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Top 10 Hilarious Websites Of Human Misery. It’s seems like people have always been hardwired to laugh at the misfortune of others.

Top 10 Hilarious Websites Of Human Misery

It transcends all cultures, nations, and ages. As you read these words, a group of school kids in Hong Kong are peeing their pants laughing at a kid who did a faceplant into a mud puddle, somebody in Paris is guffawing at a guy getting a whifflebat to the crotch, and a grandma in Texas is chuckling under her breath at a cousin who doesn’t know his fly is undone. As long as it isn’t happening to you, personal humiliation can be totally hilarious.

Before the Internet, the only way to experience these hilarious events was to be in the right place at the right to time. But, now there is a whole slew of websites that document the hurts, humiliations, and downright stupidity of the human race and present it in an easily navigated format. 10. The biggest retail chain in the world, WalMart offers its customers a wide variety of consumer goods at reasonable prices in convenient locations. 9. There are many correct ways to answer a test question. From Mycoted R.L.

There are many correct ways to answer a test question

Loeffelbein, a physics teacher at Washington University in St. Louis was about to give a student a zero for the student's answer to an examination problem. The student claimed he should receive a perfect score, if the system were not so set up against the student. Instructor and student agreed to submit to an impartial arbiter, Dr. Rate My Valid Stop Signs. Window To The World & Yanko Design. Window To The World Some technology concepts just make sense the second you see them.

Window To The World & Yanko Design

This concept tablet ultra-connected device by Tokyo resident Mac Funamizu, has me wishing for tomorrow today. Though he has not named it as of yet, I will drink the potion and call it “The Looking Glass.” The idea is simple, by incorporating a camera/scanner, GPS and internet connectivity, the world is literally at your finger tips. Just frame anything you desire behind the glass window, from a building, to a car or piece of art and the image will be analyzed and searched on any number of sites like wikipedia, google or google earth.

This Will Mindfuck You: The Double-Slit Experiment. The video below shows scientific proof that there is something NOT quite logical or scientific about this universe.

This Will Mindfuck You: The Double-Slit Experiment

The mere act of observation can completely change the outcome of an event! Before I get too ahead of myself, you need to watch the video below to understand: (Forgive the corny cartoon character explaining the concept — at least he knows his stuff) Recap: When a camera observed the electrons, they acted as particles. However, when the no equipment was used to observe the electrons, they acted as waves and particles simultaneously. Home from World History : HyperHistory. 27 Awesome Android Apps That Will Inspire You Every Day.

Top 10 Life-Changing Movies. The top 10 life changing movies that everyone should watch.

Top 10 Life-Changing Movies

We are all human and we all are touched by different things that we experience as life or that we watch others experience in the movies. These are the top ten life changing movies that you should watch. “The Blind Side” hit theaters and took America by storm awakening many people to a story that they never heard of. “The Blind Side” is a true story about Michael Oher; this movie showed him going from homeless with only one extra shirt to being taken in loved and accepted by an amazing and wealthy family. 3a44236v.jpg from Making A Bacon Candle. Scented Candle: For Men.

Making A Bacon Candle

How to Always Have Something Better to Talk About Than the Weather. Six years ago, when I lived in a snowy mountain village and paid my bills by cleaning high-end sinks and toilets, someone said something that prompted me to confront an uncomfortable truth about myself.

How to Always Have Something Better to Talk About Than the Weather

A well-meaning coworker mentioned that she had been talking to another housekeeper about me. Oh? “She said, ‘David is a such great guy to work with, it’s just that he’s just so quiet.‘” I don’t remember how I responded, but I assume I tried to disagree somehow, and went back to my work hoping nobody would ever say that to me again.

Quiet. How To Solve A Rubiks Cube In Under A Minute (Puzzles) Top 10 Backpacking Travel Destinations for 2010. Assembled Philosophers. Text of Steve Jobs Commencement address (2005) Video of the Commencement address.

Text of Steve Jobs Commencement address (2005)

I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I've ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That's it. The first story is about connecting the dots. How to Sneeze. 60 Selected Best Famous Quotes II. It has been over a year since I published my collection of 60 very best quotes, and it still remains one of the most popular pages on this website.

