn. When JavaScript was first introduced, I dismissed it as being not worth my attention. JavaScript was developed by Brendan Eich at Netscape as the in-page scripting language for Navigator 2. This document describes ECMAScript Edition 3 (aka JavaScript 1.5). JavaScript contains a small set of data types. Boolean has two values: true and false. Number is 64-bit floating point, similar to Java's double and Double. String is a sequence of zero or more Unicode characters. 'This is a string.' "Isn't this a string? 'A' // The character A "" // An empty string Escapement is done with the \ character, like in Java. var s = "Hello World!" Objects Vars

Cómo lograr que recuerden tus ideas (II): Desentierra las historias de tu presentación ¿Cuántas veces has asistido a una presentación donde predomina la lógica pero la parte emocional brilla por su ausencia? A menudo nos abruman con datos, características, evidencias, casos de estudio y un largo etcétera con el objetivo de convencernos de algo sin demasiado éxito. En Cómo lograr que recuerden tus ideas (I): Suscita emociones ya comenté que la parte lógica de una presentación es necesaria pero no suficiente. El mismo Aristóteles decía que otro de los ingredientes básicos de un discurso consiste en apelar a las emociones de las personas. Contar historias relacionadas con nuestro tema es una forma excelente de apelar a las emociones de las personas. Pero las ventajas de contar historias no consisten sólo en fomentar la parte emocional. Las historias, a parte de ser interesantes, son fáciles de entender y recordar. Búsqueda y captura de historias Cuando prepares presentaciones, piensa en posibles historias relacionadas con la idea principal de tu charla. Entradas relacionadas:

Closure Compiler - Google Code What is the Closure Compiler? The Closure Compiler is a tool for making JavaScript download and run faster. Instead of compiling from a source language to machine code, it compiles from JavaScript to better JavaScript. How can I use the Closure Compiler? You can use the Closure Compiler as: An open source Java application that you can run from the command line. To get started with the compiler, see "How do I start" below. What are the benefits of using Closure Compiler? Efficiency.

Welcome to Shelfari! Read, Share, Explore! ie7-js - Project Hosting on Google Code IE7.js is a JavaScript library to make Microsoft Internet Explorer behave like a standards-compliant browser. It fixes many HTML and CSS issues and makes transparent PNG work correctly under IE5 and IE6. Current version: 2.1 beta4. IE7.js Upgrade MSIE5.5-6 to be compatible with MSIE7. IE8.js Upgrade MSIE5.5-7 to be compatible with MSIE8. You do not need to include IE7.js if you are using IE8.js IE9.js Upgrade MSIE5.5-8 to be compatible with modern browsers. You do not need to include IE7/IE8.js if you are using IE9.js The script only fixes images named: *-trans.png If you want the fix to apply to all PNG images then set a global variable as follows: var IE7_PNG_SUFFIX = ".png"; You must set this variable before including the IE7.js script. <script src="IE8.js">IE7_PNG_SUFFIX=".png";</script> The suffix will ignore query string parameters. var IE7_PNG_SUFFIX = ":"; By default, the PNG will be stretched (this simulates tiling). You may link directly to these files if you wish:
