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Universal Cycles

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Has The Earths Axial Tilt Shifted Causing An Out Of Place Sunrise & Sunset 09-08-2013. Giant Asteroid 2014 UR116 heading our way:Russian Scientist Warns. Nibiru Causing the Earth to Wobble and Extreme Weather!!! HIGHLY MAGNETISED SOLID BALL OF DARK ENERGY APPROACHING EARTH FROM THE SOUTH (FULL VERSION) Return of the Serpent God of the Cross. New White House in the Ozarks! Proof Something is Going Down. iNtegrated Space Weather Analysis System ( iSWA ) : : Version 1.16.2 [BabyBaby]

Mystery Knowledge

Vision: Massive, Tragic Northwest Earthquake To Hit This Year? Pt 2. Our Binary Solar System. Earth. Nibiru - every 3600 years. Polar-Axis Shift. Sun - every 11 years. REAL SPACE DANGER meteors. The public/private imperative to protect the grid. Last week, three high-powered flares erupted from the Sun in a single 24-hour period, emitting electro-magnetic energy particle toward Earth and throughout the Solar System.

The public/private imperative to protect the grid

The flares were categorized as X-class flares, capable of inflicting damage to the electrical grid. Also last week, a power station in Nogales, Arizona, was targeted for attack by a bomb and an incendiary device planted on a 50,000 gallon diesel tank. Thankfully, the attempt failed. And last month, The Department of Homeland Security announced that a public utility in the US that was the target of a cyber-attack that compromised its control system network. Power companies use Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) networks to control their industrial systems and many of these SCADA networks need to be updated and hardened to meet growing cybersecurity threats.

In all three cases the electric grid was spared consequences that could have been devastating and disrupted power on a grand scale. Two giant planets may cruise unseen beyond Pluto - space - 11 June 2014. The monsters are multiplying.

Two giant planets may cruise unseen beyond Pluto - space - 11 June 2014

Just months after astronomers announced hints of a giant "Planet X" lurking beyond Pluto, a team in Spain says there may actually be two supersized planets hiding in the outer reaches of our solar system. When potential dwarf planet 2012 VP113 was discovered in March, it joined a handful of unusual rocky objects known to reside beyond the orbit of Pluto. These small objects have curiously aligned orbits, which hints that an unseen planet even further out is influencing their behaviour. Scientists calculated that this world would be about 10 times the mass of Earth and would orbit at roughly 250 times Earth's distance from the sun.

Now Carlos and Raul de la Fuente Marcos at the Complutense University of Madrid in Spain have taken another look at these distant bodies. Planet shepherd For instance, we know that Neptune and Pluto are in orbital resonance – for every two orbits Pluto makes around the sun, Neptune makes three. Reference: Our Solar System Evicted A Planet So Earth Could Survive. Colorado scientist David Nesvorny was running solar system evolutionary simulations recently when he realized that during 6,000 different simulations the Earth couldn’t survive during the system’s early years based on the current planetary count.

Our Solar System Evicted A Planet So Earth Could Survive

Once Nesvorny added another planet to the system however Earth survived as expected. According to his work our solar system at one point had a ninth planet, a gas giant that was nudged out of the system billions of years ago to make room for Earth’s survival. According to the Mother Nature Network “gas giant number five” started off bound together with Saturn and Jupiter and pushed out lighter planets including Neptune and Uranus eventually to be pushed out of the system on its own after a collision with Jupiter. According to his work David said the planet was likely orbiting about 15 times further from the sun than our own planet. Mayan what will happen on 21st December 2012. Solar System Visualizer.