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50 Best iPad Apps for Reading Disabilities

50 Best iPad Apps for Reading Disabilities
Whether you're the parent of a child with a reading disability or an educator that works with learning disabled students on a daily basis, you're undoubtedly always looking for new tools to help these bright young kids meet their potential and work through their disability. While there are numerous technologies out there that can help, perhaps one of the richest is the iPad, which offers dozens of applications designed to meet the needs of learning disabled kids and beginning readers alike. Here, we highlight just a few of the amazing apps out there that can help students with a reading disability improve their skills not only in reading, writing, and spelling, but also get a boost in confidence and learn to see school as a fun, engaging activity, not a struggle. Helpful Tools These tools are useful for both educators and students with reading disabilities alike, aiding in everything from looking up a correct spelling to reading text out loud. Speak It! Fundamentals Reading Writing Spelling

9 Surprising Ways Schools Are Using iPads Around The World 10 Ways To Become A Better Online Learner 6.54K Views 0 Likes There are some quick and easy ways to become a better online learner. Whether you're taking a class or just researching, here are the DOs and DON'Ts. The 11 Best Online Colleges By Category 2.70K Views 0 Likes What are the best online colleges for each discipline? The 5 Biggest Myths About Online Learning 3.11K Views 0 Likes Online learning can carry a stigma. Algebra Touch Math iPad App: A Teacher's Review Algebra Touch Math App Learn Order of Operations, Solving Equations, Distribution and Factoring If you are looking for an iPad app to help your child or students with learning basic rules and concepts of algebra, the Algebra Touch app by Regular Berry is a must-have! Jump to the following sections of the review: Tap Into Teen Minds Algebra Touch Review Video: Math Lessons & Practice Covered in Algebra Touch: In the top-left menu bar, there is a pull-down menu that allows the user to select the lesson/practice questions from 21 different topics. Algebra Math Lessons and Practice Topics Available: Algebra Touch Explain Mode Also in the top-left menu bar are the Explain and Practice modes. Screenshot from the Algebra Touch app in Explain Mode . Algebra Touch Practice Mode By clicking on the Practice Mode button, the user may then practice the topic they have selected. Screenshot from the Algebra Touch app in Practice Mode . Algebra Touch New Feature: Euclidean Fountain Conclusion

L’iPad en maternelle : expérimentation pédagogique à Paris Véronique Favre, professeur à l’école Maternelle Richomme (Paris) a présenté en février 2012 lors d’un colloque académique, un bilan d’étape d’une expérimentation d’utilisation d’iPad en classe de petite section. Elle montre les avantages et les inconvénients de l’outil sous l’angle pédagogique et de l’apprendre. Véronique Favre met en avant l’usage possible des tablettes à différents moments de la journée scolaire et dans tous les domaines du programme. Texte accompagnant le diaporama de présentation (pdf, 6 pages), Présentation intégrée dans le diaporama (pdf, 37 pages). (Via le site de l’inspection de l’éducation nationale de la Goutte d’Or à Paris) Licence : Creative Commons by-nc-saGéographie : Île-de-France Tags: application mobile, école, maternelle, mobilité, pédagogie, tablette

10 Important Questions To Ask Before Using iPads in Class Digital Tools Teaching Strategies Lenny Gonzales By Terry Heick When it comes to deciding how or whether to use iPads, schools typically focus on budget issues, apps, networking logistics, check-in and check-out procedures, school and district tech-use policies, hardware precautions, and aspects of classroom management. But it’s also important to think about instructional use, and to that end, consider the following questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Also worth considering: How can parents, families, and local businesses be involved in procuring, managing, or integrating iPads in the classroom? These kinds of questions can help you get the most out of the iPad’s use in your classroom. This post originally appeared on TeachThought, where Terry Heick is the director of curriculum. Related Explore: iPad, Mobile Learning

iPad à l'école: quels usages, quels impacts? Home Bienvenue sur le site des projets de recherche axés sur les technologies tactiles. Vous trouverez sur ce site trois projets réalisés actuellement par le Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les TIC et l’éducation. Ces projets visent une analyse détaillée des usages et des effets de l’utilisation des tablettes tactiles, des TBI et de l’usage combiné de ces deux outils en contexte éducatif. Cette recherche prend ses fondements dans un contexte sociétal de plus en plus numérique et mobile, mais aussi dans la volonté des chercheurs d’apporter un éclairage scientifique à ces thématiques encore trop peu explorées. En effet, les technologies tactiles sont devenues, en un temps relativement court, une partie intégrante de notre paysage numérique et éducatif. Ces outils sont souvent présentés par les écoles, par la presse, mais aussi par la littérature comme des outils possédant de multiples plus values pédagogiques et dont l'impact en contexte éducatif s'avèrerait non négligeable.

