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Audi endurance experience. How Are Analytics Shaping Social Games? This article titled “The metrics are the message: how analytics is shaping social games” was written by Keith Stuart, for on Thursday 14th July 2011 15.08 UTC Picture this.

How Are Analytics Shaping Social Games?

You’re deeply engaged in one of the many free-to-play adventure games available online, when you decide to buy a bigger sword. It could be that you made the tactical decision to extend your armoury, or that you panicked when you spotted a gigantic dragon lumbering in your direction; you might not even know why you did it. You just fancied a bigger sword. But that action took you into the barely two percent of free-to-play gamers who actually pay for content – and the game makers want to know why.

The freemium gaming business is expanding rapidly. And what the big players have learned is that coming up with a great game concept is only the beginning. Alan Miller has been in the games business for over 30 years. It’s a strange business. But it’s not just about data mining and statistics. EA founder: we are in a dark age of video games (but Zynga is an exception) Software licensing has hurt innovation in the video game industry — with social game maker Zynga being the exception to that rule — thanks to large game companies like Nintendo, said Electronic Arts founder and social gaming company Digital Chocolate founder Trip Hawkins.

EA founder: we are in a dark age of video games (but Zynga is an exception)

“I think we actually had our golden age when game development was using floppy disks and it was an open free platform when we could all make games like we wanted to make,” Hawkins said. “Nintendo came along and software licensing came in and we’ve been in a dark age since then.” That’s left developers unable to build great games unless they have the support of major game publishers like Nintendo. That’s compared to social gaming companies or companies built on the web that are flourishing thanks to the open nature of the web, he said. Hawkins made the comments onstage today at the GamesBeat 2011 conference in San Francisco. Lolapps merges with 6waves to build social gaming powerhouse.

Two leading social game companies — 6waves and Lolapps — are merging today in order to form a more powerful challenger to market leaders such as Zynga and Electronic Arts.

Lolapps merges with 6waves to build social gaming powerhouse

It’s a sign of the inevitable consolidation in social games, where the reach to a large number of users matters the most. In this case, the combination could create an entity that has a versatile business strategy, publishing both internally-produced social games as well as those created by third-party developers. Hong Kong-based 6waves is known for its third-party publishing of Facebook games, while San Francisco-based Lolapps has excelled at creating games such as Ravenwood Fair and its Ravenstone Mine expansion game. Combined, the companies will reach more than 35 million monthly active users on Facebook. At the moment, that’s enough to make the combined company into the No. 2 game publisher on Facebook, behind Zynga with 274 million monthly active users. Le marché du jeu video à la fin d'un cycle. Les Français accros aux jeux vidéo. Le jeu vidéo, loisir préféré des Français?

Les Français accros aux jeux vidéo

Compte tenu des résultats de l'étude menée par M6 Digital et GroupM Interaction sur les comportements d'achat des gamers en 2011(1), on n'est pas loin de le penser. En effet, selon l'étude, 48% des sept à 65 ans jouent, même occasionnellement. Ce qui représente environ 23,5 millions de personnes en France. L'âge moyen du gamer est de 28 ans et il s'agit d'un homme dans 55% des cas seulement.

Il joue 4,6 heures par semaine, achète plus de trois jeux par an et dépense en moyenne 70 euros sur cette période. Mieux encore, si 21% des joueurs ont entre 16 et 24 ans, 22% sont âgés de 35 à 49 ans. C'est d'ailleurs dans le domaine des jeux entre amis que Nintendo a su tirer son épingle du jeu. 33% des personnes interrogées préfèrent la Wii et 27% la DS, console portable de la firme japonaise. Release_detail. Video Game Play Increases as Breadth of Game Content Grows Report Finds More Women, Adults Play Games June 7, 2011 – Washington, DC – 72 percent of American households play video games and 82 percent of gamers are adults according to new research released today by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA).


In a report released at E3, the world’s leading video game event, the data presented a consumer base that is increasingly diverse and receiving interactive game content on myriad platforms. The report, 2011 Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry, also found 42 percent of gamers are women and that women age 18 or older represent more than one third of the game-playing population. In addition, purchases of digital full games, digital add-on content, mobile apps, subscriptions and social network gaming accounted for 24 percent of game sales in 2010, generating $5.9 billion in revenue. Back to Top. Médias & Publicité : Les jeux vidéo sauvés par les mobiles et Internet. Le salon mondial du secteur, l'E3, ouvre ses portes mardi à Los Angeles.

Médias & Publicité : Les jeux vidéo sauvés par les mobiles et Internet

Après deux années records, les éditeurs et fabricants de consoles de jeux vidéo attendent à un millésime moins flamboyant en 2011. La raison est simple.