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Web Data Mining - An Introduction

Web Data Mining - An Introduction
Related:  Visual Thinking

100+ Awesome Open Courseware Links for Artists | Posted by Site Administrator in Learning Tools Nov 20th, 2008 By Kelsey Allen Whether you’re into art theory, studying ancient art or making art yourself, you can find a range of online courses and lectures that can help educate you on your field of interest. Check out these open courseware resources to learn more, get fresh perspectives and expand your artistic horizons. Introductory Courses Learn the basics from these courses geared towards the beginner. Introduction to Sculpture : This course will deal with issues central to modern sculpture like site, context, process, psychology and aesthetics as well as helping students to work with some more non-traditional materials. Images and Online Exhibits These museums and online exhibits are wonderful places to find free and public domain images for inspiration or scholarly art study . Smithsonian American Art Museum Online Exhibitions : The SAAM has a number of online exhibits that range from landscape painting to modern photography.

Behavioral Marketing | What is Behavioral Marketing? Explore the Strategy of Behavioral Marketing As you search through your favorite web pages, your eyes briefly drift to the side of a webpage. You suddenly notice the ads that have been sitting there all along -- ads that actually seem interesting to you for once. Also known as behavioral targeting, behavioral marketing profiles the prior behavior of online users in order to determine which ads those users will see next. Targeted advertisments are more likely to seem interesting to users, and take into account their individual preferences to display relevant content. What is behavioral marketing? As opposed to direct marketing, where advertisers send the same message to everyone—and expect a large portion of those people to reject the message—behavioral marketing takes online information and uses it to tailor the message to the user. Consider Facebook, where users share a variety of information every day -- not only about their likes and interests, but about their friends as well.

The Visual Leap - About Visual Thinking >> Home • About Visual Thinking About Visual Thinking Visual thinking, also called visual learning, is a proven method of organizing ideas graphically - with concept maps, mind maps and webs. Scientifically based research demonstrates that visual learning techniques improve memory, organization, critical thinking and planning. Visual thinking is an intuitive and easy-to-learn strategy that works for many academic and professional projects. The more complex the task or idea, the more useful this approach can be. Visual Leap programs use visual thinking software as a learning tool, and this software accelerates the learning process. According to studies conducted by the Institute for the Advancement of Research in Education, visual learning techniques improve: Test scores Writing Proficiency Long-term Retention Reading Comprehension Thinking and Learning Skills Visual thinking is intuitive. Visual thinking is easy to learn. Joseph D. 37% of people are visual-spatial learners.

The 6 critical questions guaranteed to drive your social media strategy If you made ladders for a living and sold them to big chain stores, how much of your budget should you spend on social media marketing? Should you step it up? (Sorry, I can’t help myself sometimes). This was a real question posed to me by a reader last week and as I walked her through the six key questions that lead to social media strategy I thought this would be useful information to share with you. Undoubtedly, most companies should have a social media presence today. But let’s assume you’re like 95% of the businesses out there: You need to do it. When I’m working with new clients, the roadmap basically boils down to following the line behind six essential questions. Here we go … 1) Can you finish this sentence? This is the most difficult task in business. Are you the fastest, cheapest, highest, lowest, most convenient, most colorful, most … what? Are you unique because of your experience, your location, your service or your flavor? 2) Can our culture sustain a social media strategy?

Home - Visual Thinking Strategies BPTrends | Connect, Capture, Collaborate Economic pressures are driving urgent change in the UK public sector, with sufficient force that civil servants are starting to adopt approaches modern even by private sector standards. For example, recent technical innovations include authentication for UK government Web sites via social media accounts such as Facebook (see There are also deeper, more cultural innovations. In this Column, I will discuss such an innovation – a new approach to change itself. Plan A The department store chain Marks & Spencer calls its sustainability campaign “Plan A”: We launched Plan A in January 2007, setting out 100 commitments to achieve in 5 years. The interesting thing about Plan A is that its basis is commitments. So far, we've Achieved 139 with 31 On plan, 5 Behind plan, 4 Not achieved and one Cancelled. Connect, Capture, Collaborate In the public sector, moves such as Plan A offer even greater potential advantages. Conclusion Keith Harrison-Broninski