60 Selected Best Famous Quotes II

I thought it was time for a sequel, including great quotes that were left out of the first collection or have been recently discovered. Enjoy! Wisdom and Inspirational Quotes. 60 Ways To Make Life Simple Again. 20 Life Lessons A Wise Man Would Share : All

Less Framework 4. 11 Ways to Cure Someday Syndrome. Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Alex Fayle of the Someday Syndrome blog.

11 Ways to Cure Someday Syndrome

Someday Syndrome: not doing what you want to because you don’t know what it is, because you’re procrastinating about it, or because you have too much stuff getting in your way. Everyone suffers from Someday Syndrome at some point in their lives, often catching it repeatedly. For me, most recently, I’d been saying that I really should give running a try without doing anything about it. How Things Used to Be.

You are visiting How Things Used To Be Hi friends, I don't know who wrote this article and some of it may not be accurate but it is still interesting musing... Rhio. The Top 7 University Sanctioned Events. 8 Ways to be UBER Charismatic. What did JFK, Marilyn Monroe and Hitler all have in common? They were all renowned charismatics that lit up every room they entered. You’ve most likely met one of these kinds before. The guy/girl at the party. They possess some strange quality that causes them to be liked by everyone and constantly at the center of attention. Their eyes and the way they carry themselves convey power and magnetism and you can’t quite figure out why. Robert Greene studied these people and detailed the methods one can use to become a charismatic in his book “The Art of Seduction.”

Purpose. - Pondering the Big Questions. Basic resumes - Templates - Microsoft Office. <div class="cdOLblEmRed cdSearchResultsMargin">Warning: This site requires the use of scripts, which your browser does not currently allow. <a href=" how to enable scripts. </a><br/></div> All Products Word Excel PowerPoint Access. The 21 Day Challenge Everyone Should Take. I'm on day 14 of a 21-day challenge that I semi-invented and so far I have to admit the results have been nothing short of amazing. Now, when I say that I semi-invented it, that is purely because I took the idea from the excellent book 'Psycho Cybernetics' and put it in a format that everyone can follow, myself included.

I'm not exaggerating when I say this challenge can literally help with any aspect of your life that you would like to improve. Before I go into more detail on how you can follow along, I need to talk a little about our 'self image' and why it is very important. Understanding the Self Image. Project Avalon - Klaus Dona: The Hidden History of the Human Race. Click here for the PDF version of this interview (20 pages) Click here for the video presentation March 2010 **Ed note: Some transcripts contain words or phrases that are inaudible or difficult to hear and are, therefore, designated in square brackets. Ask Dr. Oz - Answers to Health Questions from Dr. Oz. October 27, 2008, 7:00 AM How dirty is money, really? 7 Basic Things You Wont Believe Youre All Doing Wrong. If you're like us, you might sometimes have a problem with complex tasks, like trying to drive an ambulance and send a text message at the same time.

Fun043.jpg from 40 Tips for a Better Life. So You've Graduated from College, Now What? An update to this post is here. Funny Pictures & Blog Archive 90s & Funny Pictures. 30 Habits that Will Change your Life. Developing good habits is the basic of personal development and growth. Everything we do is the result of a habit that was previously taught to us. Unfortunately, not all the habits that we have are good, that’s why we are constantly trying to improve. How to make skittles vodka.

Feather And Hammer Drop On Moon. How To Train Yourself To Be In The Mood You Want. Dec 27, 2010. 10 Strange Things About The Universe. Ringtone increases body growth. [VIDEO] Murphys Law. Anti-inflammatory-food-pyramid.jpg from Sleeping Tricks - Effective Techniques For Falling Asleep - StumbleUpon. 10 Commandments for a Good Life. Email. 8pen. Alien-contact.jpg from Upgrade Your Browser. MapCrunch - Random Google Street View. Code of Conduct. 33 Striking Differences Between Winners And Losers - So Which Side Are You...

67 CommentsJanuary 6, 2010 / Posted in Personal Development <div class="greet_block wpgb_cornered"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><a href=" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><img src=" alt="WP Greet Box icon"/></a></div>Hello there! Dynamic Periodic Table. - Never Wait on Hold Again. 27 lessons I've learned in 27 years. Philosophy Timeline. Simple mechanisms explained. Email Below you’ll find animated diagrams and explanations of how various mechanisms work. Some of these have been crucial to major evolutions in mechanisms and technology, and allow us to do anything from fire weaponry to make cars move with the press of a pedal. Maltese Cross mechanism powers second hand movement in the clock: