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21st Century Learning. Educational websites and games. EDUCATION. How to brainstorm creative ideas: 15 killer tips. Stuck for design inspiration? Struggling to get started on a project or still looking for a suitable angle? Don’t feel bad: it happens to the best of us. You just need a way to kick your brain in gear and get the ideas flowing. Which is why we've put together a series of tips to help you brainstorm more effectively, followed by five fantastic apps you can use to make sense of the brainstorming process. 01. At Stylorouge we employ a system of meetings where we throw things around unselfconsciously. 02.

For many people, late morning is a good time to be creative. 03. It's nice to be aware of what's happening in the design field, but you can be equally - and often more - inspired by the things you see outside of design. 04. Everyone involved in generating ideas should know everything about the brief. 05. The process of coming up with great ideas is partly a question of analysis. 06. Don't sit around coffee tables that are too low. 07. 08. 09. 10. 01. 02. 03. 04. myPANTONE 05. iDesign. Education. EdTech Round-Up: 99 Google Plus Accounts to Follow | Best Online Universities. Technology amplifies knowledge, and education is one of the fields that stands to benefit the most from the rapid development of the internet and communication technology. Edtech allows for the wide distribution of educational materials, and for the development of customized, interactive learning environments to fit any learning style.

Educators and technology enthusiasts alike have embraced the educational power of the internet, PCs, tablets, and even smart phones. There is an amazing community of education innovators on Google Plus, sharing ideas about education technology and eLearning, and working toward a new paradigm of education for the next generation. While education technology has the power to transform the college experience, it is also useful in many other contexts, including: These Google Plus accounts cover everything from free online video courses to full on learning management systems.

Inanimate Alice - Teach with Alice. Inanimate Alice has proven to be popular across a broad range of ages as well as with a broad range of viewers, including both book-lovers and gamers. Because the level of interactivity starts out low in episode one, increasing with each subsequent episode in order to reflect Alice's own growing abilities, we've found that we can take an audience unfamiliar with multimedia fiction with us.

Educators like Inanimate Alice because of this; students from primary to post-graduate level find the work engaging. Today educators face a quandary. On the one hand there are anxieties about the reliability of internet sites and concerns regarding how to educate students to make informed online decisions. On the other hand there are, for example, government initiatives like the National Curriculum in England and Media Literacy outcomes in Canada which emphasise the important role technological skills play in all sorts of learning environments. Exploratorium: the museum of science, art and human perception. Learn More.

The Ins and Outs of Common Core Standards - Free Webinars. Teachers-copyright.jpg (Immagine JPEG, 1320x1912 pixel) SWA. Surfaid. The 35 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You. 100 Web 2.0 Tools Every Teacher Should Know About 44.24K Views 0 Likes We're always trying to figure out the best tools for teachers, trends in the education technology industry, and generally doing our darnedest to bring you new and exciting ways to enhance the classroom. But I wanted t... 20 Free and Fun Ways To Curate Web Content 23.98K Views 0 Likes What's the best way to organize it all into at least some reasonable manner? It’s Time To Crowdsource Your School’s Social Media Policy 12.53K Views 0 Likes Every school has a different policy when it comes to social media. Exploratree - Exploratree by FutureLab. Khan Academy. LandingPage. Login Parents Contact Us Help About Us | Parents | Help | SetAsHomepage | Contact Us Add To Favorites | Terms Of Use | Privacy Policy | Cool Links.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: The 33 Digital Skills Every 21st Century Teacher should Have. By EdTech Team Updated on march 2, 2015 : The original list that was created in 2011 comprised 33 skills , after reviewing it we decided to do some merging and finally ended up with the 20 skills below. The 21st century teacher should be able to : 1- Create and edit digital audio Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :Free Audio Tools for Teachers 2- Use Social bookmarking to share resources with and between learners Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill : A List of Best Bookmarking Websites for Teachers 3- Use blogs and wikis to create online platforms for students Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill : Great Tools to Create Protected Blogs and Webpages for your Class 4- Exploit digital images for classroom use Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :Web Tools to Edit Pictures without Installing any softwareTools to Convert Photos into Cartoons.

Top 25 Online Learning Resources for Students. Imparare Sempre. Join the Movement to Transform Learning: A Guest Blog by George Lucas. I didn't enjoy school very much. Occasionally, I had a teacher who would inspire me. But as an adult, as I began working with computer technology to tell stories through film, I began to wonder, "Why couldn't we use these new technologies to help improve the learning process?