How can I improve my short term memory? Q: How can I improve my mem­ory? Is there a daily exer­cise I can do to improve it? A: The most impor­tant com­po­nent of mem­ory is atten­tion. By choos­ing to attend to some­thing and focus on it, you cre­ate a per­sonal inter­ac­tion with it, which gives it per­sonal mean­ing, mak­ing it eas­ier to remember. Elab­o­ra­tion and rep­e­ti­tion are the most com­mon ways of cre­at­ing that per­sonal inter­ac­tion. One com­mon tech­nique used by stu­dents, is actu­ally, not that help­ful. These tech­niques do help you improve your mem­ory on a behav­ioral level, but not on a fun­da­men­tal brain struc­ture level. Focus Alert­ness, focus, con­cen­tra­tion, moti­va­tion, and height­ened aware­ness are largely a mat­ter of atti­tude. If you want to learn or remem­ber some­thing, con­cen­trate on just that one thing. Strat­egy: When you learn some­thing new, take breaks so that the facts won’t inter­fere with one another as you study them. Keep read­ing…

How to use social media at every stage of the sales funnel Thinking of social media as part of the phrase ‘social media marketing’ is an unduly limited way to approach it. Many customers are using social media more than ever before and the challenge doesn’t stop at marketing. We need to find ways to make meaningful connections with customers at every stage of the sales funnel. The purchase funnel is a consumer focused marketing model (just like social media) that has stood the test of time. Over the years, there have been various additions, modifications and adaptations to this funnel, based on changing consumer behavior and sales cycles. And that funnel is no longer a cone-shaped conduit that drains more and more customers as they pass through it. And it’s your duty as a marketer to keep it moving upstairs. So where does social media fit in? Awareness Your customers are just embarking on their not-yet-intended journey. The more consumers interact with your brand the easier they’ll be to market to further down the funnel. Engage proactively Purchase

60 Small Ways to Improve Your Life in the Next 100 Days Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to make drastic changes in order to notice an improvement in the quality of your life. At the same time, you don’t need to wait a long time in order to see the measurable results that come from taking positive action. All you have to do is take small steps, and take them consistently, for a period of 100 days. Below you’ll find 60 small ways to improve all areas of your life in the next 100 days. Home 1. Day 1: Declutter MagazinesDay 2: Declutter DVD’sDay 3: Declutter booksDay 4: Declutter kitchen appliances 2. If you take it out, put it back.If you open it, close it.If you throw it down, pick it up.If you take it off, hang it up. 3. A burnt light bulb that needs to be changed.A button that’s missing on your favorite shirt.The fact that every time you open your top kitchen cabinet all of the plastic food containers fall out. Happiness 4. 5. 6. How many times do you beat yourself up during the day? 7. Learning/Personal Development 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Gratis reclame: 3 voorbeelden van viaviamarketing Moyee Coffee wil door middel van fairchain koffie een revolutie ontketenen, aldus de website. Ze zoeken medestanders die radically good coffee willen drinken. Over die terminologie is goed nagedacht, zeg Sjors Boelaars, chef business to consumer van Moyee Coffeer. “Radicaal gaat over een revolutie in kwaliteit én in sociale impact. 1. Door te vertellen over hun eerlijk betaalde koffieboeren uit Ethiopië, probeert Moyee het publiek tot fan of ambassadeur te maken. De consumenten die Moyee op die manier aantrekt, blijven meestal langer. 2. Sociale media zijn vooral handig om je bereik flink op te schalen. Op Facebook nam de zichtbaarheid van posts de afgelopen jaren flink af. 3. Van Emmerik noemt ook de Pay it Forward-methode, waarbij je gebruik maakt van het netwerk van je volgers. Wolf-Amsterdam promootte bijvoorbeeld het festival Doorgedraaid met een wedstrijd: stuur je meest ‘baze’ foto in.
