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L'Iran organise un concours de caricatures sur l'Holocauste. En réponse aux caricatures de Mahomet publiées par "Charlie Hebdo", un nouveau "concours international de caricatures sur le thème de la négation de l'Holocauste" a été lancé en Iran, rapporte "The Independent", dimanche 1er février.

L'Iran organise un concours de caricatures sur l'Holocauste

Le journal britannique se base sur une brève parue sur le site du "Tehran Times" le 24 janvier dernier. La Maison de la caricature de l'Iran et le Centre culturel Sarcheshmeh sont les organisateurs de ce concours doté de 12.000 dollars pour le 1er prix, 8.000 dollars pour le second, et 5.000 dollars pour le 3e. En février 2006, une compétition similaire avait été lancée à Téhéran, quelques mois après la publication dans le quotidien danois "Jyllands-Posten" de 12 caricatures controversées de Mahomet.

Celles-ci avaient été à l'origine d'une flambée de violence dans le monde musulman, contre le Danemark. Plus de 1.000 dessins reçus lors du précédent concours E.H. avec AFP. Iran's House of Cartoon to hold a Holocaust cartoon competition in response to Charlie Hebdo - Middle East - World - The Independent. Twelve people were killed when terrorists executed a brutal attack on the Paris offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, at least three of whom were cartoonists.

Iran's House of Cartoon to hold a Holocaust cartoon competition in response to Charlie Hebdo - Middle East - World - The Independent

Iran’s House of Cartoon and the Sarcheshmeh Cultural Complex have organised the competition and are offering a cash prize of $12,000 (£7,960) to the winner, $8,000 (£5,300) for the cartoonist that makes second place and £5,000 (£3,320) for third place, according to the Tehran Times. Loading gallery Anti-Charlie Hebdo protests around the world. Maitre Eolas ن sur Twitter : "L'Iran a pendu Reyhaneh Jabbari, une femme condamnée à mort pour avoir tué l'homme qui l'avait violée (BBC, en) Hooshang Amirahmadi (HAmirahmadi) sur Twitter. Iran 'offered to halt attacks on UK troops' in nuclear pact - Te. Sir John Sawers, the British ambassador to the United Nations, revealed that Iranian officials openly acknowledged complicity in attacks that killed scores of British soldiers in southern Iraq.

Iran 'offered to halt attacks on UK troops' in nuclear pact - Te

In private talks in hotels around Europe, the unnamed Iranians floated a grand bargain that would have derailed efforts to impose sanctions on Iran to stop its covert nuclear programme. "There were various Iranians who would come to London and suggest we had tea in some hotel or other," Sir John tells the final part of a BBC documentary on the Islamic Republic's relations with the West, to be broadcast on Saturday. "They'd do the same in Paris, they'd do the same in Berlin, and then we'd compare notes among the three of us. Iran supplied arms, training and strategic direction to Shia Muslim militias that were battling British forces for control of Basra and other southern cities. The iRanWonk. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - Blog officiel - Téhéran République islam.

Fun with Iran

Iranian politics. Iran wants missiles ; some Iranian missile stories. Iran's international relations. Iran & nuclear issues. A military strike on Iran ? Really ? The Mystery of Stuxnet. One of the strangest and most interesting stories of the last week has been the apparent cyber attack on Iranian computer systems that may have targeted the nuclear plant at Bushehr.

The Mystery of Stuxnet

The malware virus, Stuxnet, also struck parts of China, Indonesia, India and Pakistan, but was largely focused in Iran. The malware, Stuxnet, attacks Siemens Windows OS software and is incredibly aggressive. Stuxnet, unlike other forms of malware that extract information, allegedly can take control of an automated system and change it. What makes Stuxnet frightening is the level of sophistication. It is complex, targeted and massive, a completely new virus that has the feel of a cyber warfare weapon. Iranian officials stated the malware had infected 30,000 computer systems, including personal computers for personnel who work at Bushehr. The immediate response is the United States or Israel committed the attack. But, maybe laying blame at the U.S. or Israel is too quick a judgment.