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Has_sante. Sign in - Twitter Analytics. TweepsKey. Visualize communities. Twitwheel : visualiser les relations entre un compte Twitter et ses followers. Twitwheel est une Web application gratuite bien pratique pour visualiser les relations entre un compte Twitter et ses followers.

Twitwheel : visualiser les relations entre un compte Twitter et ses followers

Les comptes sont disposés autour d’un cercle et des flèches indiquent les retweets qui vous avez effectué ou que l’on vous a accordé. Deux choix vous sont proposés dans le moteur de recherche en haut à droite : nom ou mot-clé. En cliquant sur le tweep de son choix, la timeline se positionne automatiquement sur le tweet correspondant. Petit détail pratique, les tweeps qui vous ont mentionné possèdent un cercle gras. Véritable outil de veille concurrentielle, n’importe quel compte peut être visualisé.

Twitwheel est très pratique pour visualiser rapidement l’interaction d’un compte avec la Twittosphère, dommage, le nombre de comptes affichés est trop restreint. Twtrland. 24 Must-Have Social Media Marketing Tools. Are you looking for ways to enhance your social media marketing?

24 Must-Have Social Media Marketing Tools

Do you want new tools to simplify your job? We asked a group of social media pros for the hottest social media tools they use today. Check them out to see if these social media tools are a good fit for you! #1: Unlock to Share Plugin My favorite social marketing tool of all time is the unlock to share plugin. Make your site go viral by requiring the user to share your link to unlock content. Why is this so valuable? In my most recent experiment, I had 452 people land on a page where they had access to royalty-free music they could use in their videos. These unlock to share plugins are everywhere. James Wedmore, co-founder of Video Traffic Academy and founder of Video Sales Magic and Video Copy Pro. #2: SlideShare. Klout to Launch Brand Pages: Should Marketers Care?

Earlier this week, Klout announced its own version of brand pages -- Brand "Squads.

Klout to Launch Brand Pages: Should Marketers Care?

" Klout calls these pages a "way of giving influencers a place to be recognized and have a direct impact on the brands they care about most. " And while influencers get excited for their potential to be recognized by top brands, social media marketers also have plenty of reasons to be excited for this cool new tool. This post will break down all the new features Klout Brand Squads will provide, and why they matter to marketers. But first, take a look at the Brand Squad of Red Bull -- the lucky brand being used to beta test this new feature -- so you can get an idea of what the layout might look like when this rolls out to all brands. 5 Essential Spreadsheets for Social Media Analytics. Ann Smarty is a search marketer and full-time web entrepreneur.

5 Essential Spreadsheets for Social Media Analytics

Ann blogs on search and social media tools. Her newest project, My Blog Guest, is a free platform for guest bloggers and blog owners. Follow Ann on Twitter @seosmarty. Social media analytics and tracking can be very time-consuming and expensive. You'll find quite a few smart social media monitoring tools, but what if you can't afford them? That's why many social media marketers and power users are in constant search of free, efficient alternatives.

Most of the scripts that run the spreadsheets are "public," meaning you can access them from the Tools + Script Gallery menu (this also means they were reviewed and approved by Google Spreadsheets team). 1. GetTweets is a simple and fast Google Spreadsheet script that lets you quickly export Twitter search results into a spreadsheet. Increase the number of results returned — up to 1,500. Spreadsheet details: Public script? 2. Twitter Lance Enfin Son Outil Analytics ! La plateforme de microblogging Twitter annonce le lancement de son service d’analytics.

Twitter Lance Enfin Son Outil Analytics !

Ce nouvel outil est destiné aux propriétaires de sites web qui souhaitent savoir quel est le trafic qu’ils reçoivent de Twitter et quelle est l’efficacité de l’intégration du bouton « tweet » sur leurs sites. Twitter Analytics repose sur la technologie « Backtype », tout juste rachetée en juillet. Ce service est entièrement gratuit et actuellement en version bêta. Seuls quelques utilisateurs accèderont à l’outil cette semaine avant qu’il ne soit déployé à plus grande échelle dans les semaines à venir. Une API sera également lancée pour les développeurs. 7 Applications Twitter Gratuites Pour Faire De L’analytics. Les billets de la série Marketing sont ouverts au parrainage.

7 Applications Twitter Gratuites Pour Faire De L’analytics

Si vous voulez parrainer un de nos billets, merci de consulter la rubrique « annonceurs » . Beyond Google: 6 Tools to Help You Track Your Online Reputation. 10 Awesome Twitter Analytics and Visualization Tools. Recently Twitter rolled out their native analytics platform for all users and now you can get some quality data about your tweets directly from Twitter.

10 Awesome Twitter Analytics and Visualization Tools

After researching over a thousand Twitter Tools for the Twitter Tools Book I came across many Twitter analytics and visualization tools. These Twitter tools were designed to add value by presenting a different way to visualize or analyze your tweets, the people in your network, and the tweets from the people in your network. Many tools tried to add value and failed. At least they tried. The following tools, however, stand out in my mind as exceptional or entertaining and I recommend you check them out if you want to analyze and visualize your activity on Twitter. 1.