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Maker Education - About Maker Education. HM-Innovations. 2015 Project Gallery. Zoom - Building Activities. Dollar Store Crafts. Free Teacher Resources. 100 Awesome Engineering Projects for Kids. By Kristie Lewis Engineering and fun aren't always two things that kids naturally associate with one another, but there are hundreds of ways to make engineering, physics and design fun and challenging for kids.

100 Awesome Engineering Projects for Kids

Here are 100 great experiments that will let kids construct, play, learn and grow, all while they study the fundamentals of engineering. Basics. DESIGN SQUAD . Episode Descriptions. Premiering on PBS in January 2011, DESIGN SQUAD NATION is a 10-part series of TV shows and video blogs that build on the success of the award-winning PBS reality competition series DESIGN SQUAD to get kids excited about engineering.

DESIGN SQUAD . Episode Descriptions

DESIGN SQUAD NATION is high-energy, high-drama reality TV led by Judy and Adam, two professional engineers who work with kids around the world to make their wishes come true through engineering. From creating a park for skaters at the White Mountain Apache Reservation in Arizona to building a playground in a rural village in Nicaragua's northern mountains, the goal of DESIGN SQUAD NATION is to inspire viewers to take on their own hands-on engineering activities. DESIGN SQUAD NATION Season 1 Episode 101: Apache Skateboarders. DESIGN SQUAD NATION . Build. DESIGN SQUAD . Resources. Mensa For Kids. Computer Science Unplugged. SonicDadDotCom. Finding Starter Projects for New Makers (Part 1: Make & friends) Every fall we get a new crop of schools and teachers coming to us looking for ways to get started with making.

Finding Starter Projects for New Makers (Part 1: Make & friends)

We’re developing more awesome Maker Media-made resources for you. In the meantime, over the next several posts we’re going to share the resources our colleagues in the classroom use to get students started making. To give credit where this is due, we gleaned the links in this post and the forthcoming ones with input from many colleagues, especially Stephanie Chang and Aaron Vanderwerff. In today’s post, we share the resources made by us at Maker Media. Light Up the Season with Computer Science Exploration. With drag-and-drop computer programming, kids can explore fun activities that add lights and sounds to the season.

Light Up the Season with Computer Science Exploration

We got in the holiday spirit with Scratch and Raspberry Pi to light up a simple light-activated star! Whether your winter break features hot chocolate and snowball fights or not, the extended school break often includes a lot of time cooped up indoors. One Path - Lesson - Summary Students learn that charge movement through a circuit depends on the resistance and arrangement of the circuit components.

One Path - Lesson -

In a hands-on activity, students build and investigate the characteristics of series circuits. Couch Potato or Inertia Victim? - Activity. Summary Students design a simple behavioral survey, and learn basic protocol for primary research, survey design and report writing.

Couch Potato or Inertia Victim? - Activity

Note: The literacy activities for the Mechanics unit are based on physical themes that have broad application to our experience in the world — concepts of rhythm, balance, spin, gravity, levity, inertia, momentum, friction, stress and tension. Engineering Connection For large-scale engineering projects that impact a lot of people, engineers conduct primary research. Mechanics Mania - Curricular Unit. Summary Through 10 lessons and numerous activities, students explore the natural universal rules engineers and physicists use to understand how things move and stay still.

Mechanics Mania - Curricular Unit

Together, these rules are called "mechanics. " The study of mechanics is a way to improve our understanding of everyday movements, such as how gravity pulls things together, how objects balance, spin and twirl, and how things fly and fall. While studying Newton's three laws of motion, students gain hands-on experience with the concepts of forces, changes in motion, and action and reaction. Engineering Connection. Browse Activities - At this point in the unit, students have learned about Pascal's law, Archimedes' principle, Bernoulli's principle, and why above-ground storage tanks are of major concern in the Houston Ship Channel a... ...more At this point in the unit, students have learned about Pascal's law, Archimedes' principle, Bernoulli's principle, and why above-ground storage tanks are of major concern in the Houston Ship Channel and other coastal areas.

Browse Activities -

In this culminating activity, student groups act as engineering design teams to derive equations to determine the stability of specific above-ground storage tank scenarios with given tank specifications and liquid contents. With their floatation analyses completed and the stability determined, students analyze the tank stability in specific storm conditions. Then, teams are challenged to come up with improved storage tank designs to make them less vulnerable to uplift, displacement and buckling in storm conditions. Activities. Science Links. MAKE HOMEMADE SCIENCE TOYS AND PROJECTS.

Inventor's Showcase Guidelines. My Craft Channel. Sites/default/files/bb_engineering_journal_2014_10_10.pdf. Project-Based Engineering for Kids. Original, reliable, and fun collection of project-based engineering lessons for kids (and everyone!)

Project-Based Engineering for Kids

Excited about making STEM project ideas accessible to everyone? Pledge on Patreon to keep the mission going. At the Educator tier, you can access lesson plans and more teaching resources! Activity Detail.