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IOS App Development

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Manage iOS App Layouts with Autolayout. This tutorial assumes that you’ve used Xcode before and are familiar with Interface Builder, but not with Auto Layout tools in Xcode.

Manage iOS App Layouts with Autolayout

At WWDC 2012 Apple introduced a new system for laying out interfaces. Auto Layout is an incredibly capable layout engine perfect for applications. While a little strange to understand at first, once mastered it allows for much more fluid layouts with significantly less (or perhaps no) layout logic in code. Since 2012, Auto Layout has featured again and again, with considerable tool improvements. Suggesting that Auto Layout (and now Size Classes) is Apple’s solution for multi-resolution support. The Concept In Auto Layout, rather than setting the position and size of a view you create constraints between views. MyView is at position (x: 20, y: 40) with dimensions (w: 400, h: 100) In Auto Layout something this would be said as: myView’s leading edge matches its superview’s offset by 20pt myView’s top space matches its superview’s offset by 40pt In Practice . . .

Ios - iPhone: UIImageView Fades in - Howto? Animated Components with UIKit Dynamics: Part 1. In this tutorial, I'm going to show you a brand new addition to the iOS SDK that was introduced in iOS 7, UIKit Dynamics and I'll show you how it can be used to create attractive, eye-catching animation effects.

Animated Components with UIKit Dynamics: Part 1

The purpose of the interface is to allow developers to add realism to their applications in an easy and straightforward fashion. In this tutorial, we’ll see a number of examples that illustrate this. In the first part of this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to create an animated menu and in the second part we will focus on creating a customized animated alert view.

We will create the menu and the alert view as standalone components to maximize reusability. Before we start writing code, it's necessary to take a look at the essentials of the UIKit Dynamics. Getting Started with Auto Layout in Xcode 5. Creating applications with flexible layouts has become essential, especially since the release of the iPhone 5 with its 4" screen and the introduction of Dynamic Type in iOS 7, allowing users to change text size across the operating system.

Getting Started with Auto Layout in Xcode 5

Flexible layouts also come in handy with internationalization in mind. Auto Layout, which was introduced in iOS 6, enables you to create such flexible layouts. It's a great alternative to autoresizing masks or manually laying out the application's user interface. Auto Layout enables you to add constraints to views and define the relationships between views. Objective c - iOS 7 - Dynamically resize the height of the label and scrollview.

Robotmedia/RMStore. Iphone - To detect IOS device type. Iphone - How to check if a file exists in Documents folder? Ios - UITableView cell contents not displayed properly. Apnagent. Simple Chat application using node.js and In light of my previous posts explaining a websocket based multi-player game, I thought I'd give an introduction to websockets in general and how I got to learn more about them.

Simple Chat application using node.js and

The best way to understand how websockets work is to create a simple chat application that allows people to chat with each other realtime. And this is exactly what I'm going to explain in this post. We all remember the document.write("Hello World"); statements that we wrote about 10 (or 15?) Years ago, at least this would have been a typical JavaScript statement that I wrote, and of course let's not forget the ever-so-popular var today = new Date(); document.write(today);. JavaScript has progressed from this to DOM manipulation via various frameworks and libraries such as prototype and jQuery.

When I first heard about node.js my initial thoughts were "what the fudge is a server-side JavaScript?! " Here's a bullet point list of the main features for the application I'm going to showcase: join send disconnect.


Ios - Does anyone know how to write an Apple Push Notification Provider in C# Objective c - iOS how to restrict special characters in UITextField except dot and underscores. เขียนแอพบน iPhone ทำ Facebook Like Box เท่ๆ ด้วย CustomIOS7AlertViewDigital Media Social Media Marketing and Inbound Marketing. บทเรียน และ Source Code โปรเจ็คสำหรับสร้างลูกเล่นให้กับแอพ iPhone ของคุณอย่าง Facebook LikeBox ให้ดูโดดเด่นด้วย CustomIOS7AlertView ที่เท่ และแสนง่าย พอดีทำโปรเจ็ค เกี่ยวกับ Custom ตัว UIAlertView ให้น่าสนใจก็เลยไปเจอ Source code ตัวนี้ครับ CustomIOS7AlertView ดาวน์โหลดได้ที่ ดาวน์โหลด Source Code มาก็จะเจอการติดตั้ง แสนง่ายครับ วิธีการติดตั้งก็คือ ถ้าต้องการใช้งาน เปิดไฟล์ ViewController.h ขึ้นมาครับ แล้วใส่ Code ดังนี้ #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import "CustomIOS7AlertView.h" @interface ViewController : UIViewController<CustomIOS7AlertViewDelegate> @end.

Ios - UITextField to allow ONLY English letters inputs. Ios - UITextField to allow ONLY English letters inputs. Ios - Allow only Numbers for UITextField input. Iphone - Objective-C Find and Replace String problem. Python APNS (Apple Push Notification Service) iOS Tutorials. Iphone - Playing system sound without importing your own. Ios - Get button click inside UI table view cell. Objective c - how to add hours in a nsdate.

Introduction to Objective-C Blocks. Iphone - Creating our own crop rect in camera overlay. Ios - Set dimensions for UIImagePickerController "move and scale" cropbox. Objective c - Copy text to clipboard with iPhone SDK. Ios - How to use UIStepper. Ios- uitableview displaying empty cells at the end. From NSURLConnection to NSURLSession - iOS 7 - issue #5. One of the more significant changes in iOS 7 and Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks was the overhaul of the Foundation URL Loading System.

