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These 29 Clever Drawings Will Make You Question Everything Wrong With The World. Графика (июнь 2009 – февраль 2010) Sergei Isupov. Xochi Solis. I Was Supposed to be Having the Time of My Life, 2011, gouache, acrylic, acetate, colored paper and found images on museum board, 7 x 5 in.

Xochi Solis

The Wild Side of Life, 2012, gouache, acrylic, acetate, colored paper and found images on museum board, 5 x 3.5 in. Ed Fairburn. Pencil on a cropped map of the English Lakes – specifically Lake Windermere.

Ed Fairburn

Ink on a 1977 road map of Germany. Pencil on celestial star charts. Pencil on a geological map of Pennsylvania, 100cm x 60cm. Ink on reproduced military map of the Western Front (WWI) ILLOS: RECENT. Retratos III / Portraits III on Behance. SAORI KANDA LIVEPAINT@Jz-Brat 2009/05/02 #006. SAORI KANDA [LIFE ALIVE] 2012. Johan Thörnqvist » art. I only used photos taken with my phone for these: « Previous ·« Previous ·· Next »

Johan Thörnqvist » art

Heston's Fairytale Feast.


MESSAGES IN ART. c2152. Personal Work - Art - Pat Perry. Painting My Dreams. Sins and Virtues in Art. Laura Laine’s Fashion Illustrations. Laura Laine is an amazingly talented fashion illustrator.

Laura Laine’s Fashion Illustrations

She has studied fashion design at the University of Art and Design Helsinki, with a focus on fashion illustration. After completing her studies she has been working full-time as a freelace illustrator. British Figurative Painter Hamish Blakely. Hamish Blakely.

British Figurative Painter Hamish Blakely

Viva la Diva A painting should speak for itself. As Fritz Lang, the great Austrian film maker and director of “Metropolis” stated, “When a director makes a film and it doesn’t express what he wants to say and he needs to give an interview to explain to an audience why and what; he is a lousy director.” I certainly don’t suggest an Artist be aloof or even this dogmatic, as I have enjoyed countless discussions with collectors that have left me with a vivid and refreshed perspective of my work, but it is a striking remark that applies to Art; a painting should grab the viewer without an essay or speech, leaving further explanation supplementary rather than vital.

Where possible, my own thoughts should recede to allow space for the views of the audience. Hamish Blakely's website where you'll find his new works and more. Hamish Blakely. Leslie Ditto. 18-Year-Old Creates Surreal Artworks to Express Emotions. Growing up can be a challenge, especially in the teenage years.

18-Year-Old Creates Surreal Artworks to Express Emotions

Some people use writing or art as a creative outlet for all the emotions they keep inside. Sebastian Eriksson is an 18-year-old up-and-coming surrealist artist living in Sweden. Not only is his artwork amazing, it's extremely thought-provoking as he adds descriptions of how his pieces relate to his life. For instance, in the piece above, he states: "This is another paradox that I've been working on for a couple of days. It describes a person with psychological problems such as schizophrenia, insanity, depression or other mental problems. And for the piece immediately below: "One day I felt like I was lost and I had too much things to think about. We've all felt like Sebastian, but most of us do not have the talent to draw how we feel.

Inspirational Photo Manipulation by Erik Johansson (21 pictures. Inspirational Photo Manipulation by Erik Johansson (21 pictures) By Village Mayor • Apr 19th, 2009 • Category: Art, Latest Post, Photography, The Best of Village of Joy Meet Erik Johansson,a young yet very talented artist from Sweden.

Inspirational Photo Manipulation by Erik Johansson (21 pictures

He creates his wonderful images by digitally modifying photographs that he took himself. When you look at his photos you can see not only the mastery of photography but also great photoshopping skills. He has very brave ideas, skills to implement them and good sense of humor. Rainbow Dreams of a Mad Hatter. Whimsical and colorful is GeorgiaTh’s artwork, which includes re-interpretations of the Mad Hatter (at top), and what looks like influences from “The Silence of the Lambs” (1991) film poster (below).

Rainbow Dreams of a Mad Hatter

Her digital creations tend to resemble infrared radiation, and in some cases, negative photography. The Bizarre, Flexible Paper Sculptures of Li Hongbo. What at first look like delicate works of carved porcelain are actually thousands of layers of soft white paper, carved into busts, skulls, and human forms by Beijing artist Li Hongbo.

The Bizarre, Flexible Paper Sculptures of Li Hongbo

A book editor and designer, the artist became fascinated by traditional Chinese toys and festive decorations known as paper gourds made from glued layers of thin paper which can be stored flat but then opened to reveal a flower or other shape. He applied the same honeycomb-like paper structure to much larger human forms resulting in these highly flexible sculptures. Hongbo recently had a solo show at Dominik Mersch Gallery in Australia who made the videos above, and you can see much more of his work on their website. Black Cloud: Carlos Amorales Adorns Gallery Walls with Thousands of Black Paper Moths.

Black Cloud, 2009, Espacio AV Black Cloud, 2007, Yvon Lambert Gallery Black Cloud is an installation by Mexican artist Carlos Amorales involving tens of thousands of black paper months affixed to the walls of large interior spaces.

Black Cloud: Carlos Amorales Adorns Gallery Walls with Thousands of Black Paper Moths

The piece was first installed at Yvon Lambert in 2007 and then in a different configuration at an old baroque church in Spain that was converted to a multi-use space called Espacio AV in 2009. Gorgeous. See much more here. Selected Objects from the Exhibition.