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Is there an AIDS conspiracy?

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Zoonotic Origins?

Zoonotic Infections. AIDS: QUIRK OF NATURE OR MASS MURDER. House of Numbers. House of Numbers is a controversial 2009 documentary film about human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) produced and directed by Brent Leung.[1] Leung describes the film as an objective examination of the idea that HIV causes AIDS.[1] The film's claims of impartiality have generally been rejected by reviewers, who have dismissed the film as AIDS denialism and conspiracy theory disguised as objective examination.[2][3][4] Leung has declined to discuss funding for the film except to state that funders came from "all over the world".[1][5]

House of Numbers

House of Numbers. Gwen Stefani Helps Promote HIV/AIDS Treatment in Africa. All it takes is 40 cents a day to save life.

Gwen Stefani Helps Promote HIV/AIDS Treatment in Africa

A whole host of celebrities, including rocker Gwen Stefani, are lending their names and faces in support of a campaign to raise money for HIV/AIDS treatment in Africa and to spread the word about an awareness-raising film by Spike Jonze. Review: 'House of Numbers' blurs facts on HIV. By personally interesting coincidence, the contrarian AIDS documentary "House of Numbers" opens just as a family friend is flying into Portland in advance of a benefit concert for her father, a local musician suffering from the disease.

Review: 'House of Numbers' blurs facts on HIV

How fortuitous that I can report to her the film's controversial suggestion: Her dad's malady is not caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. In fact, HIV doesn't exist at all, but is used by researchers and drug companies who inflate infection statistics and terrify the public so government money will continue to flow. For loved ones of the estimated 25 million who have died from AIDS, the claim might be considered a ludicrous, monstrous lie. But the director, producer, editor and narrator of "House of Numbers," Brent Leung, doesn't seem like a monster at all.

I am not qualified to refute every claim made in this movie, but I have seen enough topical documentaries to have a good idea when a filmmaker is not being entirely honest with viewers. Movie Review - 'House of Numbers' - Brent Leung Looks at AIDS From a Different Angle. House of Numbers. Ben Goldacre, 26 September 2009, The Guardian.

House of Numbers

This week, listening to the Guardian Science podcast, I had a treat. Caspar Melville, editor of New Humanist magazine, leader of something called the Rationalist Association, had been to see two films at the Cambridge Film Festival. One was a dreary creationist movie that famously misrepresented the biologists interviewed for it. This was obvious bad science, he explained.

House of Numbers. In House of Numbers: Anatomy of an Epidemic, an AIDS film like no other, the HIV/AIDS story is being rewritten.

House of Numbers

This is the first film to present the uncensored POVs of virtually all the major players; in their own settings, in their own words. It rocks the foundation upon which all conventional wisdom regarding HIV/AIDS is based. House of Numbers could well be the opening volley in a battle to bring sanity and clarity to an epidemic gone awry. Leung manages to present a barrage of intriguing theories debunking our generally accepted beliefs... Breakthrough documentary "House of Numbers" challenges conventional thinking on HIV, AIDS.

(NaturalNews) Canadian filmmaker Brent Leung isn't winning any friends in the pharmaceutical industry these days.

Breakthrough documentary "House of Numbers" challenges conventional thinking on HIV, AIDS

His breakthrough documentary "House of Numbers" features jaw-dropping interviews with doctors, researchers and even the co-discoverer of HIV himself (Luc Montagnier), all of whom reveal startling information calling into question the "official" explanation of HIV and AIDS. An exclusive trailer from House of Numbers is now available on YouTube: More information about the film is available at Designer Diseases: AIDS as Biological & Psychological Warfare. Ft. Detrick Biological Warfare Program 1950s Maryland US Army. More Evidence HIV Was Made At Ft. Detrick. AIDS Created as BIO-Warfare! AIDS Created as BIO-warfare, Says Nobel Laureateby CONSPIRACY PLANET The first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize, Wangari Maatha of Kenya, spoke out on the AIDS virus saying it was man-made and deliberately created as a weapon of bio-warfare.

AIDS Created as BIO-Warfare!

"In fact it (the HIV virus) is created by a scientist for biological warfare,” she said. "Why has there been so much secrecy about AIDS? When you ask where did the virus come from, it raises a lot of flags. That makes me suspicious,” Maathai said.The Kenya based East Africa Standard reported that in response to questions from Asian and European media, she said, "I want to dedicate the prize the African woman.

Vaccines, by Dr. Robert Gallo: The Man That Created AIDS. The CIA and AIDS - Conspiracy Theories. Since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention first reported the HIV/AIDS epidemic in 1981, rumors have persisted that the deadly virus was created by the CIA to wipe out homosexuals and African Americans.

The CIA and AIDS - Conspiracy Theories

Even today, the conspiracy theory has a number of high-profile believers. South African President Thabo Mbeki once touted the theory, disputing scientific claims that the virus originated in Africa and accusing the U.S. government of manufacturing the disease in military labs. When she won the Nobel Peace Prize, Kenyan ecologist Wangari Maathai used the international spotlight to support that theory as well.

Others insist that the government deliberately injected gay men with the virus during 1978 hepatitis-B experiments in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Still others point to Richard Nixon, who combined the U.S. AIDS conspiracy - Nov. 10, 1995. November 10, 1995 Web posted at: 2:25 p.m.

AIDS conspiracy - Nov. 10, 1995

EST From Correspondent Martin Hill. The CIA and the West Nile Virus. The CIA and the West Nile Virus What New Viruses' Vaccines & 'Chemtrails' Have in Common By Leonard G.

The CIA and the West Nile Virus

Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A, M.P.H. President, Tetrahedron Publishing Group 8-11-00 There is a three letter common denominator underlying: the West Nile Virus (WNV) outbreak in New England, the controversial spraying of malathione-a known human chemical carcinogen related to agent orange-over American cities, the growing threat of anthrax or other biological weapons attacks, vaccination policies that are risky and questionable, if not downright deadly, the mysterious chemtrails overcasting previously blue skies across North America, and an avalanch of sophisticated counterintelligence propaganda concerning vaccinations and bioterrorist threats eminating from our nation's primary news sources. The C.I.A. As an investigative journalist who routinely travels across the western hemisphere, I get my homework assignments from airport newstands.

George Bush, at that time, was a Texas congressman. Black Habits - Nobel Peace Prize winner claims AIDS virus was deliberately created as bio agent. Top AIDS Conspiracy Theories. In his 2005 hit, “Heard Em’ Say,” Kanye West rhymed: AIDS and HIV: Lies, Cover-up, Deception, Profits and Genocide. Since 1984, the mainstream media have been giving us only one side of the AIDS story-the officially approved side. When Dr. Did the Pentagon Invent HIV? The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot By Alan Cantwell Jr., M.D.

The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot By Alan Cantwell Jr., M.D. Discredited AIDS origins theories.