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It's Really Hard to Be a Good Guy With a Gun. My dad left my a handful of guns when he died and I recently took a conceal carry class to learn how to use them safely.

It's Really Hard to Be a Good Guy With a Gun

I love guns. Guns are awesome. Fuck yeah! The NRA instructor, who seemed like a pretty level headed guy, was laying out all these scenarios in which everything was merely escalated by having a gun on your person. "If you have a gun on you and a guy starts wrestling with you, then you gotta make sure you get to your gun before he can. I’m an Army veteran, and my benefits are too generous. “You deserve it,” she responded.

I’m an Army veteran, and my benefits are too generous

Really? If she only knew. Though I spent more than five years on active duty during the 1970s as an Army infantry officer and an additional 23 years in the Reserves, I never fired a weapon other than in training, and I spent no time in a combat zone. I returned to active duty for five months in 1991 during the Persian Gulf War, but I was assigned to the Pentagon. My hazardous duty consisted of a daily drive on New York Avenue before its upgrade. I am hardly unique. It’s a fact of warfare called the logistical tail. These jobs are important. And yet, the benefits flow lavishly. Once I joined the Reserves, I started out receiving what today would be $11,000 annually for two days of drill per month and 13 days of active duty per year.

Even though I spent 80 percent of my time in uniform as a reservist, I received an annual pension in 2013 of $24,990, to which I contributed no money while serving. Simply put, I’m getting more than I gave. Oh, please. Menstrual Hygiene Day. Here's What Really Goes On At The 'Orange Is The New Black' Jail. By Nicole Flatow "Here’s What Really Goes On At The ‘Orange Is The New Black’ Jail" The Suffolk County Correctional Facility in Riverhead, N.Y.

Here's What Really Goes On At The 'Orange Is The New Black' Jail

CREDIT: AP Photo/Ed Betz The Netflix series Orange Is the New Black paints a picture of jail life most of us would want to avoid. But it is sanitized as compared to the actual conditions at the Long Island jail where parts of the second season was filmed — a facility notorious for feces infestations, moldy food and showers, and medical neglect, according to the New York Civil Liberties Union. Inmates tell stories of overcrowded and deteriorating facilities where sewage spurts from toilets in their cells while they are on them, spills onto the floors at night, and emits fumes that causes regular vomiting, severe nausea and headaches. Seattle School Shooter Was Thwarted By A Limited Amount Of Ammunition. By Nicole Flatow "Seattle School Shooter Was Thwarted By A Limited Amount Of Ammunition" Students and faculty pray together following a shooting at Seattle Pacific University.

Seattle School Shooter Was Thwarted By A Limited Amount Of Ammunition

CREDIT: AP Photo/Elaine Thompson A gunman killed one student and injured several others Thursday at Seattle Pacific University, in what is the 73rd school shooting since Newtown, according to Everytown for Gun Safety’s count. How Being Poor Makes You Sick - Olga Khazan. Some patients are being "prescribed" bicycles and groceries as doctors attempt to treat the lifestyle consequences of poverty, in addition to its medical symptoms.

How Being Poor Makes You Sick - Olga Khazan

Grundloven og kommunismens genfærd. De »communistiske Lærdomme og Læren om den almindelige Stemmeret har eet og det selvsamme Udspring«, hævdede nationaløkonomen C.N.

Grundloven og kommunismens genfærd

David. Det var for præcis 165 år siden – under de debatter, der førte frem til det moderne Danmarks første grundlov: Junigrundloven fra 1849. Han ytrede dermed en skepsis, som mange delte: Kunne man opnå demokrati uden kommunisme? Five Stages of Unlearning Racism : Life as I Know It. Note: Today is Day 10 of my 30 day blog challenge.

Five Stages of Unlearning Racism : Life as I Know It

If you want to get my random thoughts about random stuff in your inbox, you can subscribe at the bottom of any post or mash the RSS button if that’s how you roll. First, a disclaimer: I had lunch with a good friend recently and she explained to me the following steps in her continuing journey of unlearning racism.

I don’t know if there’s any official literature about this specifically, but as she explained these steps, it made incredible sense to me and gave light to many conversations I’ve had with people in every stage she described. I’m recording it here so I don’t forget, because I will keep having those conversations with people as long as I’m still Black1 and alive. Remembering that there’s hope for people who are earlier in the process helps me to stay compassionate. 2. Spotlys på de rige.

Ikke siden Milton Friedmans Capitalism and Freedom, måske ikke siden Karl Marx’ Kapitalen, er en økonomisk fagbog blevet modtaget med så stor virak.

Spotlys på de rige

Vend tilbage, ideologier! I sommeren 1989 kunne man i National Interest læse et essay med den påfaldende kække titel Historiens afslutning?

Vend tilbage, ideologier!

Heri proklamerede forfatteren, en politolog ved navn Francis Fukuyama, de store ideologiske kampe mellem øst og vest for overstået og udråbte det vestlige liberale demokrati til sejrherre. I lyset af de antikommunistiske protester, der fejede hen over det tidligere Sovjetunionen, var tesen besnærende. A Mighty Girl - Parents are often startled to realize that... USA omfavner Piketty. Oprøret kommer fra dem, vi ikke bryder os om. Hvad er der sket?

Oprøret kommer fra dem, vi ikke bryder os om

Langsomt, men sikkert har anonyme kræfter tilrevet sig magten, mens demokratiet er blevet undergravet. De politiske ideer forvitrer, mens finansmarkedet overstråler partier og regeringer.