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Khan Academy

Khan Academy

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CHEMystery: An Interactive Guide to Chemistry As of July 1, 2013 ThinkQuest has been discontinued. We would like to thank everyone for being a part of the ThinkQuest global community: Students - For your limitless creativity and innovation, which inspires us all. Teachers - For your passion in guiding students on their quest. Partners - For your unwavering support and evangelism. University Relations Publishing RAD Zone1 CFA Institute has resources to help you in your pursuit of excellence in higher education, whether you’re teaching or learning. From complimentary teaching resources to student-focused career advice, check out the resources available for you. Resources for Students

Famous Quotes are Paired with Clever Illustrations Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia-based illustrator Tang Yau Hoong has just released a brand new series where he pairs one of his older illustrations with a famous quote. A few years ago, we discovered Hoong and we quickly became fans after we saw his ability to cleverly incorporate negative space into many of his works. As he told us then, "I enjoy making illusion art because it has the ability to mislead us. We rely on sight in our lives and yet it is so fragile that we could easily be deceived by what we see." In one of our favorite new prints, Hoong takes one of Steve Jobs' famous quotes, "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish" and illustrates it by putting two half eaten apples next to each other. Within the negative space, one can subtly make out Steve Jobs' silhouette.

50 really useful iPad 2 tips and tricks An absolute gem of an article by John Brandon and Graham Barlow from MacLife on 30th March over at TechRadar. This is going to become my iPad manual from here on in. Customised iPads for all iPad 2 tips and original iPad tips - get 'em here! With great new features like two video cameras, a faster processor and a thinner design, the iPad 2 is the world's best tablet device. The Math Forum @ Drexel University The Math Forum has a rich history as an online hub for the mathematics education community. A debt of gratitude is owed to the dedicated staff who created and maintained the top math education content and community forums that made up the Math Forum since its inception. NCTM will continue to make many of the most popular parts of the Math Forum content accessible to the mathematics education community. We hope that you will join or continue to be a member of the NCTM community to access even more high-quality resources for teaching and the learning of each and every student. Problems of the Week The Math Forum created Problems of the Week as an integrated program that features problems by standard and additional teacher support materials.

kinetics-equilibria Chemical equilibria . . . An introduction to the ideas surrounding chemical equilibria including the concept of a dynamic equilibrium, Le Chatelier's Principle, and a detailed look at the equilibrium aspects of the Haber Process, the Contact Process and the manufacture of ethanol from ethene. Plus an introductory look at equilibrium constants, Kc and Kp. Beyond Beyond ™ – UK Wedding Blog // International Wedding Blog // Well, we are dusting off our obligatory black armband over in Beyond Beyond land for one of our most favourite shops ever – Early Bright (mega sad face) they have been the purveyors of some delicious and inspirational bling that is more art than jewellery. And we just want to share one of the most beautiful pieces every a wish in a jar. We used to shake dandelion bushes when we were little in the vain belief that we would get a Barbie dream house, Michael Jackson tickets, the ability to breakdance overnight (although we never progressed beyond being able to do backspins), millionaire moolah, or our favourite wish was that we had been dropped off at the wrong house (sorry parental units) and we were really the offspring of some family with the financial clout of Daddy Warbucks and the Rothschild’s combined.

6 Ways To Learn Something New Online Everyday The Internet is a double-edged sword – it can be used to procrastinate the day away, or it can be used to learn something new everyday. Here at MakeUseOf, we’re particularly focused on the latter. There are a lot of ways you can use the Internet to learn something new everyday in a matter of minutes.

1/ experimental social psychology. I would like to compare with French trends. 2/ story of social psychology (less or more between 1950 and 2000). p.s. : in an other hand, I am looking for non-standard social psychology in France (1950-2000), particularly Robert. Pagès work. If you are interested, feel free use the email : (before end of may 2013. Thanks for your answer. by reel Mar 29

You're welcome! Khan Academy has tons & tons of videos in all sorts of subjects and it's free! by raisingaselfreliantchild May 21

Stanford university has hundreds of videos from all disciplines. I recomand Robert Sapolsky on biology and human behavior. by comprendreetmettreajour May 19

Pretty much all...I like to share with my teaching staff things they can use to aid their teaching or the students in class. Thank you! by lehmanmatt May 15