" Twenty years ago when we started The George Lucas Educational Foundation, we could see that digital technology was going to completely revolutionize the educational system, whether it liked it or not. Yet, in light of extraordinary advancements in how we use technology to communicate and learn, our schools and districts have been frustratingly slow to adapt. Unfortunately, much of our system of education is locked in a time capsule that dates back to the Industrial Revolution, when learning became an exercise in pumping as much information into kids as possible. At the end of this education assembly line comes a diploma -- if the student can spit back the facts correctly.

Consider a few powerful examples. Why Open Education Matters. Free Online Course Materials | MIT OpenCourseWare. The Saylor Foundation. Free online tutorials for learning to use technology and ict in education. How to work with screencasting tools uses Camtasia for making the training videos. I also use JING for making short videos. If you look at the menu on the left-hand side, you can see a complete list of the screencasting tools that I have worked with and made videos for. Here are a few of my favourites.

Camtasia 7-Two sets of videos All the videos I have made on this site use Camtasia 7. SnagIt SnagIt is not free but it is a very reasonably priced option for creating screencasts and it also allows for doing much more. SnagIt part two ScreenR A simple screen cast tool that works on the web. ScreenCast-o-matic Another free screen casting tool that does not need any download and allows you to record quite long videos. Russell Writes in the Teacher Training Journal. Open Course Library. Connexions - Sharing Knowledge and Building Communities. OER Commons. Studi Stack. 40 Ways Education Technology Will Be Used In The Future. Do you know what technology you’ll be using in the classroom 5 years from now? What about 10 years from now? A new visualization may be able to help.

Thanks to the hard work by Envisioning Tech , it’s simple to see what we could expect to happen in the next few decades. From today’s iPads to holograms in the year 2040, there’s a lot coming to a classroom near you. Better still, the visualization below is categorized into color-coded topics. Want to post this up in the teacher’s lounge or on your desk? Learning for everyone, by everyone, about almost anything. The TES - Education Jobs, Teaching Resources, Magazine & Forums. Edmodo | Where Learning Happens | Sign up, Sign In. Claco. Share My Lesson - Free K-12 Resources By Teachers, For Teachers. Home - K-3 Teacher Resources., Oracle Education Foundation, Progetti | Concorso | Libreria. TED: Ideas worth spreading. Safe Search for Kids. The Google safe search engine for kids with friendly search. Forum Wirtschaftsdeutsch im Internet. CyberSleuth :Educational Resources and Student Homework Helper. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Quotes. Strike - A fun and easy way to strike stuff off lists. Safe and simple blogs for your students. Free Online Courses: Top 50 Sites to Get Educated for Free - InformED : The Teacher's Guides To Technology And Learning.

Welcome to the official guide to technology and learning by Edudemic! This part of Edudemic is meant to offer you, the teacher, some of the best and most popular resources available today. We’ve combed through hundreds of resources in order to narrow down our guides into something easy to read, easy to use, and easy to share. Below are links to the guides we have made so far. They’re always a work in progress so be sure to let us know if we missed something or if you have more resources you want us to call out in the guides.

Just click on the title or image of each guide to view that particular resource. The Teacher’s Guide To Twitter Twitter has proven itself to be an indispensable tool for educators around the globe. The Teacher’s Guide To Flipped Classrooms We talk a lot about flipped classrooms on Edudemic. The Teacher’s Guide To Copyright And Fair Use The Teacher’s Guide To Google Glass If you’re as excited as Katie and me about Google Glass, this guide is for you. Do you love to pin? Blog How to Use Technology in the Classroom - MentorMob Blog. Everyone seems to think that technology can help students, parents, and teachers solve the host of challenges facing education today. But how exactly tech should be integrated into existing lesson plans, what kind of web access kids should have in school, and how new hardware gets paid for are just a few of the barriers to change.

But there are two particular models for tech integration that seem promising: Flipped Classroom and Project Based Learning. The critical questions these two teaching methods ask are these: how can classroom learning facilitate a collaborative atmosphere that’s engaging for students and that mimics the 21st century work environment? And how can the same technology that students often use at home be leveraged to foster teamwork and critical thinking in the classroom? High school math teacher Crystal Kirch has been chronicling her experiment with the flipped classroom model on her blog, Flipping with Kirch.

Learning Labs - Creative Drama in eTwinning - Welcome. Facilitating Collaborative Learning: 20 Things You Need to Know From the Pros - InformED. Education. CRDP de l'académie de Besançon : Cartes heuristiques. Ces dossiers thématiques sont archivés, nous attirons votre attention sur leur date de mise à jour. Qu'est-ce-que c'est ? Selon Wikipédia, une carte heuristique (du grec ancien εὑρίσκω, eurisko, "je trouve"), appelée aussi carte des idées, schéma de pensée, carte mentale, arbre à idées ou topogramme (mind map en anglais), est un diagramme qui représente les connexions sémantiques entre différentes idées, les liens hiérarchiques entre différents concepts intellectuels.

