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Nuova scheda. 12 Principles Of Mobile Learning. 12 Principles Of Mobile Learning by Terry Heick Ed note: This post has been updated and republished from a 2012 post Mobile Learning is about self-actuated personalization.

12 Principles Of Mobile Learning

As learning practices and technology tools change, mobile learning itself will continue to evolve. For 2016, the focus is on a variety of challenges, from how learners access content to how the idea of a “curriculum” is defined. It is only within these communities that the native context of each learner can be fully understood. 1. A mobile learning environment is about access to content, peers, experts, portfolio artifacts, credible sources, and previous thinking on relevant topics. 2. As mobile learning is a blend of the digital and physical, diverse metrics (i.e., measures) of understanding and “performance of knowledge” will be available. 3. Android 4 Schools. Home. Hot Potatoes Home Page. Flipped classroom. 100 Ways You Should Be Using Facebook in Your Classroom. Facebook isn't just a great way for you to find old friends or learn about what's happening this weekend, it is also an incredible learning tool.

100 Ways You Should Be Using Facebook in Your Classroom

Teachers can utilize Facebook for class projects, for enhancing communication, and for engaging students in a manner that might not be entirely possible in traditional classroom settings. Read on to learn how you can be using Facebook in your classroom, no matter if you are a professor, student, working online, or showing up in person for class. Note: Check out our updated version of this article for even more suggestions on Facebook in your class. Class Projects The following ideas are just a starting point for class projects that can be used with Facebook in the classroom. Follow news feeds. Facilitate Communication. Tablet, totem e tabù (L’irresistibile ascesa dei barbari digitali) « tablet, totem e tabù. Tablet, totem e tabù (L’irresistibile ascesa dei barbari digitali) S’è fatta notte, e i barbari non sono più venuti.Taluni sono giunti dai confini,han detto che di barbari non ce ne sono più.E adesso, senza barbari, cosa sarà di noi?

Tablet, totem e tabù (L’irresistibile ascesa dei barbari digitali) « tablet, totem e tabù

Era una soluzione, quella gente. Portale Ted. The Best 10 Free Word Cloud Tools for Teachers. 1- Worlde This is a great tool for generating word clouds from text that you provide.

The Best 10 Free Word Cloud Tools for Teachers

Words that appear more frequently in your text tend to have more prominence. Worlde also allows it users to customize their clouds with various fonts, layouts and colours. Once done you can print out your clouds or save them to Worlde gallery to share with others. 2- Tagul This is a web service that enables users to create awesome word clouds. Android for Education. (updated often) Android is a great operating system with a lot of great features and apps for education. Most of my students have Android phones, with a few having iPhones.

Android phones make up more than 50% of the smartphone market, so it is very widespread. App Search. 100 Mobile Tools for Teachers. By Cherrye Moore It is a common-known fact that teaching is a labor of love for most educators. They are overworked and under-appreciated and many of them spend their own money, time and energy to improve their students’ education. With all of the new mobile tools on the market today, teachers can more easily work from satellite locations, share educational resources and access school-related data directly from their cell phones. Here are 100 mobile tools for teachers that make the grade. Educational Research Tools 1.RefDesk Teachers can quickly access news and reference materials through this easy-to-use online tool that features a currency converter and calculator and includes quick links to most Internet-based email providers and search engines. - Add Speech Bubbles To Photos Within Seconds. Cartoon speech bubbles on a picture. Story Map. The Story Map interactive includes a set of graphic organizers designed to assist teachers and students in prewriting and postreading activities.

Story Map

The organizers are intended to focus on the key elements of character, setting, conflict, and resolution development. Students can develop multiple characters, for example, in preparation for writing their own fiction, or they may reflect on and further develop characters from stories they have read. After completing individual sections or the entire organizer, students have the ability to print out their final versions for feedback and assessment. The versatility of this tool allows it to be used in multiple contexts. Grades K – 2 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson Collaborative Stories 1: Prewriting and Drafting.

Applicazioni Android, Test, Notizie, Blog e Forum - AndroidPIT. Dispositivi mobili. Remote Web Desktop - Applicazioni Android su Google Play. Description: Installateur Meilleure application pour installer et supprimer des applications de la carte SD.Outil simple et le plus rapide pour installer des applications (.

Remote Web Desktop - Applicazioni Android su Google Play

Apk) depuis la carte SD. Caractéristique suivante:• Installe applications de la carte SD par simple clic• Installez non marchand application de sdcard• Supprimer les applications de la carte SD• Lot installer et supprimer des• Mode de tri Divers, nom soutien, le temps, la taille• Envoyer des applications (. Apk) par email à des amis, bluetooth• applications Recherche dans Google Market• Prise en charge Android 2.2 et supérieur Description En détailsAPK Installer est un outil simple pour installer des applications sur le marché et hors marché à partir de la carte SD.

APK Installer prend également en charge la recherche app & sort. Apps Center. IC di Corniglio » Tablet. Tablet.

IC di Corniglio » Tablet

A scuola con il tablet. La Casa degli Insegnanti: A scuola con iPad. Il tablet in classe. Le recenti azioni di finanziamento alle scuole per l’integrazione didattica di tecnologie digitali, in particolare i dispositivi mobili, unitamente alle retoriche pubbliche abbondantemente circolanti in tema di innovazione delle scuola attraverso queste tecnologie stanno producendo una sensibile attivazione al riguardo di diverse scuole, statali e non statali, e di diversi centri per la formazione professionale.

Il tablet in classe

La percezione è che questo processo, ove non sorretto da dispositivi di monitoraggio di qualità e di accompagnamento didattico/formativo, possa generare turbolenza senza risultati, correndo il duplice rischio di lasciare intatte le pratiche tradizionali degli insegnanti o di ridurre l’apporto dello strumento al suo uso tecnico risolvendo quella che dovrebbe essere un’operazione didattica su un piano esclusivamente tecnologico. Ma esiste una "didattica digitale"? Introdurre tablet in classe sposta sensibilmente le pratiche degli insegnanti? 1. 2. (9) Progetto tablet.