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Steunpunt Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Gezin: beleidsrelevant onderzoek Critical pedagogy: schools must equip students to challenge the status quo | Teacher Network | Guardian Professional The pedagogy popularised by E.D.Hirsch, and recently promoted by the likes of Civitas, reduces teaching into nothing more than a bleak transmission model of learning. Hirsch's theory focuses on what he calls "cultural literacy". He argues that all students need a "core knowledge" so they can develop into better citizens. In one of his books, he lists various facts, phrases and historical events that he believes all young Americans should be aware of, including the Founding Fathers and Adirondack Mountains. It's Hirsch's belief that if children aren't taught such cultural literacy at home, responsibility for it should lie with schools. But Hirsch's "cultural literacy" is a hegemonic vision produced for and by the white middle class to help maintain the social and economic status quo. Moreover, teaching a prescribed "core knowledge" instills a culture of conformity and an insipid, passive absorption of carefully selected knowledge among young people.

EBOOKS | Free Ebooks & Software - Part 2 Every year, network marketing companies and teams spend thousands on marketing plan training because many people simply find marketing plans today too confusing or people just don’t take network marketing serious enough to be well equipped.Isn’t this alarming? Consider this:· Would you be in a profession if you don’t know your career path?· Would you work in a job if you don’t know how much you are getting paid? Why organic gardening… the dependence on chemicals is removed. Looking for a way to build muscle? Do you or someone you know the true secrets body to try to build? There ‘has finally created a new book just for people like you! And if you really want to know the facts about the construction of the body, this book is definitely for YOU! (more…) Best selling author Bruce Eckel has joined forces with Chuck Alliso (more…) (more…) Learn how to best utilitize Linux with Windows such as hard drive sharing, printer sharing, network setup and more. (more…) I empathize with you, my friend.

Participatiewijzer The Cutting Edge: Overcoming the Crisis of Civilization: Five Revolutions Last November I did a talk at a seminar hosted by The Crisis Forum, at St Ethelburga's Centre for Peace and Reconciliation (Climate Change and Violence Workshop 7: Avoiding climate change violence: What is to be done? ). I spoke not just about the latest state of the evidence on environmental and energy crises, along with their inherent interrelationships with food and economic crises; I also addressed the increasing problem of state militarisation as an inevitable outcome of the current, failed business-as-usual approach to dealing with these crises. In the latter part of the talk, I spoke about the five tentative "revolutions" or "transformations" which are taking place in disparate parts of the world, albeit only in embryonic form, and the immense potential they hold for an alternative, sustainable civilizational paradigm. The talk was filmed, and recently put up on video. You can watch it here:

Educacao&Tics IIDRIS : dictionnaire de la réadaptation et de l'intégration sociale Index international et dictionnaire de la réadaptation et de l'intégration sociale (IIDRIS) Une production du Laboratoire d'informatique et de terminologie de la réadaptation et de l'intégration sociale (LITRIS) de l'Institut de réadaptation en déficience physique de Québec (IRDPQ) Institut universitaire Sous la direction de Maurice Blouin, polyglotte et anthropologue de la santé Assistante principale et traductrice vers l'espagnol : Luz Elvira Vallejo Echeverrì, neuropsychologue Traductrice vers l'anglais : Sandra Lynn Hopps, psychologue Traducteur vers l'anglais : Raoul Martin-Blouin, ergonome Traducteurs vers le français et terminologues : Martin Côté, Carolyne Belzile; et du Laboratoire d'informatique médicale de la Faculté de médecine de l'Université de Rennes-1, Rennes, France Sous la direction du Dr Pierre Le Beux Ingénieur en informatique : Denis Delamarre Collaboration : Équipe Classification, Évaluation, Enquêtes et Terminologie Organisation mondiale de la Santé Genève, Suisse.

Money and the Crisis of Civilization [An RS Encore Presentation] • Suppose you give me a million dollars with the instructions, "Invest this profitably, and I'll pay you well." I'm a sharp dresser -- why not? So I go out onto the street and hand out stacks of bills to random passers-by. Ten thousand dollars each. Now I've got a big stack of IOUs, so I use these "assets" as collateral to borrow even more money, which I lend out to even more people, or sell them to others like myself who do the same. Then one day, the first batch of IOUs comes due. So finally, the government steps in and buys the IOUs, bails out the insurance company and everyone else holding the IOUs and the derivatives stacked on them. This is the first level of what has happened in the financial industry over the past decade. I think we all sense that we are nearing the end of an era. Money as we know it today has crisis and collapse built into its basic design. Now enter interest. The same is true if I cut down a forest and sell the timber.

Cutucando o paradigma… Neste meu nono artigo no blog vou dialogar, de forma talvez um pouco provocadora, com três artigos que me vieram parar nas mãos nos últimos dias. Há, a meu ver, um tema comum a perpassar os três. E esse tema me faz lembrar de Ivan Illich e Sociedade Sem Escolas (1971 – a tradução literal do título do livro de Ivan Illich seria Desescolarização da Sociedade)… E me sugere algo do tipo: “The school is dead! Long live learning”. (O artigo é longo. Deixo-o assim porque o assunto merece. O primeiro dos três artigos é um instigante texto de Rosa María Torres, educadora equatoriana, diretora do Instituto Fronesis. O texto discute sutis diferenças de ênfase entre dois movimentos iniciados pela UNESCO nos últimos anos, Educação para Todos e Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida. Educação para Todos foi (na verdade, ainda é) um movimento iniciado pela UNESCO em 1990, na Conferência Mundial da Educação de Jomtien, na Tailândia. Entre essas metas estavam: (Mais algumas observações entre parênteses.

Databank Effectieve sociale interventies In de sociale sector zijn al veel methoden ontwikkeld om problemen slagvaardig aan te pakken. In de databank vindt u alle beschikbare informatie over gangbare methoden bij elkaar. Zoekt u een geschikte interventie voor een bepaald probleem of een bepaalde doelgroep, dan kunt u daarvoor in de databank gemakkelijk methoden vergelijken. *** Gebruikersonderzoek databank: wij horen graag uw mening! *** Heeft u de databank Effectieve sociale interventies al eens bezocht? Nieuw in de databank maart 2014 Rots en Water leert kinderen en jongeren zich te verdedigen tegen verschillende vormen van geweld en oog en gevoel te krijgen voor eigen grensoverschrijdend gedrag. ZOEKEN (Zicht Op Eigen Kracht En Netwerk) is een praktische gespreksmethodiek die gespreksvoerders in het sociaal domein in hun gesprekken met klanten ondersteuning en houvast biedt bij het toepassen van de 3 fasen in het gesprek: het breed, empowerend ... februari 2014
