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Idea management

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The Underlying Blog. Burritos & Sundresses It's summertime and most of my motivation, to put it bluntly, is focused on Chipotle, Mountain Dew and girls. It reminds me of that episode of Friends when someone asks Joey what he'd rather give up, food or women? I still have no answer, all I see is a pretty lady in a sundress handing me a Chipotle burrito with steak and guacamole, telling me I won the race. I have no damn clue what that means. Someday this paragraph may be used against me. Seriously though, and especially given that I live in Ohio, land of the 4 schizophrenic seasons, I don't feel like working at all... and I actually have a lot to do. If only I had motivation... so in 'continuing the greatness' as Bron Bron would say and blogging monthly, I've written the following to myself in the hope it helps you and I. 3 Tips for Destroying Summer Procrastination Tip 1: Make yourself work, at a minimum, 9-5 OR an 8 hour shift If you need to break it up into 2, 4 hour shifts that's fine.

Root maps. This article proposes some conventions on formats for common mind maps used in organizations, with a view to enhancing their use by using familiar patterns.

Root maps

It does not suggest that flexible, free-form mapping should be dropped. Its author has pointed out that "formality versus flexibility is not an either/or situation – both are needed, at different times and for different purposes. " It is copied from an original white paper by Nick Duffill of Harport Consulting under the terms of the license by which that paper was released, and he has approved its appearance here. This work (that is, the article on this specific page of WikIT) is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.5 UK: Scotland License. To view a copy of this licence, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California 94105, USA. Purpose Market-positioning of mind mapping software Mind mapping is often associated with brainstorming and creativity. Southbeach Modeller . . . and TRIZ. If you have spent a few minutes at Mind-Mapping.Org or on this blog, you will know that I like and use mind maps and concept maps.

Southbeach Modeller . . . and TRIZ

You may not know I also use more formal visual models like data models, object-role modelling, and process simulation models. I find these immensely useful in understanding the way businesses work, improving businesses and finding ways to solve problems. One modelling tool I learned about last year, Southbeach Notation, has grabbed more of my attention. Someone emailed me and asked why Southbeach Modeller was not in the Master List, and I slapped my forehead and asked myself the same question, because I had known about it for around a year. Southbeach Notation - Improve Everything Always. Informal modelling, systematic detailed design or an effective research tool, it's up to you.

Southbeach Notation - Improve Everything Always

Notation. MyCreativity - open source problem solving. Ideatorrent v0.9 demo. Kindling Idea Management. BrainBank Inc - Idea Management Software. Industry leading tools and services to support your business.

BrainBank Inc - Idea Management Software

Ideas Our intuitive interface makes it easy for users to generate and collaborate on ideas for new products, cost-savings and improved processes. Learn more Challenges Idea Challenges enable you to focus your communities to innovate around the issues and opportunities most important to your organization at that moment. Learn more Collaboration Whether your process is B2B or B2C, the crowd is your process lever. Learn more Admin Features Administration should be easy; like our on-page editing feature.

Learn more Flexibility. Orchidea Innovations Oy. IdeaTorrent. Innovation Portal - CogniStreamer® Innovation Cloud. ID8 Systems - Everything starts with an idea: Home. Idea Management Software - Idea Management Software: brainstorming, innovation tracking, mind mapping. Which Idea Management software works best?