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Chillies HOT STUFF!

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Chillies. Whether they’re sweet and mild or fabulously fiery, colourful chillies bring meals to life.


Chillies belong to the Solanaceae family (potatoes and tomatoes are also members). They are the fruit of the Capsicum species of plant (from the Greek word kapto – which means to bite, due to the burning sensation when eating). Chillies are known to have been cultivated in Bolivia and Peru more than 7,000 years ago. Christopher Columbus introduced chilli to Spain in 1493 – due to the taste, he mistakenly believed he had discovered a new black pepper, which is why it is also known as chilli pepper.

Varieties Chillies are generally green, and turn yellow or orange to red as they ripen. Red or green birdseye/small: A very hot, small chilli, about 2cm long. Green Dutch/long: A long, slender pointed chilli. Red Dutch/long: A long, slender pointed chilli. Jalapeño: With a mild to medium heat, Jalapeños are cylindrical and oval-shaped, with thick flesh. Buying, storing and preparation Tips & facts. How to grow chilli plants - Results. World's Hottest Pepper: Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Proclaimed New Champion Chile.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. -- There are super-hot chile varieties. And then there's the sweat-inducing, tear-generating, mouth-on-fire Trinidad Moruga Scorpion. With a name like that, it's not surprising that months of research by the experts at New Mexico State University's Chile Pepper Institute have identified the variety as the new hottest pepper on the planet. The golf ball-sized pepper scored the highest among a handful of chile breeds reputed to be among the hottest in the world. Its mean heat topped more than 1.2 million units on the Scoville heat scale, while fruits from some individual plants reached 2 million heat units. "You take a bite. Researchers were pushed by hot sauce makers, seed producers and others in the spicy foods industry to establish the average heat levels for super-hot varieties in an effort to quash unscientific claims of which peppers are actually the hottest.

That's something that hadn't been done before, Bosland said. Also on HuffPost: 1 of 27. ‪Hot Sauce Recipe (Hot Sauces)‬‏ Products - The Chile Pepper Institute. Chili Pepper #110 - Red Brain Strain 7-Pot (from kcso53 via - 10-23-11. Recipes etc. About chilli pepper database project.

Chilli Varieties. Everything You Need To Know About The Different Chilli Varieties. Welcome to the beginning of the new, revamped Chilli Varieties anchor page. This is the first update to this page since 2005 and, yes, I know, it's been a long time coming. The list of chilli varieties covered will be expanding over the next few months. For the next couple of months (it's now mid-March, 2011) I'll keep the links to the old pages at the bottom of this one. However, once I've completed the update, they will be relegated to the garbage.

One last point; my focus with these pages has been, and will continue to be, primarily on the major varieties used for eating and cooking. The below links go to the old Chilli Variety pages where I've descriptions of the various types of chillies listed under their common names(e.g. jalapeno is listed under G-L, cayenne is listed under A-F, etc....) Bienvenido to Fireworksfoods. Hot Chile and Hot Foods. Growing Your Own Garlic - Planting Growing Harvesting and Storing Garlic. As far as I'm concerned, garlic gets the blue ribbon for growing your own.

Growing Your Own Garlic - Planting Growing Harvesting and Storing Garlic

It's absurdly easy to plant and care for; it tastes great; it looks beautiful and it takes up so little ground that even those with very small gardens can raise enough to be self-sufficient in garlic for a good part of the year. All you have to do is choose the right varieties; plant at the right time, in the right soil; then harvest when just right and store correctly. 1. Choosing Types of Garlic If you look in a specialist catalog like the one at Gourmet Garlic Gardens, you'll find dozens of varieties of garlic listed. You see where this is going – and you can see a lot more types of garlic on either of those websites, but for general purposes the most important difference is the one between softneck and hardneck. Softnecks are so called because the whole green plant dies down to pliancy, leaving nothing but the bulb and flexible stems that are easy to braid.

Gardeners in most of the U.S. can try some of both.

BBQ Down under

All About Chillies In Australia, New Zealand & The Southern Hemishphere.