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Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat duis aute irure dolor. John Doe Web Developer Lorem ipsum dolor sit, consetetur sadipscing elitr, diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore. Clarinda Gratia Designer Mandeep Eimear Mobile Developer Wigstan Fergus QA Engineer. How to create your own URL shortener: Hosted or subscription, here’s what you need to know. If you follow TNW on social media sites like Twitter, Google+ or Facebook, you’ll have noticed that rather than use the full, ugly ol’ URL found in the address bar, we use a nice friendly shortened one like

How to create your own URL shortener: Hosted or subscription, here’s what you need to know

If you don’t follow us in these places, what are you waiting for? Do it now! Don’t worry, we’ll wait for you to come back before continuing. Right, all done? Good, now it’s time to check out some of the best and easiest ways of setting up your own URL shortener so that your links can look as professional as the best of them. Other benefits to having your own custom short URL are things like consistent branding and increased link trust – no one likes clicking on random links, so knowing it comes from a trusted source goes a long way towards increasing the likelihood that users might engage with it. If you’re looking for help in finding the perfect domain name, look no further than here for some tips. Host or subscribe? Bitly ➤ Bitly ➤ ShortSwitch ➤ ShortSwitch. A tidy repository of jQuery plugins. Croppic. How to Extend Twitter Bootstrap's Carousel Functionality. Bootstrap comes with tons of great, ready-to-use components right out of the box.

The true beauty of the framework, however, lies in the ability to build additional functionality for those features with relative ease. This especially rings true in elements like the built-in carousel/slider. For example, say your proposed site design doesn’t necessarily require a slideshow to infinitely scroll leftward (as is the default setting), or maybe you need to cycle several items within a single group.

This and other techniques can be simple to achieve with Bootstrap’s inherent accommodations to your supplemental styles and markup. The same idea can of course be applied to the other built in components, but let’s take a look at a few small carousel examples to get started with refining Bootstrap to fit your needs! Jump to: Applying Other Transition Animations Rotate Through Groups of Items Create a Fullscreen Background Slider Download Source Files for All Demos Applying Other Transition Animations.

Tutorial Demo. Selfstarter. List of Twitter Bootstrap Resources. Elusive icons, an icons font designed for use with Bootstrap. Creatiim - Créer un formulaire d'inscription en PHP. Bootstrap Magic : Generate simply your own bootstrap theme. Build a simple contact form using HTML, PHP and Bootstrap. Hello and welcome to my newest tutorial: Build a simple contact form using HTML, PHP and Bootstrap.

Build a simple contact form using HTML, PHP and Bootstrap

We will be building a simple contact form which will firstly validate the content posted then if successful, send an email with the details. Difficulty: Easy Before starting this tutorial I will assume you have a basic knowledge of both HTML and PHP, and also have setup a working web directory. We will be working with the CSS framework Bootstrap (by Twitter) to style the form. Here is what we will ultimately be creating: View Demo. So, where do we start? <! <! If you know how HTML forms work then you can see in the action attribute that the data will post to contact-form-submission.php. Let’s now create the PHP being the data capture and email sending. This code may seem quite confusing to a new developer, so I’ll go through it line by line and explain what the hell is going on.

Firstly we will check that the parameter save is sent to this file. The name is not empty.