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Universal Design

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Udltechtoolkit - home. UDL Learning Wheel. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) by Darliss Bardwell on Prezi. Universal-Design. Universal Design for Learning Guides, Part 1: Principles of Universal Design. Universal Learning Design: Empowering the Next Generation. UDL_UDT_presentation (3) K-12 Tech Tools © - home. DigitalStorytelling4Kids [licensed for non-commercial use only] / Sandbox. Welcome to the Sandbox The Sandbox area is where you can test several of the digital storytelling tools we didn't cover in the sessions.

DigitalStorytelling4Kids [licensed for non-commercial use only] / Sandbox

First, visit the suggested tools and choose one or a few to play with. Then add your creation to the Posterous page by sending an email to with your creation. Don't forget to tag and add a Title to your Posterous post ((tag: sandbox)). You can add a Title and tags by including these in the Subject Line of your email. Click on any of the icons to be led to a free comic creator tool. Creaza- Create comics, make movies, edit audio, and more! Bubblr - create your comic strip with Flickr pictures and add bubbles to tell your story! Comicmaster - Cool graphic novel creator. Stripgenerator - You don't have to register in order to create a comic. Bitstrips - Not free, but offers a 30-day free trial and includes more educational support (e.g., activities) than most other comic generators Domoanimate - Make your own animations.

Tools. Bill, My wife and I are currently assisting the Amphitheater School District with the training of their teachers from grade K to 6 on the Common Core Standards.


We would love to have links in our PowerPoint presentations and PDF files (both of which we give to the teachers attending our classes) that went directly to a portion of the text or an illustration that we would like to provide as part of our lesson. For example, teachers have a hard time understanding the division of a fraction by a fraction. The 6.NS Traffic Jam illustration provides an excellent means of giving teachers some intuition about the division of fractions.

The problem is that I see no way to link to this illustration directly, or any text with the illustrations. Are there any plans to provide links. Robert Springer. UDL Resource - Home. Just ASK Publications and Professional Development - Making the Common Core Come Alive! "A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince Creativity and innovation are key competencies to target during the implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

Just ASK Publications and Professional Development - Making the Common Core Come Alive!

While these competencies are critical to college and career readiness, they are not explicitly addressed in the Common Core document which is focused on expected outcomes. Educators need, however, to use these standards to design curriculum and assessments and establish engaging classroom environments that promote creative thinking and innovative ideas. Now is the time, as districts align their curriculum with the Common Core, to get students engaged in authentic, real world, rigorous learning experiences that focus on the meaningful application of core academic knowledge. Creativity is defined as the production of something not only original, but useful and appropriate for the task at hand. Classroom Resources. National Center On Universal Design for Learning.

UDL Guidelines 2.0. The goal of education in the 21st century is not simply the mastery of content knowledge or use of new technologies.

UDL Guidelines 2.0

It is the mastery of the learning process. Education should help turn novice learners into expert learners—individuals who want to learn, who know how to learn strategically, and who, in their own highly individual and flexible ways, are well prepared for a lifetime of learning. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) helps educators meet this goal by providing a framework for understanding how to create curricula that meets the needs of all learners from the start. The UDL Guidelines, an articulation of the UDL framework, can assist anyone who plans lessons/units of study or develops curricula (goals, methods, materials, and assessments) to reduce barriers, as well as optimize levels of challenge and support, to meet the needs of all learners from the start.

They can also help educators identify the barriers found in existing curricula. Universal Design for Transition-Self Advocacy Unit 1 by Darliss Bardwell on Prezi. Unit_Plan_Template_including_UDL. Center for Parent Information and Resources. November 2012 Links updated, February 2014 A legacy resource from NICHCY Ready for the Common Core?

Center for Parent Information and Resources

You’ve probably heard a lot about this new initiative in education called the Common Core State Standards(CCSS). What’s it all about? How does it relate to you as an educator, administrator, or parent? How does it apply to students, especially those with disabilities? ________________________ Overview of the CCSS The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are an effort by states to define a common core of knowledge and skills that students should develop in K-12 education, regardless of the state they live in, so they will graduate high school prepared for college or careers.

The standards were released in 2010 and are divided into two categories: K-12 standards, which address expectations for elementary through high school.College and career readiness standards, which address what students are expected to know when they graduate from high school. Why do we need common standards?

Who’s in charge?