C'est le plus souvent une représentation arborescente des données. Basée sur les avancées dans le domaine des neurosciences, la méthode a été mise au point par le psychologue anglais Tony Buzan dans les années 70. Cerveau droit (couleurs, images, formes, rythmes, sentiments)cerveau gauche (mots, parole, analyse, logique, nombres, linéarité) Il définit ce concept comme "une manifestation de la pensée irradiante" et désigne des processus associatifs qui partent d'un point central.

Quatre caractéristiques essentielles : Comprendre le fonctionnement du cerveau pour mieux enseigner. Mémorisation : trouver sa stratégie. Dans tous les cas : lire, relire, et réviser plusieurs fois Il faut souvent apprendre plusieurs fois pour mémoriser vraiment Il n'y a pas de secret : pour bien mémoriser, il faut relire et réviser plusieurs fois le même cours et la même leçon. C'est la règle de base indispensable à tous, quelle que soit votre forme d'apprentissage.

Vous le savez sans doute déjà : il est conseillé de relire une première fois un cours ou une leçon, le jour ou le soir même. Pour apprendre, il faut se représenter mentalement ce qu'on découvre Comment se représenter ce que l'on étudie ? Mais comment apprendre ? Les différentes stratégies pour évoquer et retenir les connaissances Certains retiennent grâce aux images ou aux représentions visuelles. Relisez votre cours lentement. Si vous êtes auditif et verbal, récitez vos cours à haute voix. Il se peut que ce qui vous revienne soit plutôt la voix de l'enseignant, un son, une musique, le récit d'une histoire, d'une anecdote citée dans le cours.

Apprendre. La différenciation pédagogique. Kant a-t-il inventé les sciences cognitives ? La référence à Emmanuel Kant revient régulièrement dans les sciences cognitives contemporaines. Filiation réelle ou coquetterie rhétorique ?

Les sciences cognitives sont-elles kantiennes ? Voici une question qui ne devrait pas préoccuper outre mesure le citoyen ordinaire. Pourtant, elle devrait être considérée comme de la plus haute importance par ceux qui se préoccupent du fonctionnement de l’esprit humain. Car derrière cette question érudite s’en profile une autre plus fondamentale : les sciences cognitives ont-elles besoin de philosophie ? Rappelons que dans sa Critique de la raison pure, Emmanuel Kant propose une théorie de la connaissance qui considère que notre esprit observe le monde à travers des catégories mentales préexistantes. Édulogia - Des idées pour votre intégration technologique. La différenciation pédagogique. Récit.

Infobourg. Édulogia - Des idées pour votre intégration technologique. Carrefour éducation. Édulogia - Des idées pour votre intégration technologique. Mémorisation : trouver sa stratégie. Méthode des six chapeaux. La méthode des six chapeaux, extraite de l'ouvrage Six chapeaux pour penser[1],[2], est une méthode de structuration de la pensée personnelle ou de groupe, développée par Edward de Bono, permettant de résoudre les problèmes en favorisant la pensée critique et en évitant la censure précoce des idées nouvelles, dérangeantes ou inhabituelles[3].

Selon Karadag et al., cette méthode permet de développer la pensée créative en présentant et en systématisant des pensées et des suggestions dans un format spécifiquement défini[4]. Pour cela, les participants sont invités à aborder la question en prenant ensemble tour à tour différents « chapeaux » d'une couleur particulière. L'ordre d'adoption des chapeaux varie en fonction du type de problème. L'enjeu est de mobiliser un processus de « pensée parallèle » simple et efficace qui aide les gens à sortir des limites de l'étroitesse d'esprit, de la pensée unidirectionnelle et des positions fixes (De Bono, 1985[1]). Portail du management. Aide à la mémorisation. Apprendre à retenir, à mieux mémoriser.

10_principes_de_la_memorisation. Test_fonctionnement_cognitif. Jean-Pierre Terrail, Entrer dans l’écrit. Tous capables ? Kant a-t-il inventé les sciences cognitives ? Technique d'apprentissage PNL : la carte mentale. La différenciation pédagogique. La différenciation pédagogique. Qu'est-ce que la différenciation pédagogique? Différenciation pédagogique : l'apport du jeu vidéo à l'Ecole.