Jean Debaecker (@jeandebaecker) sur Twitter 10 Tips for Getting Started in your New iClassroom The question continues to arise: OK, I'm getting iPads... How do I begin? While I've written posts about it here or there, it can be a pain to search an entire blog to find just what you need. So for your convenience, below I've curated 10 tips for getting started on your new iAdventure: 1- For administrators: One to one means one to one. One cart per teacher, that is. 2- Bretford PowerSync Cart. 3- Keep it separate. 4- Taste the Rainbow. 5- Headphones. 6- First day. 7- Technology does not = Classroom Management. 8- Student Genius Bar. 9- Creation Apps > Content Apps. 10- Use technology for Good, not Evil. [10b: Use the technology to redefine.] I hope this list was helpful, and I plan to add more items as I think of them.

25 Ways To Use Tablets In The Classroom When I was a kid, I dreamt about our school desks as computer screens. How cool would it have been to be able to draw, write, and learn directly onto my own computer? As the years went on, people theorized that laptops would take over the classroom, but the price of these devices was too high for a 1 to 1 ratio. It never quite caught on in lower grade schools. See Also: 25 Ways To Use iPads In The Classroom by Degree of Difficulty Now, it is the age of the tablet. Yet, some educators are still skeptical. 1. In a subject like art, people might think, “How could a tablet be useful? It is, but what about an app that helps with color matching and combination, or tools for interior design where the child can map out their project in concept before getting to work? When they are done, they can share in galleries with other students for critique and encouragement. 2. App developers have continually surprised the public with the complexity of tools they are able to create for tablets. 3. 4. 5. 6.

My Ten Most Used Apps to Become Fluent on the iPad  It is no secret, that I enjoy my iPad tremendously. I even proclaimed, now and then, that I love it! From the beginning, I approached the iPad with one goal in mind: I wanted to become fluent in using it. There is a distinct difference, in my opinion, between being skilled, literate and fluent in the use of an iPad. Fluency on the iPad, like language fluency, does not necessarily come natural to most people. I see too many educators (administrators and teachers), who with an iPad at their disposal, are using the iPad: as a paper weight on their desk, leaving them in their car or forgeting the device at homefor playing games onlyto hand it over to their kids at home to play withas an after-thoughtas a “translation” tool (figuring out how to do something the same way they are used to doing on their desktops or laptops)and are frustrated that is does not come easy and natural to themand are not putting in the time (consistently) to become skilled to gain iPad literacy and fluency 2. 3. 5.

The Early Results Of An iPad Classroom Are In. The following is from the November issue of the Edudemic Magazine for iPad. Click here to view the app in iTunes. My daily PLN reading seems to be full of stories about how to use iPads in the classroom. While this is certainly important information, I believe our Twitter feeds could use a few more stories about the positive impact the introduction of iPads are having in schools. Our school has been working with iPads for three years now and I can easily say that these have been the most exciting years of my educational career. While the decision to share these positive results is a direct result of the positive impact on student learning, it is also important to realize the impact this initiative is having with teachers. I’ve never observed anything else that has had the impact on teacher personal learning like the introduction of the iPad. A Change In Teaching Style I see teachers learning more each day about what it means to become a facilitator of student learning. Direct Impact

Tablet First, Mobile Second. Editor’s note: Tadhg Kelly is a game designer with 20 years experience. He is the creator of leading game design blog What Games Are, and consults for many companies on game design and development. You can follow him on Twitter here. For the past six months I have owned the epitome of geek chic: an iPad 3 with a Logitech Ultrathin. I bought it because it seemed like a neat and lightweight solution to a persistent back pain problem that I have with laptops. Its appearance on a table in a conference would spark conversations. Seamless keyboard and touch-screen interaction has been a part of my workflow for a while (to the point that I now hate using laptops), but for most people tablets have basically been content devices. This perception of what tablets are used for also affects how game developers approach them. So what they tend to do is create mobile version first and then embiggen them for tablet. A tablet is not a stretched-out mobile device.
