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Portfolio - Pan Tu Nie Stał. Surrealistyczne zdjęcia. Surrealistyczny loft. 40 Must-See Photos From The Past. The phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words” was coined by American newspaper editor Arthur Brisbane in 1911.

40 Must-See Photos From The Past

It’s a simple notion that applies to many aspects of our lives, but especially to historical photography. Sometimes, one simple picture can tell you more about history than any story you might read or any document you might analyze. [Read more...] These photographs all tell stories about the historical figures or events that they represent. Once taken simply to document their present, they now help us witness the past. Perhaps the wars, poverty, fights for freedom and little miracles of the past have lessons for us that we can use today? (via sobadsogood) Woman With A Gas-Resistant Pram, England, 1938 Unpacking the head of the Statue of Liberty, 1885 Elvis in the Army, 1958 Animals being used as part of medical therapy, 1956 Testing of new bulletproof vests, 1923 Charlie Chaplin at age 27, 1916. NATALIA WIERNIK - - FUTU.PL NAJLEPSZY PORTAL O DESIGNIE.

Seria The Protagonists autorstwa Natalii Wiernik - absolwentki Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Krakowie zakwalifikowała się do Finału New York Photo Festival. Ta sama seria portretów sprawiła, że Natalia została tegoroczną laureatką prestiżowego konkursu uniwersyteckiego Student Focus w konkursie Sony World Photography Awards 2013, w którym rywalizowali studenci z przeszło 230 uczelni na całym świecie. Najnowszy sukces to zakwalifikowanie The Protagonists (fotografie 1 - 4) do finału New York Photo Festival. Jack Vettriano - Paintings. Jack Vettriano is exclusively represented by Heartbreak in London.

Jack Vettriano - Paintings

In addition to organising all exhibitions of new work by Jack Vettriano, Heartbreak handles the sale of secondary market paintings on behalf of private clients. Please click HERE to view details of a selection of the paintings that are currently available. Please note, the images featured here represent a selection only of the works that may be available for sale. The painting features here is entitled ‘Fast Track’ and was painted in 2012. If you have an interest in acquiring an original painting by Jack Vettriano, please contact Heartbreak Gallery via email or by telephone on +44 (0)20 3219 5710. STUDIO ERWIN OLAF. LAURA MAKABRESKU: A SOFT, MACABRE TOUCH - Written by Karolina Rybačiauskaitė. trans­lated by Klaidas Stasiūnas During the inter­view with Laura I real­ized, that I can­not con­tinue on search­ing for stor­ies behind her pho­to­graphs – it simply wasn’t the way to do this.

If I were to reveal all the answers to the ques­tions Laura asks in her works, I’d steal the ele­ment of sur­prise off each of you. I became aware of this subtle lack of taste quite late; the true essence of her work – the macabre fairy tales hid­den within her pho­tos came alive to me, and I real­ized how the author feels them. Thus, it would be more appro­pri­ate for me to tell the tale of Laura’s world in such a way that it would leave you with noth­ing else but ques­tions to which Laura’s pho­to­graphs would be the answers. Laura Makabresku is a 24 year old pho­to­grapher from Poland. I don’t have any­thing in com­mon with myself.

Michael kvium - Szukaj w Google. Caroline schmitt  photography. Powojenny modernizm. Pralinki orzechowe. Dziś ponownie pralinki, ale tym razem z mlecznej czekolady.

Pralinki orzechowe

Będą bardzo smakowały dziecią :) Niestety mleczna czekolada nie jest tak dobra do robienia tego typu słodyczy jak gorzka, ponieważ dużo dłużej zastyga i łatwo rozpuszcza się w temp. pokojowej. Ale pralinki są pyszne i warto poczęstować nimi domowych, i przyjezdnych łasuchów :) Przepis znaleziony TU. P.S. Do Gwiazdki już tylko trzy dni :) Przepis (na ok.15 sztuk): składniki: 125 g serka mascarpone 225 g mlecznej czekolady 30 g masła ok. 15 orzechów laskowych obrane ze skórek (najlepiej uprażyć je kilka minut w piekarnik nagrzenym do tem ok 180 st.C - bardzo łątwo je obrać) ok. 2 łyżek pokruszonych orzechów laskowych. Free historical Pic. Free Stock Photos, Free Images. “The Grenata Street Army”, 1915. “In 1915 (photographer) Leon Gimpel befriended a group of children from the Grenata Street neighbourhood in Paris who had established their own “army”.

“The Grenata Street Army”, 1915

He began to visit them regularly on Sundays, helping them to build their arsenal from whatever was to hand, providing direction in “casting”, and recording with his camera the army’s triumphs over the evil enemy, the Boche. “Gimpel was charmed by these children and came to know each of them well: the “chief”, the eldest in the garrison; his friend, who was conscripted to play the unenviable role of the Boche; and Pépète, who was “small, slightly misshaped, rather scrofulous, looking somewhat like a gnome” but who nonetheless played the part of an ace aviator.

At the end of each session, Gimpel would reward the troops with barley sugar, causing all to shout with one voice, “Long live the photograph!” ‘ - Australian War Memorial The troops enjoy a well-deserved rest while savouring the barley sugar sticks offered by the photographer. Freie Bildquellen / Fotos im Internet (lizenzfrei)

Serie Stilkolumne: Drunter und drüber.