From NSURLConnection to NSURLSession - iOS 7 - issue #5

As someone steeped in Apple’s networking infrastructure, I thought it would be useful to share my thoughts and impressions of these new APIs, how they will change the way we build apps, and what they signify in terms of the evolution of API design philosophies. NSURLConnection got its start a decade ago, with the original release of Safari in 2003, as an abstraction on top of the Core Foundation / CFNetwork APIs. The name NSURLConnection actually refers to a group of the interrelated components that form the Foundation URL Loading System: NSURLRequest, NSURLResponse, NSURLProtocol, NSURLCache, NSHTTPCookieStorage, NSURLCredentialStorage, and its namesake, NSURLConnection.

NSURLRequest objects are passed to an NSURLConnection object. At WWDC 2013, Apple unveiled the successor to NSURLConnection: NSURLSession. NSURLSessionTask Constructors A few specific observations: Ios - UIAlertView Button Action. iOS sorting array of dictionaries by key of inner dictionary and showing respective data's into tableview. Change text of button and disable button in iOS.

Introduction to MapKit Framework for iPhone Development. Maps are important part of our life.

Introduction to MapKit Framework for iPhone Development

We use them daily to find places and directions. The MapKit framework makes it easy for developers to implement applications which can make use of the maps in the applications. In this article we are going to introduce the MapKit framework for iOS programming. Concepts: There are several concepts that we must learn first before diving into the code. MKMapView: MKMapView is a UI control which is used to display map in iOS devices. Annotation: Annotations is information related to a particular place on the map. AnnotationView: The visual appearance of Annotations are defined using the MKAnnotationView class. Referencing the Frameworks: For this application we will be using the MapKit.framework and CoreLocation.framework.

Displaying Map Using MKMapView Control: After adding the reference to the MapKit.framework and CoreLocation.framework libraries we are ready to create our MapKit application. Also, make sure to link the MKMapView control to the controller. Iphone - Creating .pem file for APNS. How to dismiss a Popover from the current UIViewController. Imagine you’re presenting a view controller in your storyboard via a Popover Segue: Simply drag from a button in your Main View Controller to your Other View Controller, and under segue select “Popover”.

How to dismiss a Popover from the current UIViewController

Works like a charm: the popover is presented, and if someone clicks outside the popover it is dismissed. Marvellous! เขียนแอพ iPhone ทำหน้า Rate My App ด้วย Library RFRateMeDigital Media Social Media Marketing and Inbound Marketing. วิธีการสร้างหน้าเตือนให้คนใช้งานแอพพลิเคชันของเราไป Rate My App บนหน้า App Store ของ iPhone ด้วย RFRateMe ครับ ช่วยให้เพิ่มคะแนน Ranking ของแอพฯ ของเราครับ.

เขียนแอพ iPhone ทำหน้า Rate My App ด้วย Library RFRateMeDigital Media Social Media Marketing and Inbound Marketing

How to get pixel data from a UIImage (Cocoa Touch) or CGImage (Core Graphics) Table view with insert and delete rows in iPhone. A very common feature for almost all iOS applications is UITableView and its data source and delegate protocol.

Table view with insert and delete rows in iPhone

In this tutorial I will explain how to edit table view rows with little animations. i.e I will discuss how to delete and insert a row within the table view. Open Xcode and proceed with the single view application template. In AppDelegate.m file modify the code such that ViewController becomes the root view of the navigation controller by adding the following code. UINavigationController *navController = [[UINavigationController alloc]initWithRootViewController: self.viewController]; self.window.rootViewController = navController; In ViewController.xib file drag UITableView object and connect it with the associated outlet in .h file. @interface ViewController : UIViewController @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UITableView *aTableView;@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *dataArray;

Iphone - iPad keyboard will not dismiss if modal view controller presentation style is UIModalPresentationFormSheet. Ios - Run code on background and get return code. Ios - UITextField in NavigationBar. Objective c - redirect iphone app to apple store. Objective c - How do you implement global iPhone Exception Handling. Ios - UISegmentedControl.enabled = NO doesn't dim it. Objective-C->JSON->PHP Array. Objective c - Base64 Decoding in iOS 7.

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Predicate Programming Guide: Predicate Format String Syntax. This article describes the syntax of the predicate string and some aspects of the predicate parser.

Predicate Programming Guide: Predicate Format String Syntax

The parser string is different from a string expression passed to the regex engine. This article describes the parser text, not the syntax for the regex engine. Parser Basics The predicate string parser is whitespace insensitive, case insensitive with respect to keywords, and supports nested parenthetical expressions. The parser does not perform semantic type checking. Variables are denoted with a $ (for example $VARIABLE_NAME). ? The format string supports printf-style format arguments such as %x (see “Formatting String Objects”). %@ is a var arg substitution for an object value—often a string, number, or date. When string variables are substituted into a format string using %@ , they are surrounded by quotation marks. Iphone - Using a UISegmentedControl in the footer of UIPopoverController. Color converter - HEX to RGB and rgb to hex color converter. Color Converter Convert hex color code to RGB and RGB to HEX (Hexadecimal) This free color converter gives you the hexadecimal values of your RGB colors and vice versa (RGB to HEX).

Use it to convert your colors and prepare your graphics and HTML web pages. To use the converter, do not use the '#' symbol. Colors. Iphone - Easy way to dismiss keyboard. Ios - Positioning label on CPTBarPlot (Core-Plot) Iphone - How to get finger coordinates.


Array. Objective c - How can I sort strings in NSMutableArray into alphabetical order. How to get unique values based on dictionary key, which is an element of an array in objective C. Objective c - Using NSPredicate to filter an NSArray based on NSDictionary keys. iPhone - getting unique values from NSArray object. Objective c - NSSet to NSArray casting calling objectAtIndex. Collectionview.