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Alternative Economics

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Resource Based Economic Model. Dieter Suhr, Neutral Money Network. Prof.

Dieter Suhr, Neutral Money Network

Dr. Dieter Suhr (+) University of Augsburg A Critical Analysis of Traditional Money and the Financial Innovation "Neutral Money" 1. 1.1. Our thesis is: in spite of their formidable efficiency, current Western free market economies still suffer from significant deficiencies in their monetary transaction system. What is the Informal Economy & Why Should You Care? The “informal economy” is shorthand for a host of different under-the-radar, non-recognized, untracked, unsanctioned, disregarded, and often disparaged commercial activities taking place all around the world, in both emerging and developed markets.

What is the Informal Economy & Why Should You Care?

This includes everything from street vending to P2P networks to DIY exchanges, alternative currencies, and ad-hoc entrepreneurship. It is the fastest growing part of the global economy. If the informal economy were a country, it would have the world's second largest GDP. The Relationship Economy. How Money Makes People Act Less Human. In a windowless room on the University of California, Berkeley, campus, two undergrads are playing a Monopoly game that one of them has no chance of winning.

How Money Makes People Act Less Human

A team of psychologists has rigged it so that skill, brains, savvy, and luck—those ingredients that ineffably combine to create success in games as in life—have been made immaterial. Here, the only thing that matters is money. One of the players, a brown-haired guy in a striped T-shirt, has been made “rich.” He got $2,000 from the Monopoly bank at the start of the game and receives $200 each time he passes Go. The New Economy. How a New Sustainability Movement Is Conquering America, One Town at a Time. Photo Credit: June 11, 2013 | Like this article?

How a New Sustainability Movement Is Conquering America, One Town at a Time

Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. When I set out to investigate the appeal of Transition, a sustainability movement that has spread to 1,105 towns in 43 countries over the past eight years, I started with what I thought was a basic question: What are “Transition Towns” transitioning to? “Resilience,” I was told. The Limits to Growth: The 30-year Update: Donella H. Meadows, Jorgen Randers, Dennis L. Meadows. So you want to invent your own currency – Brett Scott. I don’t have much money.

So you want to invent your own currency – Brett Scott

Then again, I couldn’t say exactly how much I do have. In the Co‑operative Bank’s IT system is a database entry that says I have £97 in electronic money. In my wallet I have three £10 notes, pieces of paper with pictures of the Queen on them, issued by the Bank of England, promising me £30. I have six pieces of metal, too — copper-nickel alloy and nickel-plated steel, to be exact — valued at 59 pence in total. So that’s £127.59. My wallet also contains a £5 Brixton Pound note — a local currency found only in the south London neighbourhood where I live — which I got as change from a local bar called Kaff. Political Currency. According to the report in 9to5mac, Healthbook not only will track things like how much exercise and sleep youre getting, but also your blood pressure, your blood sugar levels, and much more.

Political Currency

It appears extremely comprehensive. Sure, the images may be fake. But as a thought experiment, lets pretend its legit. All that collection will be great, but without a way to not just collate them, but make them meaningful, it runs the risk of becoming data clutter. There are already devices that can collect the data referenced in these imageseven the hard-to-find stuff. Deadline to get health insurance is March 31: what does that mean for you? People who earn two to three times the poverty rate up to about $34,500 for an individual or $56,000 for a family of three must pay up to 8 percent of the premium cost before the subsidy starts. TIMEREPUBLIK ® Welcome to the Community Exchange System. At Estonia's Bank Of Happiness, Kindness Is The Currency : Parallels. Hide captionTallinn, Estonia is a high-tech city that is home to Skype as well as the Bank of Happiness, an online marketplace to share good deeds.

At Estonia's Bank Of Happiness, Kindness Is The Currency : Parallels

Mundus Gregorius/flickr Tallinn, Estonia is a high-tech city that is home to Skype as well as the Bank of Happiness, an online marketplace to share good deeds. Estonia's capital, Tallinn, is considered one of the world's leading "smart" cities, where the government and businesses alike rely heavily on computer technology. But one group in the Estonian capital is using the Internet for something completely different: an online forum that markets good deeds. Learn Skills, share tools, save money and make great new friends. Streetbank is very like Justfortheloveofit.

Learn Skills, share tools, save money and make great new friends

It lets you share things and skills with your neighbours and join in with community discussions. If you'd like to move your Justfortheloveofit account over to Streetbank, just enter your email address below and we'll pull your details across. Enter your email here Why is this happening?