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Crop Circles. Crop Circle Research: The 2002 'Alien Face' Formation. Paul Vigay takes a preliminary look at the 2002 'Alien Face' formation.

Crop Circle Research: The 2002 'Alien Face' Formation

Click here to see the original entry inThe International Crop Circle Database On Thursday 15th August 2002 I first heard that there had been an 'impressive' new formation discovered just to the west of Winchester (Hampshire, UK). Lucy Pringle immediately flew over the formation, confirming its location at Crabwood Farm, between Pitt and Sparsholt (SU 445295) and emailed me some initial photos - which as you can see are immediately recognisable as an 'alien face' with a circular grid containing some kind of binary data sequence. Lucy Pringle's Crop Circle Photograph Library : Main Index. Crop Circle Research: The World's Leading Crop Circles Research Site - Scientific evidence, investigations and research theories - Crop circle photos, diagrams and information.

Welcome to Crop Circle Research dotcom The World's Premier Crop Circles Research Site Crop circles are one of the most profound and mysterious phenomena of the modern age.

Crop Circle Research: The World's Leading Crop Circles Research Site - Scientific evidence, investigations and research theories - Crop circle photos, diagrams and information

Are they a communication from extra-terrestrials? Evidence of other dimensions or a catalyst to advancing our way of thinking? Governments have discussed them and then sought to confuse and misinform the populace through their control and manipulation of the popular media. The military have endangered life and safety in order to investigate and monitor crop formations, yet they deny involvement.

Hollywood has sought to manipulate the truth and credibility of scientific evidence and facts, yet film goers become ever more intrigued. Hoaxers have sought to deceive, confuse and muddy research waters, in the same way that computer virus writers seek attention and attempt to contaminate data. Some crop circles are hoaxed. We have a huge archive of research articles, indexed into category or research area. Editorial Comment:

Crop Circle Research: The Chilbolton 'Arecibo message' Formation. Paul Vigay looks at the Chilbolton 'Arecibo message' Formation of 2001 and compares it with the original SETI transmission.

Crop Circle Research: The Chilbolton 'Arecibo message' Formation

On Tuesday 21st August 2001 two new crop formations were reported near Chilbolton radio telescope in Hampshire, UK. Both were very impressive looking and consisted of a large number of small 'pixels', which when viewed from the air formed a recognisable shape - unlike many other crop formations. One represented a 'human face' and the other resembled a radio transmission that SETI (the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) sent from the Arecibo radio telescope in 1974. This latter formation will be examined in this article, in which I hope to not only describe and explain the original transmission, but also to examine and decode a number of significant changes occurring in the crop formation.

After speaking to witnesses, it would appear that the 'Arecibo' formation was created on August 20th. Crop Circle Research: SETI article - Is the Latest Crop Circle a Message from E.T? Crop circles.

Crop Circle Research: SETI article - Is the Latest Crop Circle a Message from E.T?

Undoubtedly you're aware of these intricate patterns carved in the wheat fields of (mostly) England. But could they be signals from visiting aliens? Despite the fact that many of the circles are known to be the work of pranksters, interest in crop circles has enjoyed a recent revival thanks to a pair of new patterns that appear in a field next to the Chilbolton Observatory in Hampshire, England. One is of a face, and many say that it looks like the archetypal "gray" alien so often seen in films and television. WELCOME TO THE CROP CIRCLE CONNECTOR. Crop Circles and More - shapes and geometries.

Crop Circles 2008. Looking at the differences in the Voyager image, considering their interpretations, and the image of the Crop glyph, I don't think that the glyph is telling us about the "race" that sent it.

Crop Circles 2008

I think it is telling us about US, our future state, and the state of our solar system. Why do I think this? Because all of the other figures are almost identical, from the symbols for the nucleic acids to the nucleotides in the DNA. This tells us that it is about US. And what else do we see? The other change that seems to be coming is in our Solar System. Following that, we have Venus, Mercury and the Sun as normally depicted. Now, does this mean that the Earth will acquire a twin; another planet, or does it mean a dimensional split of our present planet? Cassiopaeans: We are compiling an almanac as well as a manual for the entire Terran population there. Secrets In The Fields: the definitive crop circles book. For over fifteen centuries the mysterious crop circles have been mentioned in academic and religious texts.

Secrets In The Fields: the definitive crop circles book

In the 1890s farmers and military personnel witnessed them being created in seconds by tubes of light and other luminosities. But around 1980 the phenomenon went into overdrive and exploded worldwide, with some10,000 reports spread over 29 countries. A major controversy erupted followed by a pre-designed debunking campaign perpetrated by the British Government, the CIA, the Vatican, and their allies in mass media to brainwash the public that this has all been a human hoax. But 80 eyewitness accounts and the physical evidence clearly tell another story—that a genuine phenomenon is at work. So what are crop circles, why are they here and what is responsible? This book by veteran researcher and international best-selling author Freddy Silva is the most comprehensive account of the mystery ever published, much of it from personal and hands-on experience.