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Twitter Bootstrap Button Generator

Twitter Bootstrap Button Generator

Bootstrap Form Builder Rendered source of your form: About Created By Adam Moore (@minikomi) to help take the stress out of writing all that markup to get bootstrap forms together. The original version of this was a big jQuery spaghetti mess, so as of March 2013 it has been rewritten using backbone.js and takes advantage of underscore.js templates. If you have a problem, or want a specific snippet added please check out the github project. Adding snippets is quite simple now (due to the rewrite!)

PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser 80 Awesome Twitter Bootstrap Templates To Get You Started Twitter Bootstrap is a powerful and easy to use framework enabling front-end developers to craft professional and high quality Bootstrap templates with flexible responsive layouts that look great on tablets, mobiles and desktops. Since its release back in august 2011 the development community has been growing fast, providing developers with the tools and knowledge to create ready-to-use, native Bootstrap html/CSS templates or themes that work on popular publishing platforms like WordPress and Joomla. One of the main reasons why Bootstrap is so popular is the ability to develop web apps and websites fast and its support for responsive design. Customers no longer accept solutions that ignore mobile users and with a steadily increasing number of smartphone subscriptions worldwide, responsive web design is the future of any serious business that wants to stay ahead of the competition. To help you get started, I have collected a list of my favorite Twitter Bootstrap templates. Article Index

Check websites for broken links — LinkChecker Introduction LinkChecker is a free, GPL licensed website validator. LinkChecker checks links in web documents or full websites. It runs on Python 2 systems, requiring Python 2.7.2 or later. Python 3 is not yet supported. Features recursive and multithreaded checking and site crawlingoutput in colored or normal text, HTML, SQL, CSV, XML or a sitemap graph in different formatsHTTP/1.1, HTTPS, FTP, mailto:, news:, nntp:, Telnet and local file links supportrestriction of link checking with regular expression filters for URLsproxy supportusername/password authorization for HTTP and FTP and Telnethonors robots.txt exclusion protocolCookie supportHTML5 supportPlugin support allowing custom page checks. Screenshots Basic usage To check a URL like it is enough to enter in the GUI client or web interface, or execute linkchecker on the command line. Other linkcheckers Test suite status

viljamis/ResponsiveSlides.js scottjehl/picturefill Un aperçu de Scrum pour néophyte … 05 mai 2010 Au cours d’une mission, j’ai été confronté à l’utilisation de Scrum comme méthodologie de projets. Suite à cette première expérience qui m’a parut satisfaisante, j’ai eu l’envie de partager ce que j’ai pu apprendre et comprendre pour en faire profiter d’autres qui n’ont pas eu ce privilège. L’objectif de ce billet se résume en deux points : Conserver le souvenir de cette expérience, et mettre en avant ma vision de ce que j’ai pu vivre et ressentir au cours de cette périodeFaire partager et mettre à profit cette connaissance. J’espère donner envie de s’intéresser au sujet, et pourquoi pas, de remettre parfois en cause certaines autres méthodes toujours adoptées sans vraiment pouvoir comparer Un aperçu de Scrum pour néophyte … Avec un cycle de développement classique, nous nous retrouvons toujours face à un contrat liant un Client, à la Maîtrise d’Ouvrage (MOA / AMOA) et à la Maîtrise d’Œuvre (MOE). Le Client va faire évoluer son besoin, si ce n’est complètement le changer.

Alsacréations : Actualités et tutoriels HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, standards du web 50 Useful Fresh CSS3 and jQuery Tutorials | CSS jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that emphasizes interaction between JavaScript and HTML. it’s also known for fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. Or in developer’s words “write less, Do more”. Modern web sites are designed to provide various types of interactions with users. CSS3 and jQuery effects are used in most of those situations. Now days jQuery is on top of its charm and everyone from design world love to experiment with it. Fresh Useful CSS3 and jQuery Tutorials In this compilation, we’ll take a look at some of the excellent CSS3 and jQuery tutorials to Enrich your knowledge as well as your site’s user experience. Experimental CSS3 Animations for Image Transitions In this tutorial you’ll learn some experimental 3D image transitions that use CSS3 animations and jQuery with the use of CSS3 3D Transforms for Webkit. CSS3 Image Styles Growing Thumbnails Portfolio

QuirksBlog Below you find the last seven QuirksBlog entries. By default, if you tap on a touchscreen it takes about 300ms before a click event fires. It’s possible to remove this delay, but it’s complicated. I investigated it. continue reading Desktop browsers have only one viewport: the browser window. continue reading In mid-May I’ll be on the West Coast for about 10-16 days, ending at HTML5 Dev Conf 19-22 May. continue reading A month ago Nokia announced its Nokia X product line which runs Android as its operating system. I have a theory about the Nokia X that I’d like to share with you. continue reading Three weeks ago I wrote about installable web apps. continue reading Yesterday I replied to a tweet by Marcos about “add to home screen,” and that kicked off a long and rather interesting conversation about installable web apps. continue reading Returning false, or calling preventDefault(), in an event handler is supposed to prevent the default action of the event. continue reading

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