To: @lehmanmatt - what subject matter in relationship to technology and are you looking for text, tutorial, testing, audio, video or all of the above? But, let me know if you have a particular area within technology and when I'm searching will make sure to look for that matter and post. by peggymiles May 14

New friends/&/or curators here (name du jour- smiles!) - is there a way to merge two teams pearltrees? We have team folks here and then another peartree wants to team up. I've added that pearltree under "free education" For free education I'll design (as I have time - week+) more appropriate icon (ideas???) Thanks for the suggestions and the links. As there are some blogs or education news sites to string off a pearl that provide information on new programs. I'm challenged on how to organize pearls that are "topical" or date sensitive as someone coming in may want the latest learning info. I'm probably complicating things, and shouldn't worry, but when I search on pearltrees, still stumped at trying to find the 'latest' pearls posted on 'breaking news/information' & sometimes end up on pearls that are years old. I guess that's the net. Just thinking out loud - learning and I am not sure of the etiquette here... :) by peggymiles May 14

To: Komox37 - no problem about certification or not! I understand fully and do agree, just had mentioned that since someone else I knew who was looking thought it had value for them, but I agree on any educational materials and it would be great to have your resources and your experience to the mix and team! I'm still learning how to do this - so pardon any 'wrong turns' on my part! Cheers and thanks Peggy by peggymiles May 14

Hey matt, check out this pearl tree i've been working on. Some different applications of ed tech, as well as the twitter from the college course I took, as well as some examples of tools you'll find if you exhaust the links. are you a teacher? by jjs08d May 13

I'm looking for educational technology pearls and online tutorials that show how to do technology stuff. by lehmanmatt May 13

I was mainly concentraiting on Higer Education Video lecture series available free. But High school level is also important. May be we can connect the two trees under a common node called Online Education. My tree is still in growing stage. Right now only Physics branch has a resonable number of pearls. by indiajoe May 13

I think that is great idea indiajoe. Do you have a structure ready? I've got something similar happening but it is more to do with high school subjects that I teach, so it follows the Australian curriculum more or less. I'd be interested in teaming up to help out. by allanquartz May 13

My main aim is to make a pearl tree of all available video lectures _catagarised by subject_, rather than their uploading websites. I found many websites giving list of online learning webpages, but if somebody wants to learn a particular topic, they will have to go thorugh each of the website recursively. That's why i thought a pearl tree catagarising individual lectures based on subject will be a perfect solution for this. by indiajoe May 12

Hello Peggymiles on the youtube the following channels might be of your interest bozemanbiology, clindelof, covenantbird, crashcourse, EEVblog, jeriellsworth, NurdRage, mabakken :D. I see You like Tesla Wirless Company I got some pearls on the diy high voltage source and some general hardware hacking. Cheers. by freelancerace May 12

I'm trying to find all the academic opportunities for free learning, especially that integrate audio and video and possibly live webcasting, streaming both on the Internet nad mobile. So I'm interested in the Khan and MIT and Stanford programs,and heard in the past of a recent program for certification that was free at - so it appears the issue is getting certification, and of course, the biggger univiersities have to balance their online offerings so that the students paying a lot of money and are at the uiversity do not feel that the online folks are getting a better deal, depending on whether or not the costs are the same. I understand the value of being there, so it will be interesting to read strong feelings on both sides. I added an education program to my crowdsourcing pearl, and my pearls are a bit disorganized so I'll try to figure out the best organization. If anyone wants to team up on a free education pearl, I"m all in! I'll start one now. by peggymiles May 11

The "practice" feature used with Google/Facebook login is a really great way for students to work through different areas of maths at their own pace and in their own way and keep track of (and show their teachers) how they're progressing. by gormcc May 1

useful when you never heard of something and would like to know what it is, on the surface at least. by freelancerace Apr 6

I am happy to see that education is touching the soul of people. Thanks to steal the Khan Academy pearl. by ekolibrium Apr 2

I'm glad folks are using this resource. I recommend Khan Academy to my students as a necessary study aid. by chemistryclinic Mar 22

If any of you have any other links you would like to share that can help others, please feel free to do so. by bryancrump Mar 22

I like it very much for elementary students struggling with long division and multiplication of double digits. by biblioviki Mar 10

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