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Arquitectura Flotante

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Seadromes… On Islands and Megastructures. Seadrome 1/300 scale model [1922] by Edward Robert Armstrong A seadrome, concept developed by Edward Robert Armstrong, is an enormous floating islands of steel and concrete, to cover 100 or more acres and be anchored at intervals across the Atlantic.

Seadromes… On Islands and Megastructures

A brief history / selection : Floating Permaculture. Floating-Permaculture. The Living: Amphibious Architecture. Amphibious Architecture submerges ubiquitous computing into the water—the substance that makes up 90% of the Earth’s inhabitable volume and envelops New York City but remains under-explored and under-engaged.

The Living: Amphibious Architecture

Two networks of floating interactive tubes, installed at sites in the East River and the Bronx River, house a range of sensors below water and an array of lights above water. The sensors monitor water quality, presence of fish, and human interest in the river ecosystem. The lights respond to the sensors and create feedback loops between humans, fish, and their shared environment. The Venus Project Tour with Jacque Fresco-trailer. Acerca de. Sea City. Information provided from the TV21 Annual 1971, published by Century 21, UK.

Sea City

This exact model is even equipped with miniature ships and jetties. Dogger Bank lies twenty-five miles out in the North Sea between the winkle-stalls of Great Yarmouth's seafront and the towering drilling-rigs of the Hewett offshore natural gas fields. Man is fast running out of living space. Only a quarter of our planet is dry land; the rest is ocean. Floating Cities. The concept of creating permanent dwellings at sea has been a topic studied for so long, not only as scientific research but also as Sci-Fi proposals to inhabitat artificial islands, huge floating machines or abandoned oil platforms.

Floating Cities

As we recently commented, it is just as if we want to keep alive Jonathan Swift‘s dream to inhabitat Laputa, the fictional flying island with an adamantine base, that can be maneuvered by its inhabitants in any direction using magnetic levitation. But this time we’re not going to space, we want to talk about the concept of floating cities at the sea. Until now, no one has yet succeeded at creating a state on the high seas that has been recognized as a sovereign nation; the closest is perhaps the Principality of Sealand, a disputed micronation formed on a discarded sea fort near Suffolk.

Some floating cities were designed by the Metabolist Movement in the 60s: Floater #01 - Wave Garden. Wave Garden Yusuke Obuchi Interview: Chrysostomos Tsimourdagkas Wave Garden, designed by Yusuke Obuchi in 2001-2002, is a floating 480-acre artificial landscape consisting of 1,800 tiles of three-inch thick 'piezoelectric' membranes located off the San Luis Obispo coastline, California.

Floater #01 - Wave Garden

Monday to Friday, it functions as an alternative power plant, oscillating with the ocean waves and generating energy. At weekends, it becomes a buoyant public park. What is the conceptual core for the Wave Garden project? The inspiration for the 'Wave Garden' project dates back to the late 90´s when I started explaining a territory of architecture beyond mere form. Floating futures and fake books.


Perry Kulper. Some weeks ago, we wrote a Brief Post about Perry Kulper’s work, that we think it’s really interesting, especially the way his drawings shows complete representations of architecture ideas but also as art works.

Perry Kulper

As we said in that post there is a lack of information about Kulper on the net, so we decided to contact him and now we have more information to share [Thanks Perry!!]. Some of the projects developed by Kulper are: The Central California History Museum competition.


Ships. Arquitectura Defensiva Un DPR «-barcelona. “Time has fallen asleep in the afternoon sunshine”.

Arquitectura Defensiva Un DPR «-barcelona

-Ray Bradbury The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) is one of the oldest and most influential architectural institution in the world and has been awarding the President’s Medals for Students Projects since the 1850s and the awards were established in their current format in 1984. 2009 Winners was announced yesterday and we found out this interesting project that was the Medal Winner 2009 – SOM Winner -. The project designed by Nicholas Szczepaniak from the University of Westminster, is a dystopia that intends to catch up attention over the consecuences of climate change. With a futuristic vision of a society that will live in miserable conditions if we don’t take more drastic steps to deal with climate change, Szczepaniak exposes unexpected readings of the built environment in the future.

At the student statement we can read: Sea-City. Notas sobre puertos profundos en Colombia: GDE. Notas sobre puertos profundos en Colombia: Por: Gonzalo Duque-Escobar Los puertos movilizan un 90% del comercio exterior, por lo que son el primer empleador en sus regiones de influencia, dado que los terminales son los primeros proveedores de servicio para el comercio; de ahí que las inversiones en Puertos y Aeropuertos como infraestructura del transporte, sean claves para la competitividad. Si en algo resultan evidentes las economías de escala, es en el transporte por agua: aunque lento, este modo de transporte es el más económico de todos, y el complemento natural del transporte aéreo, para el comercio internacional.

Los barcos sub -pánamax han quedado rezagados al escenario marítimo para dar paso a las grandes embarcaciones por encima de 75 mil toneladas, en el tráfico interoceánico. El océano más extenso es el Pacífico, con 180 millones de km2. Entonces, ¿cómo salvar el paso por esta región de América? Atajos de los canales de Panamá ( Izq ) y del Suez ( Der ). Floater #01 - on Floatation. Things magazine. Researchcruiseship / FrontPage. Ethel Baraona. Heterotópico flotante Ciudades DPR «-barcelona. The idea of inhabiting the ocean has been a recurrent topic on this blog.

heterotópico flotante Ciudades DPR «-barcelona

DE NIKE-CITY A DUBAÏ CITY-SPORT, EN PASSANT PAR ROTTERDAM. En 2004, les équipes de NikeLab proposait sur internet une clip donnant une vision décapante et onirique d'une ville conçue comme un enchevêtrement de pistes et de terrains de sports.


(voir les image ci-dessus) Si les images image relevaient de la science-fiction, la vision s'appuyait elle sur une réalité bien tangibles. A savoir que les villes, leurs rues et leurs parcs sont devenus un immense stade où se pratiquent de nombreux sports. (voir là et là, entre autres) C'est d'ailleurs devenu l'un des positionnement clé et fort de la marque sur le plan publicitaire, que de toujours se mettre en scène en dehors des stades traditionnels, comme le montre ces images extraites d'un spot diffusé en Inde à l'occasion de la Coupe du Monde Cricket de 2007. (voir le clip indien de Nike, là - c'est très joyeusement foutrac à l'image du pays et de ses rues) # Monastery of Irrigation by Alistair Williams. UK schools' projects, as we know, are as amazing for the strength and ingeniousity of their narratives than for their concern for interesting and evocative means of representations.

# Monastery of Irrigation by Alistair Williams

In this regard, the Monastery of Irrigation by Alistair Williams (also selected by the President's Medals and also for the University of Westminster) is striking for its use of an hybrid of hand drawing and computer generated images, thus creating a unique poetic vocabulary serving the program. Text by Alistair Williams:Is there no larger and more encompassing creative element in this world than nature and its perpetual interplay between ourselves and the lives we build? What is a more vibrant, energising icon for nature than the movement and constant renewal of water? It moves through, around, under, over and binds us together. It connects all living beings through a central need, a chemical desire that allows us to grow, to build and strengthen.The Monastery of Irrigation is imbued with water.

Blog Archive » AL CARIBE! Al Caribe! Es una investigación, reflexión y apuesta sobre los impactos y posibles escenarios que el turismoestá produciendo en la región del Caribe.